
20 March 2013

Why I know you'll succeed

You know sometimes when you're plodding along with a book, a website or even a magazine and all of a sudden you read something so powerful it almost slaps you in the face. The words instantly resonate, and resonate so hard you almost get emotional from excitement? 

It's the kind of realisation where your bodies senses go in to overdrive knowing that it will inspire you a little more to work harder and your mind, well your mind is screaming "ohmygodyessssthisissomeantforme!!!" 

That happened to me not once, but twice this week, dished up from two of my favourite ladies - Danielle LaPorte & Tara Bliss.

Danielle's sounded a little like this; "Fuck practicality. Concepts of reasonability have no place in ground-breaking."

And Tara's went a little like this; "And I thought 'Shit. That's it. That's exactly what this is all about. 'Not giving a F$^& about the blueprint and doing it YOUR beautiful, badass own way" 

So how does this make me know you too are going to succeed...

Because gorgeous - trust me when I say, you are on the cusp of a break through. I mean it. YOU, yes you are paving the way for your own groundbreaking revolutionary break through in your life. I can feel it. Every-where. You are wanting more of yourself, seeking more, doing more, being more...

You're starting to realise that you are responsible for your own life & you can change anything you want to about that. 

It's beautiful to witness, to feel and to be involved in. 

You are bringing an energy to this space. An energy hungry for change, for more happiness, more free time, less stress .. I feel it with the emails, comments, visitor numbers, and here's the thing.

You're going to succeed.

You are truly going to succeed. 

You don't need to compare your journey to others'll get their in your own beautiful bad ass way.

You don't need to stress about where to start ... just start, remember it's your why that's important, not your how.

You don't need more money or more time to make a difference...just a burning desire to change.

You don't need to remember practicality through your growth .. throw the rule book out the window.

You, the you who is waking with a clearer purpose, and working on increasing joy and calm and love in your life...

IS going to succeed - I'll be right here along side you for the ride.

It's exciting, incredibly inspiring, vastly powerful and I am loving and urging you to keep bringing the energy that you're bringing. 

Remember that when you are on the cusp of breakthrough and figuring it all out -  dance the beat to your own drum, run on your own time and throw all self insecurities to the wind. 

You're here, you're living & your time is NOW.

Anna xx

Images; here 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. This is just the perfect and timely post for me to read today!
    Thank you!

  4. This is just the perfect and timely post for me to read today!
    Thank you!

  5. Hey lovely, you're getting some awful spam comments :( Marching to the beat of your own drum is so important. You define success your own way and live up to your own definitions and measurements. I believe that's the only way you can truly be happy xoxox

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