
22 July 2011

Daydreaming of distant lands

I keep telling myself to calm down as it is after all a year away - but what the mind wants, the mind gets (mine anyway) so today has been all about daydreaming for Mr M & I's Europe adventure starting next July. We are off July 2012 on a 4 month adventure to Europe (& some of the U.S) and I can't stop thinking about eating pasta in Italy, kissing under the Eiffel Tower, dancing in Spain, skiing in Switzerland, drinking in Greece and so much more. Here are just some of the pictures that kept my attention today as I let myself wonder in to my travellers imagination.

I'm looking forward to this weekend too! I have plans to go and see my gorgeous Pop, be taken to my first punk (or is it rock?) concert by Mr M, and relax and do some baking Sunday. So here's to wild imaginations and exciting times ahead xx

Photos today I found here, here, here, here and here


  1. thanks for visiting me back:) and I keep my fingers crossed for planning your European experience:) btw I'm planning on doing some more "travelling posts" so feel free to stop by once in a while:)

    An Interesting Distraction

  2. I just got back from Europe and am missing it so much. You will have the best time on your adventure!!

    xo, alison*elle

  3. Gorgeous photos! Daydream on lady! This looks amazing, and you will have a fabulous time!


    Erin @

  4. I would leave right now to Santorini. One of the most amazing place on the planet
    Have a nice day and Stay Stylish!
    Sara C.

  5. I spent a year in Europe in 2008 and loved every day of it, especially Santorini. When the weather is as chilly in Aus as it has been recently, I just want to go back there...

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    currently living in Purple Rain

  6. Oh girls I love your tips. Santorini has been added to our official list! I did a quick google and it's gorgeous. Kel - a year in Europe! what an amazing way to spend 12 months! :)

