
17 June 2013

Gratitude List

Some days, you're going to wake up and wish the hurt will go away. Or maybe you'll think that there isn't even any point trying anymore as the light at the end of the tunnel is too dim. Some days will be much, much harder than others and some days, there might feel like there's nothing else good to hold on to, but what I want to make you believe to your core, is that there is always, always something to be grateful for. If you woke up that morning, that is the greatest gift you have been given and an amazing place to start. Hurt fades. There is always a point to fighting for your dreams, and goals and feelings and there is always good in this world to hold on to. 

You are a beautiful soul, seeking out what it is that makes you feel good and trying to find some purpose and fulfillment in this life. Don't ever fret if you haven't worked it out yet the fact you know that you want to is the most important part of it all. 

On your journey though, and in those moments of self doubt, fear, negative mind talk, total unsureness - be grateful, for even the tiniest of things, because gratitude makes your life full. 

The Challenge

I challenge you to buy a journal to carry around in your handbag, and when you get stressed out, when you have a negative thought or start to get stuck in an unhappy mood, pull out your journal and write one thing that you're grateful for. It doesn't need to be a big thing, it can be that your ipod happened to shuffle 3 of your favourite songs in a row that morning (because we all know how freaking amazing that is when it happens). The trick here is to just fully release that there is so much more positive energy you can commit to and be grateful for that serves you, instead of getting stuck in negative thoughts or attitudes that don't serve you.

I actually do the above, and here is a small snippet of what was found in my 'inspiration journal' from my week. 

+ My hot shower this morning. The fact that I can trust when I wake from a deep sleep, I can have a hot shower to clean my body and have those minutes to relax. 
+ The cappuchino Morgs woke me up with on Saturday to let me sleep in an extra 10 minutes. 
+ My Morning rituals before this crazy stressful day - it offers me peace, energy, calm, a feeling of fulfillment and I am blessed that I am committed to my self love each morning to set me up each and every day to start my day right. 
+ The girl dancing away in her car this morning that made me smile and wave and remind me that life is too damn short to not dance to your favourite song, no matter where you are or what you're doing. 

Gorgeous, when you're showing up to life fully, the universe rewards you, you will be on purpose and that is the greatest gift you can reward yourself and others. Showing up means being mindful of your thoughts, being authentically you, having a heart that's full of gratitude, being kind, sharing joy, giving. I implore you this week to show up. BE YOU. Shine bright, be grateful and when the negative anything creeps in - pull that journal out and counteract it with a positive thing you're grateful about - if you commit to this fully, I warn you, your life may take a life changing turn for the best. 

With a heart full of love, and a belly full of gratitude,

Anna xx


  1. this is a really beautiful post! it really is important to be grateful for everything in our life. :)

    <3, Mimi

  2. Hi Anna, I think I will take your advice on this ;) I read the things you´re grateful for and Morgs is such a sweet boyfriend and fiancĂ© and I always dance on my favorite music (or at least move my head and enjoy every second of it). :D
    xx Eve.h
