
23 August 2013

Links I Love

1. The Best Break up I ever  had - an article you HAVE to read right now. Em from Olive on Blonde got this piece so so right & I will be forwarding this to LOTS of girls who email me looking for where to start on their loving themself journey. 

2.  A life with no left turns - My bella friend sent me this and it is a darling story written from a son about his father. Read it. Just read it. Sweet, it won't take much time and you'll walk away warm and fuzzy. I took this away from it most; " nothing in life is so important it can't be put off another day or another week." 

3. 4 ways to connect with the Water element for Winter - A post done by Rhiannon Griffiths (from website of the same name) posted on the beautiful Claire from This is Lifeblood blog. After spending most of my day at the beach yesterday in Winter's sun when I read this post I felt it couldn't have been more perfect. 

4. A recipe for Raw Chocolate Tarts - dished up on the divine Emily's blog 'Bless this Mess'. Let me just say, you're welcome. These are going up HIGH on my to bake list. 

5. 7 ways (besides sex) to emotionally connect with your partner I wrote these out in my notebook when I found this article they are THAT good. If you are in a relationship...please read this, if you are a mum and have a younger daughter or son, send it to them! There is so much truthful amazing goodness in this article that has even helped mine & Morgs relationship (especially point number one) 

6. 20 things happy people never do - You want a quick article on an idea on things you can do to be a happier you? This article is for you. It is unreal and incredibly true. Print it out and remind yourself daily. Happiness is yours, you deserve that. 


Have a wonderful weekend sweet souls. Make some time for you and do one thing that you have been putting off doing but you know will make you happy. 


  1. Oh and they SHOULD be up on your to bake/raw bake list! They are incredible. I will dish you up some babe :) x

  2. The "Life with no left turns" still makes me cry, no matter how many times I read it :)
