As I sit and write this it is 7:30pm on a Sunday evening. I have had a divine day of writing, reading, packing for another holiday with the love of my life and sending some love soaked emails to girls I coach through what I do with nutritional cleansing.
I have no anxiety over tomorrow being a Monday morning, no worry about what I will or won't get achieved at work this week, or no sinking feeling in the bottom of my stomach that between the hours of 8am - 6pm, I won't get to be doing what I want to be doing I'll be stuck in my florescent light, windowless office.
That's because, I quit my job and as of Monday morning and every day after have officially committed to living a life by my own design.
It was only a mere few months ago I updated a few things in my spaces - physically and virtually. I wrote, with no real plan or idea in mind I was a "Life enthuiast & Coach" - I put words on my vision wall like "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams - Eleanor Roosevelt" and "Beyond Expectation" and "Retire my mum, & live a life of design, young, madly in love & excited". Never did I put a date, never did I dwell on working my ass of to reach it or stress out over the how, it was just written, with good intention and love and stuck everywhere and anywhere I would see it regularly.
That was 3-4 months ago. Today? I have a residual income big enough to cover what I need it to so I don't have to work full time, from a nutritional cleansing (nc) company I adore and products I am so incredibly aligned with. I don't work anymore. Yep, fo' real. I get to live my life as I desire doing what I want, with who I want, when I want. I get to receive text messages and emails from girls I coach through my NC every single day saying what goals they hit from a health and mind perspective and how much their lives are changing too. I get to live. How I wanted to - and build from that to live with even more ease and abundance and giving as days and weeks and months pass.
I had a secure job, with a 6 figure income and wonderful kudos and success for a 25 year old in the corporate world. So was leaving all of that behind to give living my idea life a red hot go scary? If I said yes, I think I would in fact be lying. It wasn't. At all. With a weekly residual income I now receive and having as strong a desire as I did to align with my purpose - it was an alignment that I was supported by like never before. It helps I have beautiful family, friends, business partner & best fiance in the whole entire world that were all there pouring love support & confidence in to me as I was declaring that this is what I wanted to do.
I knew that if I kept using my healthy constant income as the excuse I couldn't leave full time work to try living my purpose and chasing my dreams, I would probably never leave. I came to realise that my dream was not for sale, and no price or income could ever be put on doing what I was born to do which is help and give and share and show up to those that need it most. To write, to coach, to inspire and to talk my talk and walk my walk and lead others to do the same.
I have huge goals and dreams and plans and you know the beautiful part about it? I can pursue all of that now because I have time. Time to live, to serve, to coach, to give, to write - and to launch all the exciting projects I haven't had the time to properly pour the love and soulful attention it all deserved.
My soul sista Peta Kelly - the creator of Life By My Own Design & I among many other aligned goals loved talking about and aiming to live 'a life of perfect days' - simply, from start to finish, from waking up to falling asleep, working out what a perfect and ideal day would be, and living that. How would it feel, what would it look like? Below is a snippet of my perfect days, what I'm working towards living each and every single day - whilst earning my weekly residual income** and being able to then pour all the love and soul and time in to my businesses I'm about to launch.
My perfect day begins and ends with the sun. I wake up as it streams through my big glass windows waking me next to my fiance in our beautiful big warm house by the beach (or with rain pattering against the glass in winter).
I get up and drink my breakfast smoothie and laugh and smile and feel energised about the day ahead. I go for my morning run or do some yoga, or even both – time is not against me so I plod along as I please smiling all the while at how overwhelmingly grateful I am for this day.
I then have some hours engaged with my clients – I show up in our space online or in the corner of an organic coffee shop – with love & ready to give all of me and my advice, buzzing with energy as we dig deep and work on carving out their life’s path and souls purpose. Each client walks away every time feeling aligned, excited and closer to living their own dream life.
I then get back to emails in my business partners (thats you pK!) & i’s dream office and we have our daily business meetings with natural sunlight streaming through the office, with beautiful views so we are constantly inspired and connected to our source. The meeting goes for however long we want to sit and talk about how we can give more, increase the love and good will factor and how else can we show up for our thriving community we’ve created. By afternoon I’m back at our dream home by the ocean with a big delicious green smoothie in one hand, my favourite book in the other on the balcony over looking the ocean having some me time.
I have time every single night for date night with my hunk of a fiance Morgan and we eat by candlelit at home, or dine in our favourite restaurants with other best friends with no care for bed times or tomorrows.
Every night I go to bed with a smile on my face knowing for that day, I left everything on the table. I loved with out wanting, I gave without expecting receiving, I showed up, I engaged, I laughed till my face hurt & I made a difference in somebodies life (whoever I was connecting with for that day).
My ideal day is so fundamentally based around travel too. I will be in a position to look at Morgs (or call Peta or surprise my mum) and say ‘hey, let’s pack a bag and go to a tropical beach for a week or so to just unwind and relax. Or ‘lets escape to Melbourne for some shopping and restaurant hopping’ – having the freedom to do what I want, when i want with who I want – whilst always giving all of me in a loving and authentic way to inspire others to do the same encompassing my ultimate ideal days.

So here I am. I'm showing up, I leapt and allowed the universe to catch me and am now allowing all the magic and awesome and wonder joy and abundance flow in to my life that comes when you take the risk of following your purpose.
It's exciting, exhillarating, free'ing and I will be here showing up in this space more now to take you as I write the next chapter in my life's story book.
Thank you for all the beautiful love and incredibe words that were poured out to me in email and on Instagram over the weekend when I put my photo up and shared my little secret of dream chasing - it has been felt and beamed right back.
One very excited, aligned and blissed out Anna xx
** WHAT is this residual income I am talking about? It is an amount of money - however big I choose it to be from how ever much love and energy from the week before I have put in, that gets deposited in to my account weekly from my nutritional cleansing company. Not only did I end up falling in love with the products and program and am a total Isa girl now, it has allowed me to quit my full time job to focus a lot more energy in to it and grow that income even more WHILST winning free trips and getting my products all paid for. I am always here to help you with information or to give it a red hot go yourself so find me at xx
Hi friends! My name is Sakshi Sinha and I am going to share you something about Tattoo Removal. Before few months I want to remove our tattoo but not any clinic I found which can remove my tattoo. One day my friend told me about Klinik Esthetika. I visit that clinic and take their service for two months. After two months my tattoo was removed and my skin is in same as before. Thanks to Klinik Esthetika for this Tattoo removal .
ReplyDeleteSUCH an amazing post Anna. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for having someone like you in my life. What a blessing you are to me, and no doubt you will be to countless others in the future. The world is a better place for having you in it. I'm so, so, so excited to be able to watch you grow and learn and explore all the wonderful adventures that are coming your way. Here's to your life of endless perfect days xoxo
ReplyDeleteFar out! Congrats Anna! Reading this post certainly put me in a better mood. I've just arrived back home from work (or my version of hell) in a foul mood and all i could think of was creating a plan and income to quit my job. You have certainly inspired me to get into a positive mind frame and work on it
ReplyDeletexo Stephanie
There's actually far too much goodness in this post!! You go girl, you deserve every bit of this! xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteI ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS POST AND YOUR JOURNEY. You are such an incredible force. A great big bundle of light. Love and cuddles x
ReplyDeleteHi Anna, words can´t describe how much I admire your dilligence, conviction, inner power and capability. You really do prove that you can do anything you want you just have to want it and work hard for it. You just rock! ;)
ReplyDeletexx Eve.h :)