
28 August 2013

Working out your ideal day + Living that

Everyday is another chance to change your life 

The sun starts streaming through the cracks of your blinds, you wake, and roll over next to the love of your life, your eyes are barely even open but you're already smiling for the day. You don't know what time it is, but it doesn't matter, you don't work, you haven't for months now, and life is bliss. 

You roll out of bed when you're ready and begin your morning routine. You hit the gym, not because you have to, but because you love to move your body and starting your day this way is what makes you happy. You wander home when you're ready, never worrying about what time it is, and make yourself a delicious nutritious smoothie, do some dry body brushing, take care of your skin with coconut oil, have a long hot shower, you do whatever it is that sets your day off right. 

Then the day is yours. You do your coaching calls or you don't. You go to the beach and write out your goals and gratitudes that you do every single day. You eat delicious salad and organic goodness for lunch in the Winter sun. You stop for an impromptu coffee at your favourite cafe back on the beach, because, well, because you can.

Time is not against you. Life is yours to live. 

You are, in every sense of the word, living your ideal day. You are doing what you want, with who you want, when you want. 

What I just explained above, is my current life. I was 20 when I first heard of this idea through Tony Robbins, in a nutshell, he said, work out your perfect day - what it looks like, what it feels like, what it tastes like. He then challenged if you were living it? No? Why not? Find your why and then your how will come. 

So this is my challenge to you today. What does YOUR ideal look like? What does it feel like? Taste like? What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you in the world? I want you to start living that. You don't have to not work either. We can get you to that stage, but you can still allow aspects of an ideal day in to your busy lifestyle starting straight away, & here are some of my tips how; 

1. Get clear on exactly what your ideal day looks like 

It's writing and creative time. Get a new page up on the computer or grab a paper and pen and start writing what your ideal really does look like. It doesn't need to be grand, remember, this is your every day life. For me, it began and ended with the sun, and it involved ALL of the above. Notice how a lot of it is what I wanted to feel. I was always so stressed about time - I had none, so my ideal day I wanted freedom of choice, to not worry about time, and to spend it where I wanted - like one day at the beach, the next at the zoo. It was freedom and joy and space in my life for me. What's yours? Write. Write for no-one but you. It might be sleeping in until 11am everyday, and that's fine if that's YOUR ideal day. Who is in your ideal day? Where are you? Just keep writing. 

2. See what comes up from that & start being more concious of those things in your life

Go back and read it a few times now. See what is coming up a lot for you. Is it family time? Freedom? Not rushing? Financial freedom? Work out what are the categories that come up the most for you and identify why those are most important to you. We can never have what we want if we don't even know what it is we want. So get clear, crystal clear - this all forms part of your why. 

3. Start small but start today

Don't think you have to quit your job and rush out immediately to start living your ideal day - because although I would love for you to be able to do that, it needs to be realistic. You would be surprised however just how much of your ideal day you can start incorporating in to your current lifestyle before living it fully. Do you want to just have 30 minutes to yourself every morning to sit and write goals? It might mean that you just have to get up a little earlier and you can actually start doing it. Think of it like this as well, say daily yoga is on your list, why not just start doing a half an hour class once a week. Like attracts like, you manifest what you think about and do, so if you start living aspects of your ideal day in your everyday life you will attract more of that a lot faster than  you realise. 

4. Visualise how it feels to live your ideal day & Write out your goals & gratitude's every single day 

If you do one thing on the path to manifesting and living your ideal day, Visualising living said day, and writing your goals and gratitudes without fail, will get you there and attract what you need in your life with so much ease and abundance. You don't need to write out your ideal day every day, but what is your ideal day going to give you. More time to spend with the kids? Write that. A more loving, passionate, calm, extraordinary relationship? Write that. Complete financial freedom with $x,xxxx rolling in residually each week? Write that. Never write that you WANT it either. To want something means you are in a state of lacking. Come from a place of having. Write that you already have it. This is what your daily goals should look like; 

+ I have a residual income of $3,000 a week or better with ease that allows me to live incredibly comfortable.
+ I have a loving, passionate, wonderful relationship/marriage with (insert persons name here) and we love, adore and support one another unconditionally. 
+ I have a successful business that touches millions of lives yearly and allows me to express myself freely and live on purpose.

See the difference between wanting something and having it. My gorgeous soul sister and business partner Peta Kelly said to me the other week "How on earth is the universe going to know what you want if you aren't telling it daily" - and she's right. 

5. Work towards it daily. Little by little, day by day.  

Never ever ever stop working towards it. Your birth right is a life filled with love, joy and peace. I am going to say that again. It is your birth right, to live a life that is filled with love, joy and peace. So go get it. I won't take any excuses from anyone that they can't do this. If you work on getting there, every single day, incorporating things that are part of your ideal day little by little - creating more space, more time, more calm, more happiness, more presence - you will get there. 


I have shared in this space before my ideal day. It was the week I shared I was leaving my job because I was in a position to do so financially and work on my other purpose and passions in life - like coaching and  chasing down dreams. I had an incredibly powerful week though this week - this is only my 2nd week not working and being home - as every single day, really was me living my ideal day. Why am I sharing this? Because I want you to see that you CAN do this. I don't write about it and have no experience or idea. I did the above steps, over and over and over and now get to reap the benefits. The travel part too - Since quitting I have bought tickets to Sydney, Bali and soon to be Singapore and booked a big romantic weekend down south. 

So here it is again, in all my soulful truth - my ideal day. CHOOSE YOURS. & let's make it happen for you.

My perfect day begins and ends with the sun. I wake up as it streams through my big glass windows waking me next to my fiance in our beautiful big warm house by the beach (or with rain pattering against the glass in winter).
I get up and drink my breakfast smoothie and laugh and smile and feel energised about the day ahead. I go for my morning run or do some yoga, or even both – time is not against me so I plod along as I please smiling all the while at how overwhelmingly grateful I am for this day.
I then have some hours engaged with my clients – I show up in our space online or in the corner of an organic coffee shop – with love & ready to give all of me and my advice, buzzing with energy as we dig deep and work on carving out their life’s path and souls purpose. Each client walks away every time feeling aligned, excited and closer to living their own dream life.
I then get back to emails in my business partners (Peta Kelly) & i’s dream office and we have our daily business meetings with natural sunlight streaming through the office, with beautiful views so we are constantly inspired and connected to our source. The meeting goes for however long we want to sit and talk about how we can give more, increase the love and good will factor and how else can we show up for our thriving community we’ve created. By afternoon I’m back at our dream home by the ocean with a big delicious green smoothie in one hand, my favourite book in the other on the balcony over looking the ocean  having some me time.
I have time every single night for date night with my hunk of a fiance Morgan and we eat by candlelit at home, or dine in our favourite restaurants with other best friends with no care for bed times  or tomorrows.
Every night I go to bed with a smile on my face knowing for that day, I left everything on the table. I loved with out wanting, I gave without expecting receiving, I showed up, I engaged, I laughed till my face  hurt & I made a difference in somebodies life (whoever I was connecting with for that day).
My ideal day is so fundamentally based around travel too. I will be in a position to look at Morgs (or call Peta or surprise my mum) and say ‘hey, let’s pack a bag and go to a tropical beach for a week or so to just unwind and relax. Or ‘lets escape to Melbourne for some shopping and restaurant hopping’ – having the freedom to do what I want, when i want with who I want – whilst always giving all of me in a loving and authentic way to inspire others to do the same encompassing my ultimate ideal days.

I would love to hear what your ideal day looks like, start to finish. Share it in the comments. Let's declare it for you, tell the universe what you want and start making it happen. 


  1. Love this post! I think it's time I declare my ideal day (so so so similar to yours! we're total beach/water/sun chasers)


    1. YES!! Get to it hun. I want to hear it and see it loud & proud (so doesn't surprise me it's similar as WE are so similar) xxxx

  2. Incredible post and so powerful Anna. Absolutely love it. And I am so gosh darn proud of you for living you ideal day, erryday x

    1. I am so gosh damn honoured and excited to be sharing the journey to get you to yours xo
