
22 July 2013

4 ways to live a happier life

Life, whether you are having a great day or a bad day, truly is a beautiful, overwhelmingly extraordinary gift. Here we are on planet earth, just far enough away from the sun to sustain life, living and breathing, being gifted day after day after day.

Whatever you believe in, whatever cards you've been dealt, it is our duty and obligation to full comprehend that life truly is a gift and is yours to honour and to live with gusto.

We choose what we feel, what we experience, what we interpret, so today I am challenging you to always choose happiness and here are some of my ways I seize my days.

Be more Grateful 

Did you know that? No, did you really reallyyyyy know that? Gratitude, and expressing gratitude is so fundamental to living a more joy filled existence. Starting every day with gratitude can solely change your life. As soon as your eyes open, smile, because you have a new day that is yours to fill with anything and everything that you love. 

Have you been able to wake in a warm bed? How incredibly lucky. Were you then able to jump in to a hot shower and wash your skin? Even more amazing. Do you have the love of your life living with you or some adorable kids you have brought in to the world? GIVE THANKS.

We get so caught up in what's not going right for us these days that we forget to give thanks for what is going right - so much of our days and moments are things we take for granted, but it is all things to be grateful for. Once you start finding gratitude in the small things, like a hot cup of coffee, or a smile you got from a stranger, you will start to attract more wonderful things in to your life. Like attracts like, the law of attraction works in marvellous and beautiful ways. Like Shakti Gawain says - "If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations." 

The more you strengthen your gratitude meter the happier you will become. Don't ever let another day pass without at least writing either in the morning or at night, 3 things you were happy about. Buy a journal or even just scribble it on the fridge, but jot down what you are grateful for, your gains, little or big, significant or not, and watch your life change in an instant and the law of attraction welcome up some beautiful moments for you. 

& remember....

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us be thankful - Leo Buscaglia

Quit Comparing

Does it feel like your girlfriend always seems to just be so flawless even on bad days? Or the places you hang out online recently all seem to be flooded with the same girls killing it? Or maybe you are not where you want to be weight wise and if you could just loose another 5kg like that girl you see at the gym? 

STOP IT. Right now. Don't ever waste another minute or slice of your precious energy on comparing yourself to someone or something seemingly 'better off' than you.

We were all born as complete individuals in a vast and astounding world. We each carry a unique soul, a unique set of fingerprints and a unique dna code. We each value things differently, have been brought up with different values, and react to things differently. So why would you ever for a second compare where you're at or what you look like to anybody buy yourself? 

They say the only person you should ever compete with is the person you were yesterday, and it's so true. I also loved reading the quote up above - don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. Let go of comparitinitis - and start living your own story, dance to the beat of that own amazing drum and start living your own life. You are so stunningly divine and have so so much to share with the world as yourself. As soon as you can harness that and start living that truth, that's when you will grow exponetially and wonder how or why you ever compared in the first place. 

Where you're at and how you're doing it is just fine babe, perfect in fact. 

& remember...

"If you're your authentic self, you have no competition" - Scott Stratten

Be of Service

One of the fastest ways you can improve your day is by improving someone else's. The minute you take the focus off you and how you can help yourself, and instead shift your energy towards helping others, the minute your life will take a dramatic turn. 

We are here to align with our purpose and ultimately, each and every one of our purposes is to serve others. Through helping others we help ourselves. It costs nothing to smile at a stranger, to offer to carry an older person's groceries to the car, to go and read books or paint nails in the local aged care homes. It costs nothing to give a genuine compliment, to give your time at a hospital or for a great cause and it costs nothing (in hindsight) to donate small amounts to great wonderful causes. 

Life is on fire when you serve,  it gels, it aligns, you vibrate at a higher frequency - it just it makes sense. So next time you're having an off day, or week or month - give some time to a worthy cause, give an unexpected compliment or try to make a goal to make at least 10 people laugh in that day, not just because they're worth it...but you're worth it.

Exercise Daily 

That's right, you have to get up, and get moving. We all know the benefits of exercise, you know, stuff like reducing your risk of getting heart disease, increasing your level of muscle strength, enhancing your sexual desire (yup) and helping you to more effectively manage stress, but it also just feels really fucking good

Endorphin's are clever, amazing little things that kick in after a good solid work out, they really are a free high. Even if you can just get up and get moving for half an hour a day, be it on your lunch break, or even before and after work you will feel so so much better for it (not to mention start looking healthier and in turn happier as well). 

There really are no excuses. Winter is always going to come, so we need to just embrace the cold, if you're tired in the mornings, go to bed earlier, if you complain you have no time, then we need to talk - there are 24 useable hours in a day and you might need to just look at how effectively you're managing your time. Getting up and getting moving is so important to a happier and healthier body and brain function so make a promise to yourself that there will be no more excuses and if you do fall off the wagon, you don't waste a minute in time getting back up again. 

Images; here, here, here, here & here 

1 comment:

  1. i really, really love that first quote! i totally agree with it. :)

    <3, Mimi
