Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

2 April 2013

Learning to let go

As I sit and write this, the sun is shining through my lady cave's window, I have my favourite music playing in the background, and I am thankful for how energised, content and relaxed I feel. It's day 4 of our Easter Long Weekend and it has been 4 days of blissful life catch up. 

I hadn't wanted to be in Perth though, nuh-huh.    

You see, for weeks, I had been hounding asking Morgs to puh-lease get on board the idea of mine to pack our car and escape down south for the 4 day weekend we are gifted over Easter. 4 wholeee days of relaxing in a country town by the beach. Sounds perfect right? I know. The thing was though, he just wasn't as enthusiastic as I was and said to just relax and allow this weekend to come and go, and for me to just absorb some me time, I think his words in fact were "just relaxxx honey, you don't always need to be doing something or going somewhere 100% of your time". 

I felt like my body was aching for it though, and yet deep down, I knew if I really wanted it - I would have booked and organised it regardless (better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission right?)

So what happened? 

I took my handsome man's advice and let it come - and go. 

Simply - I let go of the plans I wanted to make way for the plans I didn't realise I really needed. 

I slept in. I cooked delicious food. My love & I relaxed on the couch together. I went on soul nourishing walks. I spent quality time with my mum. I was present. I Relaxed. I caught up. 

Detoxing. No alarms. Bliss. 

I had time to breathe. 

To just... be.

So what was the lesson I took away from all of this? apart from the fact I really should listen to Morgs more often? 

+ That we don't always have to have plans or be somewhere or doing something just because we have the time to.

+ That it's ok to let go of the things we believe will make us happy, and follow that burning intuitive to find what will actually make us happy (less plans, more free time). 

+ To switch off and be totally ok with that. No plans, no to do's, no burning responsibilities.  

+ To invest more in self love. Giving bodies sleep if it calls for it, a walk if it calls for it, a nap if it calls for it and some switch off time (like watching an old favourite movie) if it calls for it. 


The Challenge: 

I want this week for you to be about slowing down. 

I want you to listen in to your body and mind and giving it exactly what it's asking for. We are in an age now where days, let alone months whizz by in blinks of our eyes - so this week is for you, and your precious hours to do exactly what you wish with them. 

Give yourself permission to say no to an event or a commitment if your body is calling for you to take a bath by candlelit instead. Maybe you've been in a bit of a funk recently and just can't get on top of it all. Well you know what gorgeous (don't tell your boss I said this) - but take a sick day for goodness sake. You're given those days for when you need it most and sometimes, you just need a reset. 

I want this week to be about you - your favourite things, nourishment, self love and life catch up. 

Go dip your toes in the ocean, watch one of your favourite movies you haven't seen in for-evah or dance in the rain because it will make you laugh. Fill a wholeeee day with your favourite things - a smoothie, a good book, a long bath and some quality time with your favourite person. 

I think we forget our easily we can choose our happiness - and this week is our beautiful reminder. 

Tune in deep this week - listen intently to what your mind and body is calling for and give it just that. 

With powerful intention and love for your best week yet, 

Anna xx

Images: here & here 

13 February 2013

Your Inspiration Vision Board

I think it's no secret that I am highly in love with anything to inspire my mind and soul and there is not a day that goes by where I don't look up sayings and quotes that do just that. I love that words can change your mood, your perspective, your day, hell, they can even change the world. I spent my Saturday afternoon pinning wedding stuff, but of course, got lulled back to reading amazing quotes that I just had to share with you today. I have compiled a montage of my favourites that I just know will have you smiling and leaving the page with more joy than when you first arrived. I would love it if you shared this page to anyone who you feel needs a little bit of love & inspiring at the moment...

20 July 2012

Inspirational words

I honestly sit and go through inspirational quotes, in fact, any quotes, at least 3 or 4 times a week. There is something about words that move me and inspire me. If I can get a burst of inspiration over my morning coffee on a day I need it most then why not absorb as much wisdom from others as possible. I love as well that reading quotes is free, it's such an easy thing to do but also is incredibly powerful. Today I thought instead of writing my own piece of Friday advice, I would share some of my favourite quotes and sayings that inspire me beyond belief. I hope you have gotten something out of my own little 'health' week on the blog - be it from regrets of the dying, learning how to combat cellulite or picking up a new recipe for green smoothies ...or maybe today is the day you are are my picks of beautiful words for the mind. I picked the top quote to start us off with as I believe it to be true - words & ideas CAN change the world, so make your own words & ideas kind, make them positive, and most of all - make them count. Have a safe & amazing weekend xx

p.s These were all taken from my "words of inspiration" board on Pinterest - you can find them all here

16 April 2012

Pinterest Loves

I had the perfect weekend by relaxing standards. There was lots of sleep catch up, long walks, Europe bookings and quality couch time with Mr M, topped off with a BBQ last night with good friends and cold cider. I had wanted to sink my teeth in to some little DIY projects Ive been dying to get around to but it seems finding accommodation for our upcoming Europe trip took the priority spot again. As we head in to another week full of unknowns, to do lists, meetings and dinner dates, here is what is catching my eye this week on Pinterest.

It's starting to get colder here in Perth (by my standards anyway) & I can't wait to start rugging up in warm winter knits and furs (faux of course)

I would love to do my room in all white with pops of colour only coming from beautiful fresh flowers displayed near big window sills

I read this over the weekend and fell in L.O.V.E - it gave me immediate inspiration to stay strong with all my big hopes and dreams and turn my own cants in to cans

Ever since my Bali getaway and my daily morning banana pancakes I crave them constantly

I saw this dainty hearts garland and immediately knew I have to add this to my DIY 'to do' list. I would use the pages of an old love story

10 April 2012

Pinterest Loves

I am going in to today after having the most incredibly fun past 4 days. We just had our long 4 day Easter Weekend and I made sure I filled it with a good mix of going out, staying in, yummy baking, fun adventuring, catching up with friends and having some quiet moments with Mr M, some of which will be shared on here over the next few days. As my quest of finding the perfect balance in life continues I seem to be getting more inspired than ever with cute DIY's (dying to do the wallpaper frames for my office), recipes I can bake over weekends and quotes that inspire. Here are the 5 things that are currently catching my eye this week.

I'm crushing any/all things knit at the moment but this outfit inspired me to no end with it's seemingly warmth and gorgeous pastel colouring. I need to add all of these pieces to my wardrobe LOVE!

I'm constantly looking for aqua inspired design ideas for my own office at home and this just made me fall madly in l.o.v.e

There is never any harm, ever, in reminding yourself that you should be and deserve to be chasing the life exactly like you imagined. I know I am

Being new to my sweet tooth the first thing I have mastered to eat is cheesecake, this, coupled with my current obsession with cooking/presenting things in jars I am dying to give this recipe a go

I am doing some of my own DIY wallpaper at the moment but saw this pic of framed wallpaper and loved the idea to brighten up our lounge room wall

2 April 2012

Pinterest Loves

I had a crazy week last week with work and life in general so didn't get to post much - if at all! I'm back this week with lots of posts to share. Something I do always have time for however is finding inspiration in all things Pinterest. Here is my weekly round up of favourite things right now. From braided up do's to home decor I would love to have or do all of these things below.

Loving this up do braid - my next go to style for a wedding or big event 

 I have always wanted to do this when I own a home 

Words I think we all need to be reminded of sometimes 

I have been meaning to make ice cream for months, and so when I saw this photo of coffee ice cream, well I just knew I'd found my recipe

A little DIY I am going to be enlisiting the help of Mr M with (to use the drill of course) LOVE this

26 March 2012

My minds organised mess

I have resisted for as long as hard as I could, but alas, my crazy organisational urges have given in. I'm talking about Pinterest people. I heard about it middle of last year, and thought there is no way I need one more online 'thing' to occupy my spare time that is already split between my business, blog, and other social media sites. I resisted, I really did. Sure I used it, constantly, for inspiration, ideas, pretty pictures, but I never wanted my own account where I would see my hours slip away. That all changed a few weeks ago when I couldn't resist any more. I know we all love Pinterest, so I thought I would start a weekly segment where I put up my favourite 'finds' in 5 categories - Fashion, Home Decor, Quotes, Recipies and DIY's. This is my first week so from one Pinterest fan to another, here are 5 things I'm currently l.o.v.i.n.g.

I love everything about this picture & need that bright orange clutch and divine fur coat

Mr M & I have just bought a blackboard for our kitchen, so I'm loving this inspiration for my future kitchen

I fell in love with this quote as I realised me wanting to give up on my big dreams sometimes isn't a sign of weakness, just a sign that they are big.

I have to make these - Caramel Brownies, I found a good recipie here

I'm making these for my office at home & loved finding colour inspiration. Step by Step DIY here

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