
24 July 2011

Long Distance Love

[ Perth City - 162km from Pops country town ]

I always forget the comfort and peace I feel when I go to visit my Pop. He lives in the country, which is about 2 hours drive from where I live so I don’t get to see him as often as I would like but I got down there this weekend to see him so am feeling full of bear hugs and love only a grandparent can give. It could be that nothing ever changes with Pop which gives me that sense of comfort - the house is always the same, his always in his same chair,  and he always greets me with his infamous sing song ‘HEL-LO’. I went for a quick stroll to the town to go and get some lunch and you forget – well I do – how different the ‘country folk’ are to the city slickers. I got honks, waves, smiles, hello’s, and how are you’s from almost everyone I passed along the way and when I accidentally bumped in to a lady at the shops and said sorry, she replied with the friendliest ‘what are you sorry for?!’  This trip down Pop taught me how to make the perfect cup of tea, reminded me to keep my goals thriving and we sat and had some quality time watching the football. I will leave you with my lesson to you from him that I took away from this weekend which is to find beauty in the small and simple things of life. Next time you get a visit to your grandparents in, remember to hug them tighter and let them know how much you love them because they truly one of life’s greatest treasures.

The pictures in this post are all the little trinkets from Pop’s house that I adore!! – they are gorgeous antiques that were my Nanna’s (who sadly isn’t with us anymore) pride and joy. I love old things in today’s modern era.

[ The very old Brunswick Hall in the town centre ]

[ The infamous cow that has been in Brunswick for over 45 years ]

[ The 3 'old ladies' that sit on the ledge in the lounge room ]

[ An old photo of my Mum and her brothers and sisters from when they were kids - bangin' 70's ]

[ The old pot belly stove ]

[ Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmeg 'jars' ]

[ An antique piece that decorates a bedroom ]

[ The quiet space out the back ] 

[ The quiet space out the front ]

[ Pop's tea pot - that is older than I am ]

Perth city photo source was found here


  1. Just stumbled upon ur blog:-)
    Such a lovely post! The photos are great..Nice blog!
    I live in Sydney..visit my blog if u like,

  2. Thanks Kalyani - Im loving finding gorgeous new blogs of girls in Australia and your's is one of them :)
