
9 June 2014

Blazing a trail of passion & purpose & why I LOVE Network Marketing

Snapshot of our life over the last 14 months 

I had just left the Chinese restaurant. Heart thumping. Wild excitement coursing through me. A sense of 'is this really possible' running through my mind.

And the one person - after Morgs of course - I had to call, was my mum.

"Mum! It's so crazy. I just left dinner with that girl Peta I was telling you about. It's CRAZY. I had to call  you as I'm honestly that excited. I think this is something that has the potential to seriously change my life. I just bought some incredible products - that I still don't even fully 'get' - that could change my health back around but there is something else about it. Apparently I can get paid for simply sharing the gift of health. EXACTLY what I want to do! Wellness. Health. THIS is what I think I've been looking for without even realising" 

Mum: "that's so exciting sweetie, and you know, it sounds like Network Marketing" 


It was the first time, in my life, I had heard 'Network Marketing'. I just thought 'cool' - and that it MUST be related to something like an incredibly rad opportunity that comes knocking on your door that could genuinely change your life. And I truly honestly mean that, is it was exactly how I felt.

I raced back through the door when I got home to a grumbling, sceptic, un sure Morgan. He of course immediately jumped on to google to research the health products and company I had just said yes to followed by a concerned conversation saying I am probably jumping the gun a little bit and to calm down - yeah right - HA. As if that was ever going to happen.

It was my health we were talking about. My health. The ONE thing that is most important to me. My number 1 value. Health that, although pretty good - had been niggling at me for a long while giving me signs not all was right on the inside. I had bloating. Gut issues. Constipation. I lacked energy. I couldn't get a proper handle on my stress. I was developing feelings of anxiousness, and most visibly - my skin had started to have these frustrating breakouts. So there I was, like a kid on christmas eve, excited to think maybe, just maybe, a simple, all natural, mostly organic, affordable, sustainable program could give me my energy, sleep and health back.

Long story short. It did. 

Something else happened also though. Something critical to changing my life. 

People started asking what I was doing to look so fantastic and what was I doing to have changed my health so noticeably and naturally. It was Morgan first. The worlds biggest sceptic was stealing my products by Day 3 as for the first time ever I was sleeping solidly through the night and waking up with energy. Then it was the girls at work. They noticed my moods were so much calmer, my stress was gone, my bloating - gone (no more looking 3 months pregnant at 3pm in the afternoon.) My skin, clear for the first time in 18 months.

I was a healthier, happier, more balanced version of myself.

And I was ready to share the very program that got me to that point with anyone who wanted the same - the most optimal health of their life.

And I did.

Cue, Network Marketing 101.

Then something started to happen. Isagenix started to pay me as I was sharing the gift of health with others. My first deposit for the first pak I got for Morgs who remember, had wanted to improve his own health that very first week was .... $79.80. 

I was blown away.

I thought right ... this company is actually congruent with their vision which is to free the world of physical and financial pain. Something I too instantly aligned with and got red hot about.

I had gained back my health, AND I was now gaining back extra income as a reward for sharing health. I was living proof the company did what it said it wanted to do - create physical and financial freedom.

It was then I knew Network Marketing truly was for me and I was going to own the PANTS off of it.

I also knew I was in fact already doing it. We ALL are. I was posting coconut oils I used on my Instagram - and girls bought the same product. I was posting amazing new restaurants I was trying around Perth and in places I travelled to like Bali - and people were going there. I was recommending make up to girls when they'd compliment my complexion - and they'd go straight out and buy it. It's just, those companies I was referring tens and tens of girls to weren't paying me it went all straight to their bottom line. 

Network Marketing is loving a product, using a product (key importance there!), referring others to it if they want it....and getting paid by the company because of it.

I was starting to learn a-lot, fast, and quickly realised that I had found the key to both health and living in the 21st century. I also found my new passion and purpose in life. Simply put, it was to help others experience what Morgs & I were ... a happy household. No stress over money. Bills getting paid with ease. Not having to go to a j.o.b that didn't light me and earning an income that was directly proportionate to the effort you put in and the lives you help change.  

Within 3 months, we had started to live our most abundant most extraordinary life, and we wanted that for others - whilst p.s always putting our health first and helping others do the same. 

We developed this vision as we wanted to share living an extraordinary life with others ....

HOW Personal wellbeing? through the incredible products and health you gain back.
HOW Business excellence? through using the system, sharing the system and living the life of your dreams. Living out a day of ideal days  and creating an abundant extraordinary life for yourself.

Here was the other thing though - I could so authentically and passionately create this vision .... as I had created both myself - I was, and am living my vision.

So just how much has it changed Morgan & I's life since we began 14 months ago? Here are some fast stats for you ... 

+ I matched my full time Income with an Isagenix residual 'income' within 3 months on the products.

+ Because of the above, I 'retired' from the corporate world and stepped in to the exciting wonderful world of 'living a life exactly how I please every day helping others do the same'. Fact.

+ I hit a residual income of 6 figures with the company within 6 months.

+ 12 month mark I had turned my 30 day cleanse in to a multiple 6 figure residual income.

+ Retired Morgs from his j.o.b to also life his life exactly how HE pleases and help others do the same as of Friday 30th May 2013.

In 14 months, I had turned my corporate income of $1,100 a week - where I was helping no one but my bosses line their pockets from the mining boom - I was a business development manager for a Mining Services Company - in to a $5,000+ a week income and helping hundreds of people change their lives through gaining their health back and too bringing whatever income THEY wanted in to their households.

Hard to fathom? It was for me too, especially in February when Morgs & I had our biggest week ever - of over $7,000 for the week. 

That was directly proportionate to how many people we had helped that week though - the divine key of this business. 

Our business income is now double digits a month - and because I am aligned with one of the fastest growing, phenomenal, abundant, attitude of 'the sky isn't even the limit so go for it' companies - that monthly income will be 6 figures monthly by the end of this year. Fact. It's like anything in life, you set big goals, you work hard, you play harder, you get rewarded. 

I decided to share the above not for any other reason but this; financial freedom and earning a living around the dreams and goals you have vs fitting your goals and dreams around what you earn - I believe is everyone's birth right. TRUE wellness doesn't end in the mind or body - it also extends to your bank account.

And I want to help you start claiming that birth right but I have to show you it's possible and REAL first. 

Don't think it's selfish to earn more either - my best friend had a vision to create 'earn more to give more' and it's something I am a big part of. Earning MORE to give MORE in the world. We give to charities, to start up companies, to orphanages, to causes that don't always get the spotlight or money but need it as bad as any other foundation in the world. Without earning what I do, without striving to earn more - I couldn't contribute like I do, and give what I do.

So WHY do I LOVE Network Marketing, but way more than that, why do I love it with the extraordinary company I am personally aligned with? 

& more importantly - WHO am I wanting to work and play alongside and help them create a life of their dreams.

If you have read this & resonated going 'you know what, I'm ready to step my life up a little bit too' ...  then I want to chat to you if you are ... 

+ A fearless female who wants SO MUCH MORE from life and NEVER wants to accept that you won't get 'paid' to be a mum. You have a great corporate career but know that eventually when you stop work to fulfil being a mum .. you will loose an income. Guess what? You don't have to and I want to chat to you. 

+ Couples who don't want to fight over bills anymore. Who want to own the home but not stop travelling. Who just want to be able to live a happier, more abundant, healthier life but just had no idea how they were going to do it working 9-5's. Guess what? You can have ANYTHING and everything you want in life if you work at it and I want to chat to you. 

+ Mums. Mums who want to not have to go back to work and stay at home raising their beautiful babies and kids but would LOVE to feel better, have more energy, but earn a really comfortable weekly residual income just by helping other people. Guess what? You CAN get paid to be a mum and earn whatever you want and I want to chat to you. 

+ Anyone else who truly resonated with this post. Who wants more from life. Who is desperate to dance to the beat of their own drum. Who wants to challenge the status quo. Who wants to play bigger, show up bigger in this world and serve a greater purpose. Guess what? That is a huge part of why you're on this earth and I want to chat to you. 

THAT'S why I love Network Marketing. Because I get to play a role in helping other people do the above now - to not be restricted by their bank balances. To let go of financial stress. To earn what they deserve through effort & helping others. Mums earn income for being mums. Couples stop arguing and raise a happy household and relationship. Individuals just yell YES and dance to the epic beat of their own drum whilst showing up so much bigger in the world. 

As I said, I want to help if you resonated - and you can find me at the end of; 

Look forward to helping you blaze your OWN trail of passion and purpose and live the life you love and truly deserve. 


  1. I'm so proud of you Anna. I love thinking about how far you've come since I met you as a rat bag 19 year old ;o) I always knew there was a superstar locked away in you, just bursting to come out. I also know your journey is far from over. You are going to be one of the great leaders of your generation. B xoxoxoxo

  2. Love this so so so hard! Just looking over all those pictures, it's so crazy to think how much your life has changed in the last 14 months! So frigging proud xxxx

  3. Just received a check for over $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn taking paid surveys from home...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid $500 for doing paid surveys to set the record straight.

  4. Kemenangan Manchester City juga berarti mereka meraih target pertama mereka di musim 2020/21. Kemenangan atau hasil imbang melawan Porto di Matchday 5 akan membuat Sky Blues memenangkan grup.

    Klub Mancunian kesulitan di awal musim ini. Setelah memainkan delapan pertandingan di Liga Premier Inggris tahun ini, Sky Blues menemukan diri mereka di tempat ketiga belas, start terburuk mereka di bawah manajer Pep Guardiola.
