
27 August 2013

You are beautiful, you really are

I had grand plans this morning to sit and write to you about living a life of your ideal days but instead, my heart and spirit kept pulling me towards these divine quotes about loving yourself, all of you, and I feel like there are instead women out there who needed this message today. So here is the thing gorgeous;

You are beautiful. More than beautiful. 
Even your flaws and those imperfect parts about yourself in fact even just make you more perfect. 
Your beating heart and that exquisite soul that you have, that is what makes you so beautiful. 
Not friends unfair critisicim, or societys unrealistic body and beauty pressures. Or asshole comments on social media or anything that isn't your own truth. 
YOU are beautiful. Your smile. Your laugh. Especially in those moments when you can't see your true beauty, you are. If only you could see yourself the way those that see your essence see you. 
& on off days, or bad days or dark weeks, know your power. Trust your purpose. Keep the spark flickering inside you and just KNOW how beautiful and worthy you are. 
You are a divine being of light, a life participant, a universal being with love & light to give. You have a unique purpose you were put on this earth to live. YOU MATTER. 

So next time someone trys to dim your light, or you feel defeated, or stressed out or like it doesn't matter anymore... come back to this. You are beautiful. Your heart matters, your soul matters and you matter. 

1 comment:

  1. Needed to read this as i've been up shit creek since Friday (excuse my French :) )

    xo Stephanie
