19 November 2013

My Happiness List

I struggle to actually put in to words at the moment exactly what it is I am grateful for and what's making my happiness list when I feel like it's just everything. Does that mean life is perfect? No, life isn't meant to be perfect, it just means I am embracing more than ever every up and down and ebb'ing and flowing with life like nobodies business. There isn't any secret to life, there really isn't, you just have to be open to every failure as a beautiful lesson, wake with deep deep gratitude, chose to be happy and have FUN.

I have, at this point in time, fallen in love with the imperfect perfectness of life and all it's beautiful joy and mess and that is what is making my life so rich. Here are just a few things that contribute to that wealth of love, joy and peace.

Beach days + Goal writing + Cafe hangs 

There is no doubt about it. Water is my muse. Being by the ocean or in the ocean is so fundamental to my Joie De Vivre and not being chained to a 9-5 desk anymore I spend a LOT more time by the water. I was doing my gratitudes on a weekly Monday biz call this week and my main one was dunking my head under the salty water at the beach for the first time this Summer. It's not a lie when they say the best things in life are free, and being able to soak in the divine sunshine on a beautiful Perth beach is one of those 'how lucky am I' activities. Living in divine ole Perth with it's delicious beaches certainly helps. The fabulous Bib & Tucker now being situated on my fav beach - Leighton - also helps oh so much....there isn't a week that goes by where I don't wander in for some champagne to toast life (p.s try the pulled pork and fish taco's there - it's my fav!)

Good books, but more specifically, my current read; The Secret ... 

'For someone who whole heartedly believes in manifestation, gratitude and law of attraction, I am almost ashamed to admit I had in fact never read the book the secret, that was, until recently when I popped the book in to my suitcase as we jetted off for Bali. It was d.e.v.o.u.r.e.d. SO enjoyable to read and lightbulb after lightbulb and aha moment after aha moment. The words leapt off the page to me and so much clicked. I also believe in reading the same book a few times to learn different lessons, so I am starting this one again in a few days, but if you have read it, I encourage you to go back to it with a new set of eyes, and if you haven't ever read it - slap it high on your to read list. If you can truly believe that whatever you truly desire can be yours, then this is the book to solidify it even more.

This Guy + officially being business partners now 

So not only is this handsome guy my fiance and best friend, we have recently thrown business partners in to the mix. A mentor of mine said to me when I was 18 years old; "the man you marry won't ever have to be like you, he doesn't  have to like the same stuff you do, have the same drive that you do, or want the same goals that you want in life, (he knew I was driven even back then). What is required from him however, is he never stand in your way, he let's you go after your goals and supports you whilst having his own interests in life". I never really fully understood the weight of that until 2 years later, when Morgs and I had been dating for just a year, and I decided, at 20, still at uni, I wanted to get a business loan and start my first business ( my dating website Possibly Maybe). He didn't tell me why it might not work, he embraced my desire to go after the goal and never once stood in my way. The advice started to make sense. He didn't want to be a part of it, but he supported me with all he had. More recently, I found and ran with the extraordinary nutritional cleansing company I am now 100% aligned too. The same thing occurred. He didn't fully get it at first, and it wasn't something he seemed interested in but he supported me and let me fly none the less.

Now though? After never standing in my way the past 7 years and let me be the crazy person I am with huge dreams and a go go go energy, he has come front and centre in to the business and we have combined to be a business partnership. It is SO fun and we are learning so much more about each other even after 7 years of dating. He has is own goals in the business now and it's my turn to never stand in his way, but this dynamic of adding biz partners to our list will be high on my gratitudes until we are old and grey I know it.

Breakfast dates with divine souls

It's no secret that breakfast is one of my favourite meals of the day, and not only my favourite meal, but even more favourite x infinity when its shared with the most divine souls on the planet. I always say it but it's getting declared here again, I really am SO blessed with the kind of girlfriends I have surrounding me in my life and recently I got a double dose of gorgeous'ness when I met up with Deanne & "The other Anna O" in the same week to talk all things boys, business, goals, weddings, love, travel and just general juicy stuff of life. Deep, loving friendship is a key to happiness in life. Fill your life with shit, negative friends - and you'll sure enough have a shit, negative experience. Fill your life with beautiful, supportive extraordinary friends, and you can guarantee you will have beautiful, supported and extraordinary experiences. These two girls are just part of my tribe I feel deep gratitude for daily. 

Dates at the beach drinking French Champagne

This was an extra special day as the divine soul pictured with me here is one of the girls I coach who has just been able to leave her 9-5 to pursue a life of her dreams. Does she know get to do her business meetings wherever she pleases now? You betcha. Does that also mean a little french champagne had to be involved? Ab-so-lut-ley!! This is why I do what I do, to be able to celebrate in incredibles women's success and empower them to live a life of purpose doing whatever they please - with a residual income with an amount they decide they want. It's exciting. It fills me up and it sets my soul on fire. 

Seeing Beyonce Live .. yep that happened

There are actually no words for this. Truly. Queen Bey has been an inspiration of mine for-ev-ah and so when I heard she was coming to Perth it wasn't even an option. We were going! Beyonce was actually even one of the first posts I ever did on this blog; I look up to her for how she goes after all her big dreams and goals and lives up to the spirit within her. On a Saturday night, in little ole Perth, with my babes by my side, I got to dance and scream and smile my way through all of the songs I adore and see the Queen in action. It was surreal. It was something I'll remember forever, and it's certainly an experience I hope to re live again. So.much.FUN.

The fact that Summer is on the way ... 

I am a lover of all seasons, I really am. I LOVE the smell of rain in Winter, I adore crunching leaves and rugging up in Autumn and I can't help but fall in love with the colours that pop up in Spring - but there is something about Summer that captures my heart and soul. I don't think anybody can be in a bad mood in Summer. The sun is shining, your skin does get darker, water at the divine beach gets warmer,, drinks get colder, nights get longer and life really DOES get better. One thing I have always been grateful for is the fact I get to live in a country, and Perth, where we actually experience all seasons. So Summer, you saucy, saucy minix - I am SO ready for you and your hot days, long nights and fun times. 

Love always, 

This eternally grateful human xx


  1. Oh I wish it'd be summer over here, too!!
    All of the things you stated are on my list of happiness too!! :)

    xoxo Cent4urThoughts

  2. I hope you know that these happiness lists also make me happy! Not because there's a little mention about me but because you live your life 110% of its full capacity & it shines oh so bright! How lucky are we to live in such a beautiful city & be on this amazing journey? xxxx

  3. Hello Anna, Beyoncé´s gig must have been Awsome with capital A. She surely is the most extraordinary lady walking on this Earth. Much like you :) I am grateful for your posts which keeps reminding me about what really matters in life.
    xx Eve.h
    PS: I envy you the starting summer. It´s almost winter here in the Czech rep and the weather gets more and more November-ish every day.

  4. LOVE this post, you gorgeous girl! xx

  5. Stumbled across your blog - love your energy. Its great to find a fellow Perth Blogger!!



  6. Divine babe, just divine! You have such an awesome energy honey - I LOVE it x

  7. Anna, you've found a once-in-a-lifetime fiance; even married people won't go into a business relationship if one party wasn't totally into it, but your fiance is different. He probably got his business drive from you. Haha! It seems you're into a lot of stuff and that they're all looking good, so he got inspired on what you're doing.
    Cameron Scott @ ImmediateCapital.com


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