
19 March 2013

How to turn what you want in to a reality

Like almost everything in life I believe that there are two sides to your happiness and success. 

First, you have to want to do it - you know, hit the goal, drop the kg's, save money to get on a holiday, do the detox or be more positive. And Secondly, you have to work hard to achieve it. 

Desire + Action = Soul defying magic. 

Without that want, that burning desire or the inexplicable exciting need you will find that your goals are harder to hit. In the exact same breathe however, you have to remember that you can want, desire and need something all you want in this world but if you are not prepared to work hard to achieve it, you might find that goal slip further from your fingertips. 

I'm going to say it again.

Desire + Action = Soul defying magic.

It's truly that simple. 

I caught up with my gorgeous friend and soul sista' Peta the other night for some serious pow wow business and goals talks. I walked away buzzing, but something she said to me hit me like a big warm hug and high five....

"You don't have to know your how, you just have to know your why".

Holy shit. It was oh SO Powerful and validated a lot for me.

You see. You can have all that you desire in this world. You really can. ALL of it. But you're not going to get exactly what you want without desire + action. This statement summed it all up for me though - knowing the why behind whatever it is you want will give you the desire and catapult you in to action

Why do you want to loose more weight? Maybe it's because you want to feel more confident, less bloated, grow your self love and detox your mind and body. 

Why do you want to jump out of a plane? Maybe it's because you want to feel enthralled, free, and invincible whilst you free fall through the sky. 

Why do you want to get rid of the negative shit in your life? Maybe it's because you are sick of wasting your energy on people who don't deserve it and ready to live your truth instead of hiding in your shadows worried about what other people will say or think.

ALL of those Why's to the goals are awesome, valid, amazing reasons. This is what you have to work out though.

You have to work out your why. WHY? Because it's going to fuel your desire, stoke your fire and wake up that growing spark inside of you that is trying to live it's calling. Once you have your desire burning inside of you, you will be unstoppable in your action. 

Working out your why and flaming your desire to me, all comes down to how we want to feel - and this is what it's all about. Waking up, every day, with the feelings that you want to. 

I want to feel excited.

I want to feel at peace.

I want to feel aligned.

I want to feel blessed.

My why is because I want to feel this each and every day. I want to live a life by design - my design, not in a job working 40 hours a week doing things I don't enjoy. I want to retire my mum. Buy her a big ole cottage house with a wrap around verandah and enough rooms to have all her grandkids we'll give her one day. I know my why. It consumes me. Fills me up. Burns bright. Brighter than I could ever explain.

So are you ready to dive in to an amazingly powerful & exciting exercise? Yes? GREAT. 

1. Write down, with no (& I mean NO inhibition) your top 3 goals. Right now. I don't care if you're reading this at work, home, on the run. Just stop. Grab the closest pen & paper and write. Get em' down. Your top 3 goals that you have that first come to mind. Loose 2 kgs? Cut down on 5 days working to 3 days working? Skydive? Change jobs? Start a blog? Run 5km? Book a holiday to an exotic destination?

2. Write next to them your why. Don't stop. Let it flow. Don't think, just write. Why do you want to achieve them? To feel better? to gain confidence? to get a guy? to feel accomplished? to stop arguing? increase your self love? Share your gift with the world? Give your mind and body peace and tranquility? Gain clarity? Become happier & healthier? Keep going, dig deeper, harder, look further than you've ever had to. Don't hold back with your why either - remember we're trying to grow your desire fire, keep the sparks hot and bright. There are no wrong answers here. Just your inner truth of why trying to get out - listen to whatever words are flowing and write them down. 

3. Write next to each goal three steps on how you can start achieving them. If a goal isn't a goal until it's written down, then allow me to extend that and say a goal is also not a goal until you have started an action plan. You have got your why now and that is a beatuifully exciting, overwhelming AMAZING thing. You know why you want it. You want to live a better life, be happier, get more excited, gain more confidence - that why will just grow the more you honour it, the more you dwell on it and the more you fuel your why's .. what happens now is putting it in to action. So...what are you going to do? What are your steps? Whats the very first little thing you can do to get you started on your way. Maybe allow me to give you a little example of putting your why in to action: 

The goal: Book a holiday to an exotic location

The why? Because I owe it to myself. 
Because I am deserving of a life changing experience which is going to give me clarity, peace and a relaxing time filling my days with all of the things I love. 
Because I want to spend some quality time with my husband/wife/boyfriend/kids/self (whoever you plan on going with). 
Because my health has been suffering lately and I owe it to myself to give my body exactly what it needs.
Because I want to dip my toes in a different ocean, feel the warm sun on my face and cool afternoon breeze on my body and drink delicious fruit juices (& cocktails) by the ocean and pool all day.

(Get it? Just keep going and going and going. The more why's you have the better) 

The action plan: 
1. Go to newsagents on my lunch break and buy a magazine on travel - full of pretty inspiring pictures, advice and travel destination. Rip some of those inspiring photos out & stick them wherever I can see them - on my bathroom mirror, on my computer at work, on my fridge. 
2. Do a rough quote on how much it is going to cost with flight websites like qantas, air asia, emirates, virgin, tiger airways, jetstar & accommodation websites like airbnb, expedia, so I know my end goal of how much I need to save.
3. Put my first $50 - $100 dollars in my savings account.

YEEEHAAA you are on your way you freaking superstar. Isn't it exciting? Beautifully overwhelming? You are already knee deep in goal achievement. 

One of my all time favourite quotes is "you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step". The same applies for all of our goals. You don't have to have it all worked out instantly, you don't have to know your whole 'how'. You'll figure it out. Start with the very first step. Buying a travel magazine, or taking a new car you want for a test drive. 

Once we begin the first baby steps to living a goal, the rest becomes easier and the momentum grows. 

This is it though. You have your goals, now let's get serious with achieving them. 

I want you to realise how powerful you are. How wonderful a life you can truly lead. How positive an influence you can be just by living your truth. How much fun, excitement  peace, joy and wonder you can have from following your desires and feelings and living a goal. 

I'll be here, cheering you on every step of the way.

You deserve this, you're worthy, you're amazing.

So what are you waiting for?

Peace & love,

Anna x

Images: Here & Here.


  1. This is perfect for my niece, who has just decided this week to start saving for a life-long dream trip to France. I'm going to share this with her immediately :)
    Thanks Anna!!

  2. I looooved this post :) Will definitely help me achieve what i need too xxxx

  3. LOVED THIS POST! Dropped my work, sat here and wrote my goals. Feeling very very optimistic and determined to make it work. ♥♥

  4. Fantastic post indeed..I did the same as Gemma too!..I'm your follower but haven't commented for a long long time..this post has just magically inspired me..thanks to you :-)

  5. Great post lovely. I agree, it's about the little steps. I have the hardest time waking up early but for the past 19 days I've made a real effort. They say it takes 30 days to make or break a habit, so we'll see :) I'm enjoying being up early but it hasn't been any easier to do! xoxox
