
16 June 2014

Making every day count

You know sometimes, there are those moments of chance that you act upon and the simple act alone can change your life dramatically? Those moments that you’re not expecting, and the lesson doesn’t come immediately, but from the act alone. Those moments. 

It happened to me a mere 2 days ago as I was rushing to catch my plane to Bali. I normally always come prepared with soul defyingly good books tucked neatly away in my carry on luggage, but for some reason, this trip I had forgotten. So as I rushed past the newsagent steps from my gate, I took a risk and dived in to the aisles to make a hasty choice on a book I could devour by the pools. 

Best decision ever. 

I picked up a book by a favourite inspiration of mine - Robin Sharma titled "Life Lessons from the monk who sold his Ferrari" thinking it might hopefully be as good as the first book I had read from that series 'the monk who sold his ferrari'. Not only was it 'as good', it exceeded every expectation. 

I am an inspiration junkie. I am attracted to any words, pictures, movies, or seminars where I think I could burn my passion a little brighter or become more connected to something far greater. And this book delivered that. 

There was 101 life lessons - all of which I resonated with deeply. But there was one particular lesson though; lesson 72 - 'See your day as your life' that particularly resonated a little harder than others and made my heart beat a little faster than normal. 

It read; 
"The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant, friendly party, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away', observed Emerson. As you live your days, so you will live your life. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of thinking that this day does not matter much given all the days that lie ahead of you. But a great life is nothing more than a series of great, well lived days strung together like a beautiful necklace of pearls. Every day counts and contributes to the quality of the end result. The past is gone, the future is but a figment, so this day is really all you can own. Invest it wisely. 

It continued to make my heart beat a little faster again with this; 
"Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Lost opportunities rarely come again. Today, vow to increase your passion for living and multiply the commitment you will bring to each of the days that will follow this one. Many people think that it takes months and years to change your life. respectfully, I disagree, You change your life the second you make a decision from the depths of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being.

Expansive. Soul Swelling. Screaming to the sun 'hells yes'.  Heart beating kind of goodness. It was going in to my concisous somewhere a lot deeper than other words do. It's because the message amongst his words spoke such truth. 

Life is just a series of days. Lived, one after the other after the other, after the other. Neither is any more special than the last, each one containing a sunrise and a sunset, and another 24 hours. And yet there are some days I think - it's ok, I don't have to do better today, or it can't wait for tomorrow, as it's "just another day". But it's so not. 

Every single 24 hours we have the chance to live again. Our hours turn in to days, that turn in to weeks, that turn in to months that turn in to years. But ALL our time passes day by DAY. So that is the trick to this living thing - living each DAY like it is your most special one. Here's the thing as well, you don't know when your time is up so imagine living each day as if it was your last. 

Would you hit snooze 4 or 5 times? No you would be up with ease at sunrise in awe that it might be your last. Would you get agitated in traffic? Nope, you might turn up your favourite tunes a little louder or take the time to call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in awhile (on blue tooth of course). Would you let self hate or loathing stop you throughout your day - buying that yummy lunch, saying hello to strangers because you want to, writing a big love post on your social media platforms? Nope - because all judgement would go out the window - as that day would be it to do it. 

Every single day you have a new 24 hours laid out in front of you like a gift from the universe/mother nature/God/Science - whoever or whatever you believe in. It's yours to do whatever you like with - so don't waste it. Just remember that life isn't big bold grand gestures and singular days you remember, it's living consciously, day by day making the moments count. It's realising that you have every day to write a new story, to be grateful, to be happy and to make a different in your life and others.

So how can you make your days count or be just as special as those days you feel alive on holiday, at Christmas or on a really good day you have just had on your weekend? Here are just some of my gentle nudges with love...

+ Wake up earlier. 
+ Make sure you are happy with where you've chosen to be at this stage in life, and if you're not, change it. Without delay. 
+ Spend 5 minutes each morning writing what you're grateful for. 
+ Watch the sunrise or the sunset, at least every day.
+ Practice the art of presence in all that you say and do. 
+ Stop rushing. Stop it. 
+ Be a better listener - remember we have two ears and one mouth, you might be surprised at how much better you connect and how much a deeper connection you have. 
+ Create a beautiful home. I think a home is a reflection of the life you THINK you deserve or what's going on inside your mind. Keep your house spacious, clean, tidy and have things you love in it. 
+ On that note; don't wait to use the good glasses, dinner set, champagne glasses - EVERY day should be celebrated. 
+ Toast more things - I don't have one glass of champagne without toasting to something - good health, good friends, sunsets ... whatever is currently filling me up. 
+ Eat good, healthy food - your body is a temple and one that must be respected daily.
+ Move your body - whether it's a 10 minute walking around the block or an hour in the gym...just move your body. 
+ Don't touch your phone in the morning until you have at least done your gratitudes, kissed and said hello to your loved ones and eaten breakfast. Facebook. Instagram. Emails can wait.
+ Meditate. Daily. Without Fail. 

And lastly;

+ Be more, do less. 

If this was your last 24 hours here on earth how would you be spending it? Wildly in love with your family. Forgiving. Thoughtful. In love. Hungry for fun. Present. Are just some of my guesses - but the beautiful thing is you can have that kind of day everyday, and THAT is what creates a magnificent life. 

So what are YOU going to do today that will create a more magnificent life for yourself? I'd love to hear it even if it's one word in the comments below. 

Images; here and here 


  1. What a beautiful post miss!

    I could go with watching a few more sunsets :D

    1. Damn it, I meant sunrises!!!

    2. I SO knew what you meant as soon as you wrote it as I knew you were a sunset junkie like me! Sunrise is actually my real favourite part of the day. There is a time just before you feel the world wakes up. Before the sun is even awake. And its you. Your sense of serene calm and awe. THEN...the sun starts to peak through and its a rush of gratitude. Sunsets evoke strong emotions too but just a different kind. BIG LOVE ANNA O you are simply the BEST xoxo

  2. Berada di dataran tinggi Minangkabau, tepatnya berada di perbatasan Bukittinggi Sumatera Barat. Kawasan yang satu ini lebih di kenal sangat luas sekali oleh para wisatawan dan di kenal dengan nama Ngarai Sianok. Di mana saat mengunjunginya kalian semuanya dapat menemukan keindahan alam yang sangat menakjubkan.
