
14 June 2013

My Happiness List

So a lot has been happening in Morgs & I's life at the moment but even with all the mayhem, we really are loving every second. One of the big big things we have 100% committed to is that within 5 years we will be living our life as we please - with a comfortable passive income and a lifestyle we desire. That leaves us with 1,826 days to work our butts off to reap the rewards for the rest of our life. Don't think we don't strive for that every day either - a life full of what we love, because we have that everyday. This is deeper than that though. To set ourselves up to live comfortably and not have to have a job again. Yep, big goals, but it's going to happen.

We are stretching ourselves at the moment, pushing boundaries we haven't yet pushed in our 6 year relationship but are growing along the way - both independently and as a couple. It's exciting, and sure there are moments (after 3 weeks of night having 1 night off) that we / I am tired - but I know, in my heart of hearts it will be oh so worth it. 

With all of this in mind, I have a bucket load, as always to be incredibly grateful for, and below are just some of the things on my current happiness list (and mainly the lessons I'm learning from them. 

The Millionaire Mindset conference 

I spent my last weekend (we’re talking Friday night all day Saturday & Saturday night, all day Sunday & Sunday night) at THE most amazing, energy filled inspirational conference called Millionaire Mindset . It was an intense weekend filled with learning about how to shift your mindset to abundance and ease when it came to money, how to earn a passive income (hello never working  as an employee again) and how to let go of old programs that you have about finance that don’t serve you any longer. Did I also mention I got to do it with some of my inspiring team?? It was mind blowingly awesome and along with all of the above I also took so much more away – want to hear some of it?

“Don’t argue with the universe, that’s how struggle happens”

“Be integral with your word. ALWAYS. If you say you’re going to do something DO IT. Don’t say it otherwise. If you say you’ll call – call, if you say you’re going to show up, show up”.

“Where you spend your time and money is where your priorities lie – if you SAY your relationships (bf/kids/growing your business) is important to you but instead your spending 60 hours at work (in a 40 hour job) then your job is your priority. Balance is a myth but be integral with your word, if family/bf/business growing really IS your main priority then MAKE them a priority”

“When your WHY is HUGE then your how doesn’t matter”

“We teach the universe how to treat us”

"How you do anything is how you do everything" 

“We’re worthy because we’re alive RIGHT NOW. You’re here for a reason whether you know it or not”

...See I tolddd you it was amazing - this was just the surface of what we touched on, so so much learnt and so so much gained. 

This adorable little girl aka my niece

I know I have honoured my niece Delilah - even her name is divine - in this series before but honestly? She is ALWAYS on my happiness list. Miss D literally changes the way I view the world and has taught me so so much about presence. When I come home from my long day at work knowing my real 'work' has only just begun (emails, coaching, writing, phone calls) but Delilah is waiting for me to walk through the door - my world stops. Nothing else matters. She truly has taught me to just be in the moment. Totally, utterly, present. She is at a stage where everything is "what's that" and I can't think of anything more precious in the world than pushing every 'to do' aside and answering every single question or query she has. She teaches me to stop, to slow down, to laugh, to take joy in the smallest of things and really does have a gift of taking my mind off anything even remotley stressing me out. I love this little one with all my heart and soul and truly am honoured to be her Auntie LaLa.

My amazing & awe inspiring team of young leaders

Welcome to what is currently filling my life with joy, love, purpose and fulfillment & the revolution I am a part of that I couldn't be more excited about. You would have seen recently in my virtual spaces (facebook, Instagram & right here) me talk about the nutritional cleansing program that is now a huge part of my everyday life. With signing up to it, came with it a connection with like minded amazing humans and some real incredible leaders and new friends. There are now around 15 of us, leading over 500 Gen Y's (that number is growing exponentially daily) who are wanting to change their lives, earn more wealth, feel amazing and who are setting big BIG intentions and goals - the revolution is to live life exactly as we please with who we want doing what we want, when we want, and our vehicle - Isagenix, is allowing us to do that. We now hold Weekly "Wellness Wednesdays" and have a steady number of 80-90 people coming every single week. In fact, it has gotten too big for the house we were doing it at, so we've just moved it to a new bigger venue. It is the most exciting, amazing, inspiring group to be a part of and I still can't believe how I got so lucky to get involved when I did (p.s it's not to late for you if you want to see what on earth this is all about - drop me a line at and we can chat! Come along to one of our meetings if you really want to see what all the hype is about) 

Because it's so true. YOU ARE SO MONUMENTAL. Just show up. Show up every single day as the beautiful soul you are. It's ok if you don't know your purpose just yet, you're living so that is already enough purpose in itself to live with love and joy and fulfillment. You deserve to be loved, to be happy, to be seen, to be heard, to tell your story ... You deserve everything you want in this life and more and I will never stop reminding you of that. 


Your turn gorgeous. What are some of the things on your happiness list this morning? What's lighting you up, making you feel like the luckiest person in the world?? Share your gratitude in the comments below I'd love to hear them.


  1. My partner and I have always said we dont want to work for other people all our lives, while we both have great jobs theres something to say about making money for yourself that would be a lot more satisfying. That seminar looks pretty interesting I might have to check it out :)

  2. Wooooo, nice to see my blue scarf in the WW pics above ;)

    I am forever grateful for all my wrong doings in life because I'm just over the moon happy about where I am right now & all the people in my life today :D

    P.S Miss D in your fur vest is BEYOND adorable! x
