3 April 2012

Love & Marriage

"I, Julia, take you, Andrew, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

This past Saturday I bore witness to my gorgeous cousin Julia, marry the love of her life in what can only be described as the perfect day. They choose close family and friends to promise their forevers too and everyone in the church was moved as they said their I do's. It was so intimate, so personal and you could literally feel the love between them as each word was spoken. She was the most stunning bride in a traditional white dress and you could see the excitement in her husband to be's eyes that he was hers as she walked down the aisle for the first time. We topped the day off with the most fun reception held in a restaurant over looking the sea, and it honestly was just...perfect.

I take being a wedding guest exceptionally serious. It is a tremendous honour to be chosen to be the witness two people you love dearly promise vows to one another and be part of a support system in their lives. 

So here are some pictures from their very special, very amazing day.


  1. Everyone around you is getting marriage I'm sure you gonna be the next. How cute it is to see two people loving each other to be reunited forever. Btw you were gorgeous in that dress you and Mr M make a such beautiful couple :)

  2. Hi Anna, first of all thank you for your amazing comments you left on my blog yesterday. I was so very pleased to read what you wrote. I do think about you often too. :) Anyway I like weddings too. My boyfriend´s brother is getting married in September and my boyfriend is going to be his best man. In the Czech rep. weddings are usually huge so he´s going to give a toast at the wedding reception in front of sixty people. Lots of stuff to do... I believe you had a great time at the wedding. You looked gorgeus and I can´t say enough how perfect couple you make with Mr M ;) xoxo Eve.h

  3. Oh my goodness what a gorgeous wedding. I think the last time I've been to one was about 10 years ago!

  4. Such a beautiful wedding ceremony and from your description of it, sounds like it all went perfectly. She made an exquisite bride...weddings are always a heartwarming event. You look absolutely stunning too!

  5. Awww, congratulations to your cousin! It looks like a beautiful wedding.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. Congrats to your cousin! Love weddings!! I'm loving the table tag; Paris. xoxo

  7. give your cousin my congratulations :) looks like a beautiful ceremony. I love weddings, they're so fun!

  8. Ah, how sweet! The cupcakes lok so delicious! Cheers to the happy couple!

  9. gorgeous photos! she is a stunning bride!

  10. So pretty! And I love the cupcakes :) Check out our Spring Giveaway and enter to win a gift certificate to our boutique!! http://bit.ly/H6zWJ4

    xx Julie xx

  11. Gorgeous! Beautiful wedding--such nice pictures! I love your dress too!

  12. What a beautiful wedding - I'm sure you had a lovely time!

  13. omg, so beyond beautiful. fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, Lauren Conrad has picked me as one of her 3 favorite bloggers. It would mean the world if you could take a second to vote. Thanks, love. xo


  14. The ceremony looks so beautiful, great picture. The cupcakes look equally amazing!

  15. weddings are always romantic, makes me happy :) great blog!

    Club Monaco Bracelet Giveaway
    ChicPear Fashion Blog: www.chicpear.com
    ChicPear Bloglovin

  16. What a beautiful wedding. We are going to his brothers wedding in June and I'm so looking forward to it.



  17. Thanks girls, it was a seriously amazing day & I have to agree, she looked stunning :) xx

  18. Looks like a beautiful wedding! Those cupcakes look amazing!

  19. LOVE your nude dress!!!

    xo's, Vanessa


  20. Looks like a nice wedding!


  21. What a gorgeous day, your cousin looks radiant! I love that moment when the bride comes in... I make a point of looking at the groom's face because the play of emotions is always so incredible.

    As always you and Mr M. are looking fabulous!

    Thank you for your gorgeous comment, you're very wonderful xx


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