
1 April 2014

Sense of Place. Sense of Worth.

A lot of things pop in to my inbox ever since I became my own boss just because I decided to get healthy. Beautiful updates from clients who have regained their health, incredible thank you's from mums' who now earn an income from home and don't need to go back to work and just random bits of hello's or love. A very special one arrived in my inbox last week though that deserved my undivided attention - and got it. 

A video from a very wise and great guy friend Josh, who had seen this video on YouTube and thought I would enjoy it. He was correct. The beautiful women presenting, and one of my new shero's comes in the form of Australasia's leading nutritional biochemist Dr Libby Weaver. 

Caring. Fierce. Incredibly Intellectual & touching on almost every subject that is very dear to my heart and why I have the vision I have Dr Weaver has it all. The video I am sharing to me is a must watch. So you need to open your diary, find 18 minutes, and settle in with a cup of coffee or peppermint tea - and watch what this divine woman has to say.

She wants us women to be more kind to ourselves - with what we eat, drink, say and think and I couldn't agree with her more.  One of the most straight to the heart pieces was what she said about not yet being brave enough to be a mother .. it had me in tears in my lady lair as if I am bold enough to say it, it's my fear as well. 

"I'm not brave enough to be a mother. Because I can't imagine, being the mother that I would want to be, whilst still doing my mission in this world"

Any strong, intelligent, incredible woman who can get on stage and be that raw and honest has my full attention and respect 

As I linked in my above opening statement. I get to be my own boss now, and it all came about by just wanting to be more healthy, from being clean on the inside, and that has led me to what is my multiple six figure business today that I achieved in 1 year. It was also from that, my fiancé (who now also does the business with me) & I developed our own vision and something we are so passionate about; 

I'm excited to be living in a world where we as women CAN have it all and I am excited about being part of the generation to do just that. We don't have to not be brave enough to be mothers to not live out our other missions and we can get paid to live our purpose - whatever that may be. And THAT is what I help women do all over the world today. 

You're always welcome to be a part of that vision too - especially if what Dr Weaver said in the video resonated with you too on any level. It IS time to start taking better care of our health, the way we speak to ourselves, what we put in our bodies and how we perceive ourselves. 

I want to leave you with some of my other favourite pieces of divine wisdom I got from Dr Weaver in that video and would love to hear your own in the comments below. 

My fav quotes from Dr Weaver + Tedx Video 

"When you see the human body mapped out like I have, you see the absolute miracle that we are"

"If you knew who you truly are, you would be in awe of yourself"

"If you don't feel like you are enough, you don't feel like you have enough, so you live your life in the pursuit of having and gaining more and more"

"The way I was living was unsustainable. So even with all of my knowledge, and all of my rituals, I still fell in to the trap, of trying to please every single human in my realm. & wanting them to like me."

"Rushing Womens Syndrome" - it's time to put our oxygen masks on first, before we can be of service to others." 

"A little girl spinning around singing, knows she is precious, and we were all born with that knowing. She lives every moment from that place, and we were all born with that knowing. but we loose it."

"When on earth did it enter our psychology that we need to sacrifice our health to make everybody else happy."

Your turn; What resonated most with you in the video? Have YOU been a woman that hasn't been taking good enough care of herself? Well beautiful, today is the day to start. 

Image; here 

1 comment:

  1. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So big companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, participates in surveys and gives them their opinion.
