
11 June 2013

Stop playing small - turn your life up a notch (or ten)


Let’s all just breathe for a minute, step in to our place of love and security, leave our ego’s at the door and talk about…..your greatness.

Yes gorgeous, YOUR greatness. 

There has been this huge energy shift at the moment I am feeling that I want to grow and expand with momentum. Fast, beautiful momentum. The shift I am talking about is this growing energy of belief.

That it doesn’t matter if you had a broken heart and a harder life you can do it.

That it doesn’t matter if you are a little late to work out your gift and live your purposeyou can do it.

That it doesn’t matter if you’re not entirely sure how, but you for sure know your why you can do it.

It excites me, enthrals me, inspires me and keeps my own fire in my belly growing strong. It’s time to stop playing small. To stop being a spectator of life and jump in with your whole body screaming ‘HEY THIS IS ME, IM HERE & I WANT TO LIVE’ – and here is how I would love to gently guide you to do it…

Recognise your unique gifts & grow them

If you haven’t sat down yet and written with no inhibition, for 10 minutes what you really really rock at – I need you to do that now. You have gifts babe. REAL, amazing, unique gifts. I truly believe not uncovering those gifts, declaring those gifts and sharing those gifts is not only selfish – it is a slap to the universes face!! We were all born with a soul, we’re all different and we are all here to live our most extraordinary life – you can’t do that not uncovering your gifts, growing them and making them part of your purpose. Find them. Declare them. Live them. 

Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle

Don’t ever, ever, ever, everrrrr let anyone tell you you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough or anything enough to be whoever you want to be or do whatever you want to do. Because you can. You SO can and don’t you dare EVER let anyone tell you otherwise. It will be found, those that do are just trying to keep you in their comfort zone, are jealous of the positive changes you’re making and don’t understand your journey – none of which is reasonable enough for you to allow them to dull any of your sparkle. Shine as bright as can be as YOU. Nothing is as sexy as living unapolegtically as yourself and being authentic – so shine bright gorgeous. 

Start helping others 

The whole purpose of our lives, whilst all of us are living and breathing on this planet – is to help others . Truly, it is. When you develop your gifts and align more strongly with your purpose, you are by way of organic default, serving and helping others, and I can assure you, if you aren’t fully aware of your strengths yet, reach out and help others and those gifts and strengths will shine brighter than a diamond. Whenever you get stuck, whenever you’re feeling down, lost, anxious or unsure – reach out, and help someone else. It could be a loving text to say you’re thinking of them, a little gift to make them feel loved, a coffee date where you pay. You can even step it up a little more and offer your time – do some soup kitchen work at a homeless kitchen, volunteer at an eldery care home. Once you start to give back, to help, to serve – life makes sense. You gain the perspective most chase for a lifetime & fulfilment flows easier. 

Be a leader not a follower 

YOU were a born leader. We all were. You don’t need to think because you’re not loud enough, bubbly enough, strong enough, whatever it is you tell yourself enough – that you are better following than leading. ALL of you have the leadership quality in you. If you are someone that follows instead of living by example, leading authentically, then I truly believe you are playing small, letting external circumstances and friends and society dictate how you feel. Leaders know they control their own life and go and chase it. They choose better. They actively engage with life more. They know that their response and interpretation to a situation is what gives them their outcome and don’t let external circumstances dictate success or mood. BE THAT LEADER of your own life. 

You see gorgeous, you don’t need to play small, you have a right to live your truth, to pursue your passions, to earn an income from that and to live a life of your dreams. It’s do-able. It’s SO do-able, you just need to choose to stop playing small, start setting some goals and STOP letting yourself be a spectator of life. 

THIS IS YOUR LIFE. So start playing the leading role

Images: here


  1. Hello lovely... It has been wonderful watching your journey over the last 18 months. So very inspiring. Thank you for sharing what you're learning and for making me stop to think really hard about what's important, where I want to spend my time and how I want to love. Most of all, thanks for helping me see that I can change those things. Thank you for selflessly sharing, encouraging and coaching. You're fabulous x

  2. Hello lovely... It has been wonderful watching your journey over the last 18 months. So very inspiring. Thank you for sharing what you're learning and for making me stop to think really hard about what's important, where I want to spend my time and how I want to love. Most of all, thanks for helping me see that I can change those things. Thank you for selflessly sharing, encouraging and coaching. You're fabulous x
