16 July 2013
Links I Love
1. This photo. It's pure perfection. The water. The feeling. The calm. Perfection.
2. How to create purpose in your life by setting intention. Oh so much yes in this. "Discipline your mind to think in a positive light" - was just one of the amazing things of goodness in there.
3. How to step in to your future now - There is nothing like a fresh dose of reality served up exactly when you need it and this is what this article did for me.
4. This Green Smoothie Recipe over on Lorna Janes blog - so delicious, so good for you, so apt for Green July.
5. Some freaking amazing quotes on living your best life - because quotes are what inspire my mind all day every day.
6. 19 successful people who had a rough time in their 20's - if you want some inspiration to know that it's ok to have bad days, or off weeks or hell, bad years, then this goes through other people who went through their own troubles in their 20's to come out on the other side.
Great pics!