
26 June 2013

My Happiness List

Sometimes, we as complex human beings love to complicate things, in fact, it can almost be second nature to us. Imagine a world where that old saying really did happen though; what is it? 

Miss someone? Call them 
Want to be understood? Explain 
Have questions? Ask
Don't like something? Say it
Love someone? Declare it

I want to add something new to that mix though. If you have a dream .. LIVE IT. Chase it down. Honour it. Declare it. Pursue it. Go for it with your souls gusto. We so don't have to complicate this life. 

That is what is high on my happiness list at the moment. I have a goal to leave my Full Time Job to pursue my big big goals by December this year - shit just got real as I have now publicly declared it, yep, the universe now knows it - I am, working harder than ever to achieve it and as always this will be the space where I share the journey. In the meantime here else is what is making my life so so rich - in love, gratitude, happiness and everything in between. 

Public Speakers Course

My g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s business partner & soul sista' Peta Kelly got me the gift to end all gifts the other week when she took her & I along to THE worlds best public speaking course by THE Andy Harrington. We had lightbulb after lightbulb after lightbulb and breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough. We locked down our final company business ideas and even wrote up grand plans for launch parties. It was the most awe inspiring productive weekend I've ever experienced in my life and I would happily take another ten of them thank you! It wasn't ALL business either - the course content in itself was so incredibly inspiring and I, after years and years of having a story inside of me, confidently feel like it might just be ready to be shared. 

Dinner with good friends at New Restaurants

There are many things in my life that I consider my Joie De Vivre - but  trying out new restaurants with delicious menus and amazing friends is certainly very high up there. Morgs & I double dated up a storm on Monday night trying out Jamie Olivers new restaurant in Perth. We braved the hour long waiting list - whilst sitting having a delicious bottle of red at the bar mind you - and soon settled in to our table in a perfect corner of the restaurant. The entree? Different and so yummy. The Mains? OMG delish - we all tried the pasta. And the Dessert? Well, let's just say Brownie, I will be eating you first next time. If you haven't tried it out yet put off by the waiting list - don't - just sit at the bar & drink the wine, you won't regret it.  

New business ventures coming soon 

I can't say toooo much but I will say this. Watch this space. Lifesshinyprettythings will be re launching very soon - same content just more. More soul, more heart, more shared experiences, just more - more for you, there will also be a free e-book for all visitors to download when I launch. The big BIG news though is the collaboration I am working on with said business partner & soul sista Peta Kelly - it is so so exciting and we are bursting out of our skin to get it all finalised and launched. Think heart & soul, purpose alignment, community & tribe growing, wellness everything. You will be the first to hear about it the closer we get and I will share as much as possible with you at every turn. 

Winning a FREE trip to Vegas 

Ok woosah. It might sound like it's too good to be true, but I've said it before - I don't believe in that saying (I think life can be exactly as good or extraordinary as you desire it to be). Last Wednesday I was on a call with other people from all around Australia to hear my name read out, along with 11 other members of my team to say we had won a free 5 star all expenses paid trip ... to VEGAS. Morgs & I leave 31st July (a little over 5 weeks away) & will spend 2 weeks in Vegas with a short trip over to Mexico (or as I like to say - Mehiccoooo). I won it for just being part of THE most amazing nutritional cleansing company ev-ahhh and am so excited to be going with my whole team. We will be partying in the Hugh Hefner suite, and I know I'll come back more fired up than ever deemed imaginable. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and to be honest, I don't think it's totally sunk in yet - it just proves anything you want in this life IS achievable. (psst - this is the same company that I have been aligned with now for a mere 3 months and at any point you can be a part of too - you know where to find me if you want to know how on earth you can make this a reality for you too).


You turn gorgeous. Spill it. I want to hear what's on your happiness list the past week or so. Have you tried any new restaurants recently? Have you connected with new friends? I want to hear it xx

1 comment:

  1. WOAH. Talk about one incredible year and we're only half way! Can't wait to hear all about YEL :D:D
