28 July 2011

It's just one of those days

Do you know those days that feel like they're never going to end and you're just never going to get anything productive done? TODAY friends is one of those days for me. I don't feel guilty as I think we're allowed a little day 'off' every now and then and today just happens to be my unscheduled day 'off'. I have had to keep myself motivated by reading gorgeous quotes - I'm that friend who loves all those lame cute emails about inspiration and jokes that aren't funny, and scouring through my favourite online websites for some shopping inspiration. Here are some pictures that have helped me keep smiling today that I hope bring a bit of light to you too.

Maurie & Eve Winter 2011 collection 'Daria Twist Dress that I STILL love & am still trying to get my hands on - sold out everywhere! ] 

Sweet words to remind me that relationships are what's important in life ]

 [ Style Stalker jacket I have had my eye on for a few weeks ]

[ Finding inspiration with Chic office designs to give me ideas for my own office space ]

And to share a little bit of cute with you - here is what Tarzan my beloved boy of 5 years was doing last night during our big Thunder & lightening storms.


  1. Oh, I know those days... I'm having one today as a matter of fact :)


    Fashion Fractions

  2. Such a cute post-and I'm totally having one of those days! I'm soo sleepy!

    ps-love the office space inspiration!


    Erin @ http://www.trufflesnruffles.com/

  3. That Maurie & Eve dress looks like a knockout.

    Have you tried eBay?!!

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    totally seeing red

  4. Guess it's going around!! Love that first dress! xo

  5. Oh well I'm glad I wasn't the only one! :)
    & Kel - I HAVE! :( I am destined to have that dress, but it's just an effort finding a place that has it. I will prevail (if I do you can be sure there'll be a post with me in it).



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