
28 May 2013

How to get to where you want to go; Tips on living the life you DESIRE

Oh gorgeous. Where do I even begin??

A mind shift happened to me over the weekend. A huge one and it came like no other shift has ever come before. It was exciting, calming, exhilarating, truly overwhelming.

The mind shift?

Pure and utter belief.

In goals. In knowing that anything a mind sets itself too, it can achieve. That we CAN be who we want to be, do what we want to do, have what we want to have.

Of course, I have felt that before. Totally.Utterly. BELIEVED it with my whole heart….but this was different. Like something unlocked, and it was a turning point in my life and there wouldn’t be any more doubt surrounding belief in goals and myself ever again.

It all started by being given the most extraordinary opportunity on the weekend to attend a conference with the company I do my nutritional cleansing through (if you haven’t read it yet, my review on it is here). I went excited, knowing I would walk away at the end of the 2 days with a mind full of confidence in product knowledge. Never did I imagine though I would have walked away with how much more than I did though.

Belief. Fear busting confidence. Support.Love.Next level motivation.New strengthened friendships.

The biggest take home for me though was 2 things.

First it came from a beautiful & inspiring friend Peta Kelly who got up and ROCKED the stage (did I mention she’s only 24). She spoke about your WHY. She left her heart & soul on that stage & it was HUGE turning point for me. In fact, my biggest take away quote from the whole event that resonated hardest for me was her own .....

"When your whys are bigger than your why not's, you will succeed"

What IS your why? So you want a million dollars by the time you’re 30?? (let's use my goal as the example) … but WHY?? You need to emotionally connect to that. So when you are tired, when you don’t see much light at the end of any tunnel, when you have doubts, overwhelming fear, can’t be bothered…whatever it is that is holding you back from getting one step closer … you just need to remember your WHY.

Me? I want a million dollars to retire my mum and support Morgans and my own family. My why is to buy my mum that cottage house on the big block with the wrap around verandah, big beautiful oak tree out the front and enough rooms for the grandkids and walked her to the front door hand her the keys and say…I love you, more than you’ll ever know, thank you for all that you’ve done our whole lives – this is yours. To gift her the life she has gifted me.

As I wrote that, I started crying. In fact, as I am still writing this, I have big tears streaming down my face. I’m THAT emotionally connected to my why. I’ve had my why since I was about 12. SO you can imagine how committed I can stay to my goals with an emotional connection like that.

The other huge take away I took which is so in tune with that came from Australian 5 time Olympian & gold medal winner Natalie Cook.

She shared her 5 P’s in life. HOW she got to compete for 20 years (5 Olympics) in the Olympics. HOW she won her Gold Medal for Australia (it just gives you shivers doesn’t it??)
In ALL that you do, in ALL that you want to achieve, in ALL that you set your mind to you have to have the following:

A Purpose
A Plan
The right People

A purpose so clear there isn’t a doubt in your mind, THIS is exactly where the emotional connection to your why comes back in. GET TO KNOW YOUR WHY GORGEOUS.

A set plan on how to then get there (remember my post onchunking your goals down? GREAT place to start).

The next step is filling your life with the right people – cut the shit from your life. Today is a better day than ever to do it. Has one of your ‘friends’ been holding your truth back because you’re worried they might not get the change you’re about to go through?? DELETE them from your life. A friend, true friends, inspire, uplift, support, encourage, cheerlead the shit out of your empowering decisions. Any one who isn’t doing that isn’t worth your energy. (note; I get a lot of emails from girls asking for advice on being more positive, living happier lives, achieving goals….THIS IS ONE OF MY BIGGEST HINTS THAT I JUST SHARED)

You have to have PASSION. For life. I always say it. Life is a gift. A big, beautiful, vivid, overwhelming gift. HONOUR THAT!!! Have passion because of it. You’re here, you have gifts, you can share them, you can inspire, be inspired, follow goals and be happy – let that passion be set on FIRE.

And most importantly, with all of it. Have perseverance. No matter what. Keep going. And going and going. And going. And just when you want to give up or you feel your disconnecting from your why, dig deeper and KEEP GOING. As Natalie Cook said “courage is your willingness to fail over and over and over again without ever giving up”. 

When you have those moments of doubt though. Of fear so debilitating it holds you back. When you watch what you're saying because you're scared of what people might think. When you're sad. When  you feel like there's no point. When you just can't be bothered. It means ONE OF YOUR P's IS OUT OF BALANCE...go back, re address, re align and get back on your souls purpose track. 

You see beautiful. YOU CAN DO THIS. With the right purpose, with the deep deep connection to your why.

YOU CAN DO THIS. With the right plan that fits you. Your purpose, your goals, gifts. Make it soulfully yours. Don’t plan to society norms or what you think you should be doing it. Set the plan with your whole gut and believe in it like nothing else.

YOU CAN DO THIS. With the right people. Cut the shit from your life. Fill it with real friends, soul friends, true friends, like I always say – grow that tribe, that big beautiful, overwhelmingly supportive tribe.

YOU CAN DO THIS. With Passion. Passion set on fire. Kick it up a notch gorgeous. LOVE what you do, and if you don’t love it, change it!!!  A day not doing something you love with someone you love is a day wasted.

YOU CAN DO THIS. With Perseverance. Don’t ever, ever, ever give up. The difference between you and somebody else who WILL succeed is they won’t give up when it gets a little tough. They’ll keep going. No matter what. And you will too.


The challenge? I really want you to share your why. WHY do you want what you do? WHY are you going after your goals? It can be anything. It could even be “because I finally want to after all these years start taking care of me” OR... “ because I need to look hot” WHATEVER it is, let’s get to your why...the sooner you connect to it, the sooner you can start on your own path to success.

I can’t WAIT to hear from you in the comments below xx

Images: here and here 


  1. WOW!!! What a post that was honey-pie. I could feel your passion and desires just pouring out of every word. You are an absolute inspiration and I will be returning to this post whenever I need a little (or large) dose of motivation! Well done x

  2. Hi Anna, like I wrote in my last comment this is exactly why I admire you because you are passionate and determined to achieve the best for you and your family and friends. I shall think of your advice when I go to school to finish it finally and when I look for a job afterwards. Thank you for such energy and faith dose :)
    xx Eve.h

  3. THANK YOU so much for this post! I have similar financial goals and this really inspired me to stick to them. Have bookmarked this to come back to! :)
