
21 May 2013

The Secret to happiness; You get to CHOOSE how you feel.

I want to get a little personal here. Maybe even step on a few toes, but it’s been something that is on my heart and sneaking in to a shit tonne of my conversations recently.

I want to talk to you about Choices. Your choices in fact.

You have power beautiful. In fact SO much power I don’t even think you understand.

At any given moment, on any given day, for any given event…you, you vast & brilliant soul, have the power to choose.

Choose how you react. Choose how you feel. Choose how you want to interpret what is happening. Choose the outcome of the whole situation.

We have at the tips of our fingertips an incredibly powerful tool that wants to support us in every given second. Our Minds. THAT is what gives us the power of choice.

You choose anger over happiness. You can just as easily choose happiness over anger instead.

You choose frustration over remaining calm & peaceful. You can just as easily choose calm & balanced state of mind over frustration.

You choose stressing out instead of knowing you WILL get through it & you ARE ok. And guess what? You can just as easily choose believing you will get through it and that you are ok instead of stressing out.

You choose guilt & suspicion over trust and love. You can un choose it just as fast and choose love and trust instead.

You just have to CHOOSE.

Choose happiness.

Choose love.

Choose being ok.

Choose not feeling stressed. Breathe. Think with perspective.

Choose Peace.

I swear to you gorgeous it’s that simple. Caught in a traffic jam and running late? You are the only one working yourself up over it. Nobody is forcing you too. Nobody is making you get angry, but you. Your boyfriend hasn’t done something that you really wanted him to? (well you should communicate better but that’s a whole other post) Choose understanding & calm instead of blame and anger and moodiness.

There is honestly no secret to my positivity and happiness – I CHOOSE these feelings I am so very aware at how I have the power to pick how I want to feel, that how I interpret a situation is what gives me my outcome so I just ensure I choose better feelings. There is no point, ever, to choose negativity over happiness, or stress over calm. EVERY time I read this quote I literally yell YES so loud on the inside as it is speaks it’s truth so loud…

“Actually I just woke up one day and I decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore, or ever again, so I changed. Just Like that.”

Your challenge then beautiful if you choose (there’s that word again) to accept it…

This week be consciously aware of your feelings – and choose the better option. CHOOSE to not get stressed out over silly things that are going to pass anyway. CHOOSE to not get angry over little insignificant moments that worth aren't negative or bad energy. CHOOSE love over judgement. CHOOSE positive thoughts over negative ones.

We are the creators of our own universe, we are what we think and we can CHOOSE at any given moment to feel better and pick a thought or feeling that serves us over one that doesn't.

I want you to choose Love. Happiness. Peace. Belief. Hope. That it will be ok. That you will get through it. That there is so much more to life than the negatives you might be going through. 

Above all - I want you to choose a life that you love living, and that starts with the choice of your thoughts.

Light & love,

Anna xx

Images: Here


  1. Hi Anna, since I started reading your blog I learned many things but the most important of them is that nothing is impossible if you believe you can do it and believe in yourself. It helped me when I was learning for exams last semester and I so hope it´ll help me with my master´s exam which I have in two weeks. (it´s the final exam of my study). So thank you again for your wonderful blogging work here. You just rock!
    xx Eve.h

  2. This is so, so spot on. I've always been an essentially "positive person" and I always feared it was because I'd never "really been through anything bad" in my life. Since having my world absolutely rocked in the last 6 months, I've realised that while some mornings I wake up feeling afraid, confused, sad, angry - whatever - I ALWAYS have the choice as to how I want to feel. It isn't always easy (it's often not when times get tough), but the choice is always yours. Thanks for this babe x

  3. This is an awesome article. So motivational and inspiring. Definitely going to be more aware of my feelings this week and try to chose the positive route!

    Cheers- Heather xo

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