
16 April 2014

Finding your purpose in life

Oh. Why hey there you. I am so glad you’re with me in this exact moment as it’s right where you need to be. How are you feeling? Breathe. Sit with me for a moment and just be aware of the space you’re in. Is it calm? Relaxed? Or are you a little stressed and overwhelmed. Whatever space it is, I need you with me, all of you with all of me so clear it all out – and be open for what Im about to say – and hey, I need you to listen, really listen.

Are you ready?

You are actually a miracle. Fact. You, sitting here in front of this screen, reading these words. With your beating heart and incredible mind. With your breathe and your nuances.

A remarkable miracle, here on earth, born for a reason. You’re not here by chance or luck, you are here because you have purpose. A big one. You were born for a reason, and let me assure you, that your life’s mission was never, and will never be to just get by, it’s not just to exist. No freaking way.

Your lifes mission is to LIVE.  Live with gusto. Awe. Wonder. To play. Laugh. Get excited. Feel aligned. Be connected. To serve. Give. To wake with a fire in your belly so great you can’t help but to leap out of bed. To receive all of lifes gifts. It’s to know true happiness.

Heavy stuff? Not a chance. It’s pure FACT. Divine truth. Your birth right is to live a life of love and abundance and if you’re accepting anything less, then gorgeous, it’s time we got you back on the path you were born to be on.

At the moment I am truly blessed. I get to work for myself doing work that fills my whole heart and soul. I get to visit the beach on sunny days. I get to chose where I travel to in the world and when. I get to chose an income and earn it. I get to live my life of ideal days and genuinely help others do the same. There really was a journey to this life I now get to live though and my own life’s mission now is just to wake others up to their own greatness and potential and lead them to their own version of freedom, abundance and love.

So, with your permission, I’d love to share some little things you can start doing today, right now, to start heading back to a life of living, not just existing. That’s ok? Wonderful, I knew you’d be up for it…let’s begin then shall we?

Always want more

This could be the same as ‘never settle. Always wanting more means never accepting status quo. It means seeing barriers and breaking through them. It means setting goals that scare you because you ALWAYS want more. More from life, more from friends, more from love, but even most importantly more from yourself. Being the miracle that you are you have enormous capabilities to love and to serve and to give and to laugh and to have fun and to set huge goals and achieve them. Sometimes though, or even more sadly, regularly, we don’t want to deal with fear or rejection and so, we settle for less – we live a life that’s comfortable. I assure you though, you don’t want comfortable. You want more. You’ve got a goal to start your own business by 30? Why 30? Why not see if you can’t start putting things in to play now? That’s wanting more. You have achieved great success in a big project you’ve been working on that lit you up? Do something even grander and of more service next time. That too is wanting more.

Someone that wants more is the one you see dancing completely to the beat of their own drum living an extraordinary life – be that person.

Be grateful

An attitude of gratitude attracts abundance. Fact. The more you are grateful the more wildly phenomenal your life will get. It’s science I swear. I can single handedly point to massive growth and happiness in my life when my gratitude grew and grew.  Every time you are actively being grateful, genuinely grateful, and expressing that gratitude in all areas of your life – more magic will occur (miracles, if you are open to that word). If you look at all the successful people in the world, and I don’t mean just riches, and tried to find a commonality amongst them all, it would be – gratitude.

If you struggle with daily acts of gratitude, just start small. When you awake, say thank you for the simple reason you are in fact awake. Being alive is in itself a big enough reason to be deeply grateful. If your favourite song comes on the radio, smile and express gratitude. If you love coffee and can sit and your work desk with a hot cup of Joe’ – smile and express gratitude. Even simply if you have two working legs, arms, eyes and ears – smile and express deep, deep gratitude – because what a gift of health that is.

Something magical happens when you start to express more gratitude too – and not just miracles – MORE of the good stuff gets attracted in to your life and you will start to find more and more things to be grateful for. By focusing on what you do have you attract an energy of abundance – so start to flex this muscle more and more and more until gratitude is a natural daily practice all day everyday.

Be open

To be open is to live.  Being open can be so beautifully and simply put as not judging. So you disagree with someone because they don’t look or sound similar to you. That’s totally ok, accept them anyway. Or maybe you have worked yourself up because someone had a different opinion to you that you got quite angry over. Breathe. Look at different opinions as gifts and that you got to hear a different version of events that you had not looked at in that light previously. I sometimes just sit in gratitude I in fact live in a country of democracy where people are allowed to have their own opinions. To be open is to live a life with open ears, open eyes but most importantly an open heart.

Gorgeous, guess what. Shit happens.

People will have different opinions. Things will not always, in fact sometimes rarely go to plan. Life will have ups and downs. You will have bad days. There will be dreams and goals you have to let go off.  Those you love you may lose.

Be open anyway.

Life is meant to be lived with open ears, open eyes and an open heart. The disappointment, prolonged hurt, anger and hate comes from closed ears, closed eyes and a closed heart.

Be open to new ideas. New adventures. New ways of thinking. New food. New people. New travel suggestions, new opportunities – but mainly, just be open to what life has to offer you as it all is a gift with the lessons we are gifted to learn. 

Live everyday with awe and wonder – everyday 

It’s the small things in life. Happiness doesn’t have to be elusive because nothing major has happened or is happening in your life. That barista that put a love heart or leaf in your coffee? That should make your day. Because frankly, whether they’re paid to kick ass at their job or not, they really didn’t need to go that extra mile – but guess what? They did. Your favourite song that comes on the radio? Your mind should be blown. It sounds silly (maybe) but to me, this is a love of fulfillment.

We were born with a natural awe and wonder. When our parents used to blow bubbles and play peek a boo – we thought it was the most magical thing in the WORLD – and yet somehow, somewhere along the way, we completely lost our way. Everything became normal. Boring. You’ve got to get BACK to that awe & wonder. It’s time to shake of the shackles of normal and wake back up.  You have sunsets, and laughter and love hearts in your coffee and divine choice for things like cooking your favourite food for goodness sake. Pretty wonderful

So here we are. If you’re still here, reading these words, I honour you. My only wish in this life is to live a life I am proud of with joy and love and service and help anyone willing to do the same to do so. The above words are soaked in honestly, truth and love, and if you can even start small, and adopt one – your life will have radical change.

It just starts with the openness to want it bad enough – and I hope you do.


  1. Just what I grateful you are there, in my sphere, sharing these wonderful universal truths...beautifully written Anna

  2. this blogpost is just my favorite i have read it like 5 times and keep coming back to it! Anna... you really just know how to put things into words LOVE xoxo
