
3 October 2013

October's Mind + Body Total Makeover .. + FREE Gift

When I sat to start writing this post I thought words would flow, that words would pour out of me and I didn't need to give it much thought as I knew exactly what I wanted to say and share. But this is the funny thing when you've had a big life change, it's hard to even know where to begin. Why? Because when I look back on my life the past 6 months, to say it has been transformative and life changing would be an understatement - and that makes me emotional in the best way even writing that. 

So I decided, to just write from the heart and start at the beginning. So here goes. 

I started this blog in May 2011 because I was ready for the next big life journey I had started on, I knew I was on the precipice of some huge change and was ready to start the next chapter of my life and so was born this space where I have shared that journey for over 2 years now. 

Back then, I was almost (but not quite) on top of debilitating anxiety that I refused to be medicated for. I was trying to find natural ways to beat my adult acne that flared out of nowhere (and stayed with me for over 18 months) and I had lost 17kg and felt I had found myself and was ready to let my me out. I was turning to self love and confidence and wanted to stay on this positive life course and change my life even further. 

So I did. I started yoga. Morgs & I continued to eat incredibly, incredibly clean. I started journalling, blogging, writing and releasing and sharing stories and my inner thoughts to connect with similar minded peopled - and I did. I went on a yoga journey to bali by myself to do even more self discovery. I threw out my chemical shit storm in a bottle moisteriers and turned to coconut oil. I started dry body brushing, meditating and grounding. I read mind, body and spirit book after book after book. I delved in to a deeper spiritual connection of love and light and utilised amazing life coaches who did a lot of mind shift stuff with me. 

In every way, shape and form, I was a loud and proud wellness junkie.

And I still am. 

Here was the thing though - doing all of that, the living clean, eating clean, the loving, the looking after my body as well as I could (not going over the top but still being super conscious), reading amazing books, and being a huge warrior of wellness - there was still a lot 'off' for me. & yes, what I'm about to share is personal, and big and daunting for someone who has blogged about Wellness and lifestyle for 2 years, but I know there are so many others out there quietly experiencing the same ... 

+ I was still getting really, reallyyyyy bad bloating. 
+ My adult acne was flaring up without any warning - although break outs were MUCH more manageable, they were there none the less. 
+ My energy was zapped more times than not. I was still tired (& no juice cleanse or organic raw diet would have me leaping out of bed, and not reaching for the 3pm coffee hit) 
+ I unfortunately, would occasionally, feel my anxiety creeping up. No full blown panic attacks thank god, but bad enough for me to have to get on all 4's and try to breath my way out of them whilst Morgs had to sit and watch on upset I still had to struggle with them telling me it was ok and just to breathe and that I'd be ok (I actually get quite emotional writing that and anyone that's suffered with bad anxiety before would understand.
+ I was constipated. Frustratingly - because my diet was great. Enough fruits/veggies/vitamins/fibre etc.
+ My moods would dip - I was never unhappy, ever, but if I had to be really honest with myself, ok no, if Morgs was the one writing this he would call them my 'bitch moods' - stress would get the better of me, a bad day at work or crazy work load would see me coming home grumpy or 'off' ...
+ My sleep wasn't perfect .. I slept, don't get me wrong, and I didn't even know I didn't sleep that well until I slept amazingly. But I was a super light sleeper - so Morgs rolling over would wake me up and the slightest noise would too. 
+ I had cravings that I more often than not gave in to (because I was skinny so felt I could); namely, I'm talking chocolate. Organic or not, eating too much a day is not in fact good for you as much as we'd like to tell ourselves. 
+ I had little pockets of cellulite that wouldn't freaking go and coming from a girl who busted her ass in the gym 5 days a week, ate clean and drank a LOT of water (alkaline of course) it was frustrating to say the least.

As you can see, although life was GREAT, it truly was, there were these signs, little issues in my body which I knew weren't normal, I KNEW I could have the BEST of health and I knew deep down I needed a detox. A proper detox. I.e. a nutrient rich, scientifically formulated, vitamin dense, good ole' clean out. 

So off I set. 

As with all beautiful 'meant to be's I was aligned with a girl who did nutritional cleansing. I didn't even need to hear much, I was willing to give anything healthy a go - I didn't want to go on a diarrethtic tea that was flooding the market or a one off cleanse thing, I wanted a lifestyle change so I said ... YES to a nutritional cleansing program and the rest as they say is history. 

That was 4 months ago now, and I have incorporated the cleansing and nutrients in to my day for 6 months and I have never, ever, ever felt as amazing and healthy as I do now. All the niggles I had holding on have since well and truly left my life. Bloating and cellulite? Gone. Stress levels and anxiety - completely managed with ease. I control my cravings now they don't control me. My energy? Unmatched. Mine & Morgs sleep is the best it's ever been in our lives (and yes, after seeing me on the products for just 3 days Morgs started on it too). My skin? As clear as it has EVER been and let's just say, the toilet and I now have a fantastic relationship. Not only that, as a secondary bonus I lost 3kg (that is all I needed to loose) and 12cm off my body ... I was literally blown away at seeing my body transform on the outside whilst my insides were balancing.

They're not the only transformational changes that have occured in my life though, along the way, I also made myself financially free. It took 4 months to match my full time income because of the companies compensation plan and retire from the 9-5 and my new days are now filled with helping others do the same. Get the healthiest they've ever been, and free themselves financially. 

What has kept my passion alive for what I do now is the vision of the nutritional cleansing company "to create the healthiest and wealthiest people on the planet" - they believe true wellness doesn't stop at body and mind - it extends to financial freedom. Wellness & health - eating organic, juicing, amazingly natural and good nutrients and vitamins should never only be for those who can afford it. 

The Deal ... 

So here is what I want to do for YOU for October. For ONE week, I am doing a HUGE blitz week starting October 7th. To help you transform your own life - from a total health re-haul, to then a financial one also if you so choose it to be. Is there something 'off' in your life that you are ready to say goodbye too? Low energy? Extra kgs? Bloating? Shit sleep? I want to help. You SO don't have to accept the status quo in life. Being tired isn't normal. Being bloated isn't normal. Having a boss who says no to annual leave doesn't have to be part of your life. Normal to me now is living a life of my own ideal days. No work. Travelling when I want, with who I want. Setting my own income and earning that. Being healthy. Happy. Financially free - & helping my team do the same. It's available to anyone and I want to help you find the health and financial freedom I have. 

If you come aboard the Nutritional Cleansing lifestyle during next week - October 7th to October 13th, for the first 20 people, you will also receive free a Wellness Indulgence Package including what is pictured above. 

+ C Coconut Water
+ Dry Body Brush 
+ Organic Soap 
+ Coconut Oil 
+ Kiki K quote card and; 
+ An ebook I have written on 'Ultimate guide to mind wellness' - how to set big shiny goals..but really achieve them. 

Email me at if you want to learn more about how to secure being one of the 20 and ask for more information. 

The Program ...

It is comprehensive but you are guided with ease and you adapt it to your normal lifestyle. There is no deprivation and no drastic changes to your life so it is the most sustainable program I have ever come across. Fundamentally it is based around cleansing and then getting the following nutrients back in every day; 

  • 24 grams of pure, undenatured whey & casein protein (from happy New Zealand free range, grass fed cows) 
  • 60 essential micronutrients
  • 11 amino acids
  • 2 essential fatty acids
  • 13 vitamins
  • 21 minerals
  • 7 enzymes
  • 6 probiotics
Testimonials ... 

Leanne Thorpe - Beautiful mother, friend & wife & Business owner

I started Isagenix at the end of April when my beautiful friend Anna invited me to take part in a "shower on the inside". I was weighing in at 96.1kg and knew that I had to do something to improve my health and lose some weight. I am the mother of 2 beautiful children and I wanted to be able to run around at the park and play with them as well as become a healthy role model for them to be proud of. I have tried many "diets" and fads over the 6 years since having my first child and to be fair some would work, but I never seen lasting results which of course resulted in me rebounding and being lovingly nicknamed the Kirsty Alley of my family. Isagenix was by far the best thing I have ever done for my body. Within days I was bouncing out of bed, my moods had improved dramatically and I had boundless energy and motivation to get back into my exercise. Within the first 30 days I had lost 8kg and 63.5cm from across my body - there was no stopping me from there! I have been on the products since April and have now lost 19.6kg and 120cm from across my body, the best part is, being able to share this amazing gift with my family and friends to help them with their own health and wellness goals. I love this system it's so easy to use and so easy to share because it really works!

Belinda Radalj - Raw Vegan Foodie, Dog Lover & self declared food connoisseur 

I have been on a long, 10 year journey to find my health and wellness. I started with the simple step of removing additives & preservatives from my diet, & ended up living a mostly raw, vegan lifestyle. But I still had niggling physical & mental health issues. Isagenix has been the missing puzzle piece for me. I feel so blessed to have been given this gift of health and financial freedom.
Brodie Cotter - Artist, Surfer, Lover of life 
My wellness journey began after struggling with debilitating digestive problems I suffered as a result of a parasite I caught overseas.  Not only was this uncomfortable, it very nearly killed me, twice.  As a result I was left feeling tired, sore, lost and then gain more weight and was generally unhealthy.  I also suffered terrible anxiety that at times seemed to paralyse me.  On my return home I began to tackle each issue head on one by one all the while attempting what I was told was impossible - swimming to Rottnest before I turned 30 with two very bad shoulders.  And looking back I had for the first time ever stopped following my bliss and had decided to grow up and become what I thought would make a good adult.  Once I had began to feel somewhat healthier (or what I thought was healthier) I began to tackle my weight gain (I know it wasn't much but I wasn't happy in my own skin and hated my body) and I tried every detox known to man.  I saw the beautiful Anna begin to flourish even more than she usually did and when she said she had completed a 30 day nutritional cleanse I told her I wanted to do the same, no matter what it was.  I wanted to look fabulous for my 30th even if I couldn't feel fabulous I was going to fib my way through.  I started on the President's Pak in the middle of May and have never looked back.  I no longer suffer any digestive problems at all and in fact was told by a surgeon after a small operation "keep doing whatever it is you are doing" because he was so surprised at how healthy my gut actually was after my illness.  I have lost 6kgs and at last check 27.5cm off my body.  I have gained lean muscle mass.  I am able to train so much harder than ever before knowing that my body recovers quicker over night and although I did make it to Rottnest in a team of 4, I m now tackling it in a duo knowing that this will not be a terrible strain on my shoulders and I will do it with relative ease.  I no longer ache or suffer the pains that plagued my body as  result of inflammation and joint problems.  Not only have a balanced my body in so many ways, I have balanced my life.  I have steered my life back in a direction that brings me joy, I have learnt to listen to my body, to work with it, to heal it from the inside out and allow the healthy changes inside to present themselves naturally on the outside, unforced and beautiful.  I am happy and open and I LOVE my body and who I am (what an incredible turn around from a girl who actually hated herself).  I have learnt so much about my body, nutrition and how looking after ourselves on a basic nutritional level will encourage and assist our bodies to operate the way they were meant to, enabling us to lead the lives we were meant to.  What I believed to be a detox has turned out to be an absoultely amazing journey of total wellness - health and wealth - physical and spiritual.  I will continue to nutritionally cleanse and ensure I nourish my body with the right nutrients everyday because the benefits of doing so have completely changed my life and my body.  And the best part is that despite being a huge change with far reaching effects in all aspects of my life, it has been the easiest thing I have ever done.

Laura Howe - Accountant, Engaged and amazing fiance, sister, daughter & friend

My journey on isagenix started on the 20th April this year, since then my life has changed in so many ways, I have lost over 25kgs since starting on the products and keeping it off with ease. I still have a lot more to go before our wedding but I know that it is so achievable using this system. I have also decided to run with the incredible business opportunity that Isagenix presents and am now bringing in a weekly income that easily covers our rent, and car repayments!! Over the years I have tried so many products and programs but this is the first I have found that actually addresses the issues rather than providing a quick fix!

Ready to say YES just like I did 6 months ago and do a complete mind/body overhaul? I'm waiting for you, I'm cheering you on and I can't WAIT to work with you to achieve any health and financial goals you have. I have a big email chocked full of more information for anyone wanting it, you just need to ask - I look forward from hearing from you all.

Email me at if you want to learn more about how to secure being one of the 20 and ask for more information. 


  1. 3 Researches SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you actually burn fat by eating Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medicinal journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
