23 June 2014

Owning your story .. & your power


I’m Anna. “I know that” – is how I imagine you’ll be feeling right now. “We know who you are. You know, that girl behind lifesshinyprettythings, you travel a-lot, love champagne and inspiring quotes”. And you would be right. More than right, deeply correct in fact. However, behind every single human walking this divine planet, there is a story, a story that although YOU might think isn’t significant, is YOUR story and one that you should never shy away from.

Back in January of this year, I heard a lady I deeply respect and admire on stage say the following; “you only ever see the glory, you never see the story.” Something about that sentiment made my whole being scream ‘yes’. 

Which brings me to my space today, it’s just you, and me, and some honesty time. I felt it time you got to know some more of me. 

Why? For a multitude of reasons, but the main reason I wanted to share some of my back story was for this reason; to inspire people to never, ever, EVER be ashamed of their past or who they WERE, or where they came from.

Who you were, what you have done to yourself, what others have done to you – means nothing other than the power YOU give it. This honest heart to heart, just between you and I is for you to draw the line in the sand, move forward with huge divine leaps and bounds and owning that your past IS your past and that is totally ok.

And here is some of mine. 

So let’s start again shall we? 

Hi. I’m Anna. I’m 26, and madly in love – with life, my soulmate, the universe, and just showing up, each and every day to the best of my ability. But I wasn’t always this way. At all. I have been angry, hurt, consumed by rage and unknowingly a victim of believing that life and emotions controlled me.   

And that is where my story from an age I’m ready to share begins.

If you were standing in a room with me 10 years ago, you would have been standing with 16 year old me. That girl. Ooph. That girl. Even if you hated her she still would have hated herself more. She was full of anger, hate, self doubt. She desperately wanted to fit in but had years ahead of her to discover she was actually born to stand out. She was stuck in a world of fakeness, self hate and lack of believing in herself. She was vulnerable and sad. She had come from a childhood of love from her mother, but anger and physical and emotional abuse from her stepfather. She knew she wanted to do something big in the world but couldn’t at all see a bright future. Her diary was filled with self loathing, sadness, anger, total despair. She felt like a nobody and nothing and she felt the best way to be loved and fit in was to conform, be silent, go with the crowds and let everybody stomp on her dreams if they were ‘cool’. She did however have a fight in her and a desperate will to be a somebody and something – but it was a daily battle of survival in her head. This went on for years, and years, and years.

5 years would past much the same and I developed in to 21 year old me. She…. oh boy, she was feisty,  and she was still desperately trying to work it out – but so much closer to the truth of it all and herself. She had spent years giving herself to boys too easily and abusing her body with drugs and alcohol. She was anxious, severely anxious to the point she needed to be medicated, and was still so deeply desperate to fit in. From 17 – 19 she hated a lot of men and used them like she felt she had been used. She didn’t care for her health – at all, and would do anything and everything to fit in to and stay part of the popular crowd. Her anger led her to girl fights and just using angry words didn't cut it anymore, she had to use her fists as well. She  especially used harsh words against those that loved her most and cried most nights in the shower.  She even cut herself once or twice. Stupid crys for help I suppose.

Of course that Anna didn’t stem from just nowhere – I wasn’t just a misguided teen who didn’t get her own way and listen to sad music. There is much more to the story that I will one day share. But for now – just know life hasn’t always been abundance and positivity, rainbows and good times.

So that was her. Angry. Hateful. Self loathing. Would use her fists and her words to hurt anyone that was a threat.. Gave herself up to boys with minimal self worth. She truly believe the world was against her and no one could of told her otherwise She had, in every way shape and form, completely handed over her power.

21. Age 21. Remember this as well, that was 5 years ago. Just, 5 years ago. But age 21 was incredibly poignant for me as it was the year that I decided I wanted more. I wanted to figure out who I was. I wanted some of my power back. I knew, I so knew, that debilitating anxiety, the hate in which I would deliver words, developing adult acne and being grossly uncomfortable in social settings although I was ‘popular’ wasn’t normal – and so, I started to massively challenge the status quo.

I started to read motivational books. The first book I ever picked up that fundamentally changed my life was Tony Robins ‘awaken the giant within’. I didn’t at the time even give any thought to the book title but now today, when I think back on that book and what it did for my life – it is the title that I think of. I did in fact, start to awaken my giant within.

I changed up my routines. Hell, I developed routines (morning routines, exercise routines, healthier eating routines, self love routines). I said no to the odd social invitation that was just full of bitching, spiteful conversations and comparing the latest who wore what, and I worked really, truly, deeply hard – on myself. I started a blog to diary it all - the blog you’re reading today – and I started to cut the ‘shit’ from my life … drugs, friends and bad habits.

A funny thing happens when you’re trying to change, or grow or develop or be a better human though – people from your ‘old’ life don’t understand. They push back. They cut you out. Hell, they even bully you. And beautiful you – I had it all. I was “that” girl who almost let the world break her again. BUT. I realized in that moment, that the ‘friends’ who hadn’t once blinked when I was who I was when I hated myself, didn’t want anything to do with me when I went on a quest for self love and playing bigger. 

That was the next phase for me though. I went through bullying because I started a blog. I went through bitching and loosing friends because I wanted to change - be better, feel better, do better. You have to understand as well, this was at 23, when you feel you've gotten through most of the 'shit' to have the friends you want in your life. They were the exact ones holding me back however and when I decided to break free and give this thing called life a better go - they didn't like it one bit. 

Lucky I never listened to a word they said. Instead of remaining small to fit back in, I deleted every single one of them from my life. And to this day, it is still the best decision I have ever made. To say it was easy and something you can quickly move on from would be a lie. That whole phase was in itself another journey I had to go on and learn from and grow stronger in. But I did. 

It’s been 5 years since I went on the journey of self love, growth and went on my quest to play bigger in the world. And what a 5 years its been.

So what’s my story now? I love who I am. I get that I control my emotions and choices and that can either make me happy or unhappy – but its MY choice. I honour self love. I have a deeply loving, fulfilled divine relationship to my soul mate (soon to be married in 4 months!). I am truly happy. And I mean, wake up with a smile, go to bed with a smile – deeply grateful for every waking second ..happy. I live an enriched, extraordinary life (on my terms). I retired at 25 to become an entrepreneur and have just retired said hunky fiancé above from the multiple six figure (& growing) business I have.

And do you know the secret to it all? I honour every part of who I was right up until today. 16 year old Anna was a girl I honour, appreciate and acknowledge. 21 year old Anna was a girl I honour, appreciate and acknowledge. And 26 year old Anna? Hell yes I honour, appreciate and acknowledge her.

Just know this though – the life I get to live now I wasn’t ‘born’ in to and more importantly WHO I am today, is a far, far cry from who I was a mere 5 years ago.

So why tell you all of this? Because I believe, no matter who you are, no matter where you have come from, no matter what you’ve done or not done – your story matters – YOU MATTER. And if you THINK you can't have it all - I am here to tell you otherwise. You can. 

You, totally, fucking matter. SO much more than you are giving yourself credit for and if you think your story of your past might haunt you, is boring, sad, whatever else – then its time to know that it isn’t, and it won’t. 

I think a big part of living quite 'out there' as well is people really do only sometimes see your success, your 'glory', not your 'story' - and not for any other reason than there aren't opportunities for you to share this deeply or honestly - but this was an opportunity I decided needed to be taken. And the shiny stuff isn't always relatable. You might still be on some level stuck where I was 5 or so years ago. With the shit friends, total lack of self confidence, consumed by anxiety, angry, having handed over your power. And for some, THAT might be the relatable aspect. What you have to believe and understand though is even if you feel stuck, or not where you want to be yet - if you want it bad enough you'll get there and create the dream life you desire. And if you don't believe it just yet - borrow my belief because its exponentially HUGE for you. 

OWN your past. OWN your story. OWN where you’ve come from. LOVE your perfectly imperfect self.

All that you are, all that you were, all that you hope to be – that is your story so its your power. You are so significant and have so much greatness inside of you.

I want to see more women rise up and say this is who I am. Flaws and all. This is who I am. Not so pleasant past and all. This is who I am. That is who I WAS but this is who I now AM.

Let your story inspire and empower you. Your time on this earth is so damn precious and you don’t have to accept anything less than extraordinary for one more day.

I didn’t – and I feel like I’m doing ok.

And know this. That every day, no matter who you are, no matter where you are in your life journey – I send you love, I send you light, and I am cheering you on … always.

Just own it. Own who you are, but don’t let it stop you from being who you were BORN to be for another day. Please just promise me that.


Big love, Anna xx

P.s the top photo was something I put up on Facebook a few months ago with the following excerpt - in the spirit of this post, I thought it was apt to share - especially because this post even a year ago would have been too hard for me to share ... This post is in honour of having a voice, a voice I've grown over the past 7 years. Read a little more here; 

Just a little visual of how much can change in 7 years. The photo on the left was Morgs & I's first Christmas together in 2007, a photo I didn't even know existed until his mum pulled it out on Friday over Easter lunch. The photo on the right is us a few months ago (me make up free minus a smidge of mascara). 7 years. 7 years and different people and different worlds. 7 years, and a jaw surgery, 17 kg loss from me and 21kg loss from Morgs. When people ask me how or why I'm so positive this is the perfect example in pictures. Because I went on one HELL of a journey with this incredible, extraordinary man beside me the whole time. There was many (there still funnily enough are) people / 'friends' who never liked the transition from who I was on the left to the girl on the right. The girl on the left (largely due to my jaw, and how I felt about myself) kept herself well well within her comfort zone. Conformed. Got in to fist fights (yep). Tried desperately to fit in. Had debilitating / medicated anxiety (I wonder why!!). Kept journals on self hate. Fought with the one man who saw the spark in her and used harsh words. Had a seemingly fun, but bad relationship with drugs & alcohol and was of no service to the world (or Morgs) as I didn't love myself so how could I ever love anybody else. Then I had my jaw surgery. & as I always knew, I grew more in to the woman I knew was in there just masked by deep deep insecurities and trying to fit in and play small. I started my blog I suppose as a way to journal for myself the new journey I had begun. The week I started it I lost almost all of my friends (biggest gift ever given to me in this life was loosing them all though) because they literally, literally couldn't handle the girl I was trying to break free from and the girl I was trying to become. Morgs, of course, just pushed me to keep going and play bigger and show the world who I was. That was 4 years ago now. You can't imagine the bullying I've had, negative words directed towards me, either to or behind my back, and the level of misunderstanding that has gone on in my life in the past 7 years, all because I was moving towards being who I wanted to be. Fact. That is who I am today - the loud, heart on my sleeve, POSITIVE, tellyouhowitis with love always, don't have time for haters or negative people, adventurous, over sharing girl....of which I am really proud of. So what is the point of me telling you all of this... there are many but the main one is this. A HUGE thing I realised over the weekend is this. I grew a voice. Something I want for everyone. We all have different volumes, and although mine is loud - it's for good reason. There are SO many people coming in to Morgs & I's life at the moment because of our new (amazing) path we've taken and are taking with Isagenix - but the biggest thing I realise amongst our generation is people have lost their voice. They are SO scared to live in to the person they were born to be instead, being the person the world has told them to be. So this is my promise to you (especially you females, and Morgs is the same for the men)....Isa or not, if you are wearing masks, scared to speak up, speak out, change, grow, be more positive, hit post on that positive status or give a new opportunity a go, BUT are open to dropping the masks, to live more impeccably, to not be afraid to be more positive and to have a VOICE...then we're here, cheering you on, sharing in your courage, lifting you up. The world has enough problems and I want to encourage more people in being the solution....you might get a negative asshole along the way, I sure have, but for every one of those, there are hundreds more positive ones - TRUST me, that I know. If you are one of the negative people that bring those people down just trying to give something a go - you are the sad one, and just know, to judge anyone is to judge yourself. Go live BRAVELY...go live with love, go live with gratitude and come and be a part our fun crazy abundant world. I went on a 7 year journey to have a voice....and no one, will ever take it from me again

Images; here, here, here, & here.

16 June 2014

Making every day count

You know sometimes, there are those moments of chance that you act upon and the simple act alone can change your life dramatically? Those moments that you’re not expecting, and the lesson doesn’t come immediately, but from the act alone. Those moments. 

It happened to me a mere 2 days ago as I was rushing to catch my plane to Bali. I normally always come prepared with soul defyingly good books tucked neatly away in my carry on luggage, but for some reason, this trip I had forgotten. So as I rushed past the newsagent steps from my gate, I took a risk and dived in to the aisles to make a hasty choice on a book I could devour by the pools. 

Best decision ever. 

I picked up a book by a favourite inspiration of mine - Robin Sharma titled "Life Lessons from the monk who sold his Ferrari" thinking it might hopefully be as good as the first book I had read from that series 'the monk who sold his ferrari'. Not only was it 'as good', it exceeded every expectation. 

I am an inspiration junkie. I am attracted to any words, pictures, movies, or seminars where I think I could burn my passion a little brighter or become more connected to something far greater. And this book delivered that. 

There was 101 life lessons - all of which I resonated with deeply. But there was one particular lesson though; lesson 72 - 'See your day as your life' that particularly resonated a little harder than others and made my heart beat a little faster than normal. 

It read; 
"The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant, friendly party, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away', observed Emerson. As you live your days, so you will live your life. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of thinking that this day does not matter much given all the days that lie ahead of you. But a great life is nothing more than a series of great, well lived days strung together like a beautiful necklace of pearls. Every day counts and contributes to the quality of the end result. The past is gone, the future is but a figment, so this day is really all you can own. Invest it wisely. 

It continued to make my heart beat a little faster again with this; 
"Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Lost opportunities rarely come again. Today, vow to increase your passion for living and multiply the commitment you will bring to each of the days that will follow this one. Many people think that it takes months and years to change your life. respectfully, I disagree, You change your life the second you make a decision from the depths of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being.

Expansive. Soul Swelling. Screaming to the sun 'hells yes'.  Heart beating kind of goodness. It was going in to my concisous somewhere a lot deeper than other words do. It's because the message amongst his words spoke such truth. 

Life is just a series of days. Lived, one after the other after the other, after the other. Neither is any more special than the last, each one containing a sunrise and a sunset, and another 24 hours. And yet there are some days I think - it's ok, I don't have to do better today, or it can't wait for tomorrow, as it's "just another day". But it's so not. 

Every single 24 hours we have the chance to live again. Our hours turn in to days, that turn in to weeks, that turn in to months that turn in to years. But ALL our time passes day by DAY. So that is the trick to this living thing - living each DAY like it is your most special one. Here's the thing as well, you don't know when your time is up so imagine living each day as if it was your last. 

Would you hit snooze 4 or 5 times? No you would be up with ease at sunrise in awe that it might be your last. Would you get agitated in traffic? Nope, you might turn up your favourite tunes a little louder or take the time to call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in awhile (on blue tooth of course). Would you let self hate or loathing stop you throughout your day - buying that yummy lunch, saying hello to strangers because you want to, writing a big love post on your social media platforms? Nope - because all judgement would go out the window - as that day would be it to do it. 

Every single day you have a new 24 hours laid out in front of you like a gift from the universe/mother nature/God/Science - whoever or whatever you believe in. It's yours to do whatever you like with - so don't waste it. Just remember that life isn't big bold grand gestures and singular days you remember, it's living consciously, day by day making the moments count. It's realising that you have every day to write a new story, to be grateful, to be happy and to make a different in your life and others.

So how can you make your days count or be just as special as those days you feel alive on holiday, at Christmas or on a really good day you have just had on your weekend? Here are just some of my gentle nudges with love...

+ Wake up earlier. 
+ Make sure you are happy with where you've chosen to be at this stage in life, and if you're not, change it. Without delay. 
+ Spend 5 minutes each morning writing what you're grateful for. 
+ Watch the sunrise or the sunset, at least every day.
+ Practice the art of presence in all that you say and do. 
+ Stop rushing. Stop it. 
+ Be a better listener - remember we have two ears and one mouth, you might be surprised at how much better you connect and how much a deeper connection you have. 
+ Create a beautiful home. I think a home is a reflection of the life you THINK you deserve or what's going on inside your mind. Keep your house spacious, clean, tidy and have things you love in it. 
+ On that note; don't wait to use the good glasses, dinner set, champagne glasses - EVERY day should be celebrated. 
+ Toast more things - I don't have one glass of champagne without toasting to something - good health, good friends, sunsets ... whatever is currently filling me up. 
+ Eat good, healthy food - your body is a temple and one that must be respected daily.
+ Move your body - whether it's a 10 minute walking around the block or an hour in the gym...just move your body. 
+ Don't touch your phone in the morning until you have at least done your gratitudes, kissed and said hello to your loved ones and eaten breakfast. Facebook. Instagram. Emails can wait.
+ Meditate. Daily. Without Fail. 

And lastly;

+ Be more, do less. 

If this was your last 24 hours here on earth how would you be spending it? Wildly in love with your family. Forgiving. Thoughtful. In love. Hungry for fun. Present. Are just some of my guesses - but the beautiful thing is you can have that kind of day everyday, and THAT is what creates a magnificent life. 

So what are YOU going to do today that will create a more magnificent life for yourself? I'd love to hear it even if it's one word in the comments below. 

Images; here and here 

9 June 2014

Blazing a trail of passion & purpose & why I LOVE Network Marketing

Snapshot of our life over the last 14 months 

I had just left the Chinese restaurant. Heart thumping. Wild excitement coursing through me. A sense of 'is this really possible' running through my mind.

And the one person - after Morgs of course - I had to call, was my mum.

"Mum! It's so crazy. I just left dinner with that girl Peta I was telling you about. It's CRAZY. I had to call  you as I'm honestly that excited. I think this is something that has the potential to seriously change my life. I just bought some incredible products - that I still don't even fully 'get' - that could change my health back around but there is something else about it. Apparently I can get paid for simply sharing the gift of health. EXACTLY what I want to do! Wellness. Health. THIS is what I think I've been looking for without even realising" 

Mum: "that's so exciting sweetie, and you know, it sounds like Network Marketing" 


It was the first time, in my life, I had heard 'Network Marketing'. I just thought 'cool' - and that it MUST be related to something like an incredibly rad opportunity that comes knocking on your door that could genuinely change your life. And I truly honestly mean that, is it was exactly how I felt.

I raced back through the door when I got home to a grumbling, sceptic, un sure Morgan. He of course immediately jumped on to google to research the health products and company I had just said yes to followed by a concerned conversation saying I am probably jumping the gun a little bit and to calm down - yeah right - HA. As if that was ever going to happen.

It was my health we were talking about. My health. The ONE thing that is most important to me. My number 1 value. Health that, although pretty good - had been niggling at me for a long while giving me signs not all was right on the inside. I had bloating. Gut issues. Constipation. I lacked energy. I couldn't get a proper handle on my stress. I was developing feelings of anxiousness, and most visibly - my skin had started to have these frustrating breakouts. So there I was, like a kid on christmas eve, excited to think maybe, just maybe, a simple, all natural, mostly organic, affordable, sustainable program could give me my energy, sleep and health back.

Long story short. It did. 

Something else happened also though. Something critical to changing my life. 

People started asking what I was doing to look so fantastic and what was I doing to have changed my health so noticeably and naturally. It was Morgan first. The worlds biggest sceptic was stealing my products by Day 3 as for the first time ever I was sleeping solidly through the night and waking up with energy. Then it was the girls at work. They noticed my moods were so much calmer, my stress was gone, my bloating - gone (no more looking 3 months pregnant at 3pm in the afternoon.) My skin, clear for the first time in 18 months.

I was a healthier, happier, more balanced version of myself.

And I was ready to share the very program that got me to that point with anyone who wanted the same - the most optimal health of their life.

And I did.

Cue, Network Marketing 101.

Then something started to happen. Isagenix started to pay me as I was sharing the gift of health with others. My first deposit for the first pak I got for Morgs who remember, had wanted to improve his own health that very first week was .... $79.80. 

I was blown away.

I thought right ... this company is actually congruent with their vision which is to free the world of physical and financial pain. Something I too instantly aligned with and got red hot about.

I had gained back my health, AND I was now gaining back extra income as a reward for sharing health. I was living proof the company did what it said it wanted to do - create physical and financial freedom.

It was then I knew Network Marketing truly was for me and I was going to own the PANTS off of it.

I also knew I was in fact already doing it. We ALL are. I was posting coconut oils I used on my Instagram - and girls bought the same product. I was posting amazing new restaurants I was trying around Perth and in places I travelled to like Bali - and people were going there. I was recommending make up to girls when they'd compliment my complexion - and they'd go straight out and buy it. It's just, those companies I was referring tens and tens of girls to weren't paying me it went all straight to their bottom line. 

Network Marketing is loving a product, using a product (key importance there!), referring others to it if they want it....and getting paid by the company because of it.

I was starting to learn a-lot, fast, and quickly realised that I had found the key to both health and living in the 21st century. I also found my new passion and purpose in life. Simply put, it was to help others experience what Morgs & I were ... a happy household. No stress over money. Bills getting paid with ease. Not having to go to a j.o.b that didn't light me and earning an income that was directly proportionate to the effort you put in and the lives you help change.  

Within 3 months, we had started to live our most abundant most extraordinary life, and we wanted that for others - whilst p.s always putting our health first and helping others do the same. 

We developed this vision as we wanted to share living an extraordinary life with others ....

HOW Personal wellbeing? through the incredible products and health you gain back.
HOW Business excellence? through using the system, sharing the system and living the life of your dreams. Living out a day of ideal days  and creating an abundant extraordinary life for yourself.

Here was the other thing though - I could so authentically and passionately create this vision .... as I had created both myself - I was, and am living my vision.

So just how much has it changed Morgan & I's life since we began 14 months ago? Here are some fast stats for you ... 

+ I matched my full time Income with an Isagenix residual 'income' within 3 months on the products.

+ Because of the above, I 'retired' from the corporate world and stepped in to the exciting wonderful world of 'living a life exactly how I please every day helping others do the same'. Fact.

+ I hit a residual income of 6 figures with the company within 6 months.

+ 12 month mark I had turned my 30 day cleanse in to a multiple 6 figure residual income.

+ Retired Morgs from his j.o.b to also life his life exactly how HE pleases and help others do the same as of Friday 30th May 2013.

In 14 months, I had turned my corporate income of $1,100 a week - where I was helping no one but my bosses line their pockets from the mining boom - I was a business development manager for a Mining Services Company - in to a $5,000+ a week income and helping hundreds of people change their lives through gaining their health back and too bringing whatever income THEY wanted in to their households.

Hard to fathom? It was for me too, especially in February when Morgs & I had our biggest week ever - of over $7,000 for the week. 

That was directly proportionate to how many people we had helped that week though - the divine key of this business. 

Our business income is now double digits a month - and because I am aligned with one of the fastest growing, phenomenal, abundant, attitude of 'the sky isn't even the limit so go for it' companies - that monthly income will be 6 figures monthly by the end of this year. Fact. It's like anything in life, you set big goals, you work hard, you play harder, you get rewarded. 

I decided to share the above not for any other reason but this; financial freedom and earning a living around the dreams and goals you have vs fitting your goals and dreams around what you earn - I believe is everyone's birth right. TRUE wellness doesn't end in the mind or body - it also extends to your bank account.

And I want to help you start claiming that birth right but I have to show you it's possible and REAL first. 

Don't think it's selfish to earn more either - my best friend had a vision to create 'earn more to give more' and it's something I am a big part of. Earning MORE to give MORE in the world. We give to charities, to start up companies, to orphanages, to causes that don't always get the spotlight or money but need it as bad as any other foundation in the world. Without earning what I do, without striving to earn more - I couldn't contribute like I do, and give what I do.

So WHY do I LOVE Network Marketing, but way more than that, why do I love it with the extraordinary company I am personally aligned with? 

& more importantly - WHO am I wanting to work and play alongside and help them create a life of their dreams.

If you have read this & resonated going 'you know what, I'm ready to step my life up a little bit too' ...  then I want to chat to you if you are ... 

+ A fearless female who wants SO MUCH MORE from life and NEVER wants to accept that you won't get 'paid' to be a mum. You have a great corporate career but know that eventually when you stop work to fulfil being a mum .. you will loose an income. Guess what? You don't have to and I want to chat to you. 

+ Couples who don't want to fight over bills anymore. Who want to own the home but not stop travelling. Who just want to be able to live a happier, more abundant, healthier life but just had no idea how they were going to do it working 9-5's. Guess what? You can have ANYTHING and everything you want in life if you work at it and I want to chat to you. 

+ Mums. Mums who want to not have to go back to work and stay at home raising their beautiful babies and kids but would LOVE to feel better, have more energy, but earn a really comfortable weekly residual income just by helping other people. Guess what? You CAN get paid to be a mum and earn whatever you want and I want to chat to you. 

+ Anyone else who truly resonated with this post. Who wants more from life. Who is desperate to dance to the beat of their own drum. Who wants to challenge the status quo. Who wants to play bigger, show up bigger in this world and serve a greater purpose. Guess what? That is a huge part of why you're on this earth and I want to chat to you. 

THAT'S why I love Network Marketing. Because I get to play a role in helping other people do the above now - to not be restricted by their bank balances. To let go of financial stress. To earn what they deserve through effort & helping others. Mums earn income for being mums. Couples stop arguing and raise a happy household and relationship. Individuals just yell YES and dance to the epic beat of their own drum whilst showing up so much bigger in the world. 

As I said, I want to help if you resonated - and you can find me at the end of; anna.ogilvie@hotmail.com. 

Look forward to helping you blaze your OWN trail of passion and purpose and live the life you love and truly deserve. 

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