
2 September 2013

Spring brings new Intentions

There is a certain energy in the air at the moment. A call of spirit. A sense of calm. An excitement of new beginnings and strong intentions and I can't help but think it has all be inspired by a change in seasons. 

Yesterday in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring Sprung and with new seasons comes fresh change, and I'm not just talking about the return of our warm sun or delicious sunny weather. I'm talking about energy shifts and big bold intentions. 

We are currently in September, a mere 4 months off from the end of the year, and as I woke this morning, I was overwhelmingly inspired to sit and pour some love in to setting my own intentions for the final leg of the year and this beautiful new season that is upon us. 

So what is an intention? If you're new to them, they aren't goals. To me, they are love soaked promises to your soul and being of how you want to feel, act and love. To live, with intention. Living with intention, Setting your intentions, it all creates wonderfully powerful magic in your life. At that moment, when purpose and intention align, the universe screams YES and life flows. Synchronicity is abundant and you gel with life with gusto and love. 

Intention is sexy. It's real. & if done right, with love and authentic energy - it will catapulte your life next level. An incredibly wise man named Buddha once said; "The mind is everything; what you think, you become" - and Buddha you were so, SO right. 

So grab a pen and paper, and let's get down with intention setting to live the rest of this year out with an incredible bang. 



an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
the end or object intended; purpose.
the act or fact of intending.

Dear Universe, 

+ I operate constantly from a deep place of love. I give love freely, radiate love and connect to my source of love at all times. 

+ I wake with incredible energy deeply grateful for each day from the moment I am awake. 

+ I live on purpose and with purpose. I am aligned to my souls calling and I will help all others I come in to contact with do the same if they choose that. 

+ I attract loving, supportive, successful, divine, authentic people in to my life who bring the best out in me and I give those qualities back. 

+ I go through my days with ease and love and attract abundance at all times. 

+ I am the healthiest I have ever been and that fills me with love and joy. 


Your turn gorgeous. There are 4 months of 2013 left. Let go of the anxiety about not yet hitting some goals you might of set at the start of the year and instead live with love and intention (& don't ever forget gratitude).You see, intentions aren't about what you will try to do or achieve goals wise, or pushing yourself - it's about living your truth and attracting more of the energy you want in your life. 

Your intentions will set you off on a path of attracting who and what you need in your life and will see your life become aligned and your spirit live on purpose. 

I would love to hear some of your intentions in the comments below. 

Images: here & here 


  1. Oh woman. How aligned could two souls get? Hehe! x

  2. I think I may be in love with September more than ever this year! My biggest intention: to enjoy every waking moment of the next 3 months because after that, that is it! No more university (for awhile at least!) But on top of that, I want to still enjoy everything life is offering me lately; river walks, new cafes, wine nights, bush walks! No bush walking in the summer that's for sure! x
