
3 May 2013

Inspiring Babe of the week: Peta Kelly from Anatome Integrated Wellness

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this babe'in soul she is just THAT amazing. If you haven't already heard of Peta or been inspired by her incredibly amazing page it would be my honour to introduce you both. 

Peta & I were introduced through a mutual friend (check out her amazing Pinterest here). She had seen we were posting similar positive 'stuff' on our facebook walls and connected us in a message. We had caught up for a 'blind date' lunch and almost 3 hours later I was walking away buzzing, inspired, excited & connected - I felt like we had the start of a soul sista love story.

Her energy, infectious. Her goals can't help but inspire & love of life unparallelled. She can walk in a room and by the end of a talk shift mindsets and inspire you to live better and be better. She quite literally changes lives.  

She is quite possibly the most energetic, loving, soulful, INSPIRING girl I know. Hands down. Fo' real. She lives her truth, walks her talk, and has taught me about living life with ease and abundance. (We also share the same dream to retire our mums - soon!!) 

She is the wonderful soul behind "Anatome Integrated Wellness" that aims to "Embody all aspects of Wellness ~ Wellness of the body, the mind, the soul and one's finances. Anatome aims to nourish and encourage people all over the world to live a life purely by their own design"

See what I mean? You're going to LOVE her so grab yourself a cup of herbal tea and settle in for some serious soul'spiration x 

+ So what do you do Peta? What is your big life vision & where did it come from?

I work with a team of AMAZING young people who are creating a life purely by their own design, while helping others do the same!

More specifically, I have a wellness business called Anatome Integrated Wellness. The vision of Anatome is to help people achieve complete wellness in their lives through an integrated approach with health, nutritional cleansing, personal development, spiritual development and wealth creation. I’m going through a bit of a transformation/evolution with Anatome and it will soon fall under the umbrella of ‘Life by my Own Design.’ 

I’ve always had a massive passion for everything health and wellbeing, and in particular, obesity! I grew up in a very active family of 4 kids and we played every sport under the sun. To me, we were the most blessed kids on the planet, enjoying lives in healthy bodies with the love and support of our amazing single Mum! 

I decided early on in life I was going to get rich and retire my Mum. How? I had no idea. But I knew it’d come. Anyway, after graduating from UWA with a BSc (Hons), and having my research on exercise and appetite published, I started a phD to continue more of the same. I soon realised in my own life though, that there was so much more to learn about the body, the mind and the soul that I needed to discover myself. Every Monday it was ‘a thing’ for my friends to be hating work, feeling gross, and just wishing the week away so that the weekend would come. It didn’t make sense to me. Why are we wishing away 5 amazing days, just to enjoy two? Around the time I came to this realisation, I was being given signs from the universe to change direction slightly so I listened to this ‘calling’, deferred my phD and started my own business aged 23. It started as a weight management business, integrating personal training and nutrition. I was learning more about the body at a deep level than ever before and slowly more pieces of the puzzle came together.  I still always felt that there was a missing link though. There was something that separated us from feeling great, to feeling AMAZING… I was on a hunt to figure it out. Raw foods, vegan, organic, juicing, you name it I was doing it. 

Surely enough, a few short months later, the universe nudged me on the shoulder and I I was introduced to the wonderful world of nutritional cleansing and ZING!  There it was… The missing link. I could write forever about the details of this discovery, the synchronicities that followed and how FREAKISHLY perfectly timed it all was. I started to feel incredible like never before, so did my clients, my family and my friends. I thought YES! This is life!  We’re meant to wake up every day feeling amazing, full of energy, clear mind, feelings of joy, happiness endlessly and with ease. I also discovered an amazing new business model which allowed me to empower people to take control of their own lives on the inside, but on the outside too, financially. 

It all clicked. Now THIS is complete wellness. My vision is to revolutionise the way young people view their health, their potential for wealth and in turn empower people of all ages live a life purely by their own design. I now lead a team of incredible young, inspiring leaders who want to change lives, starting with their own. By creating complete balance and alignment at the deepest level physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually we allow ourselves to live to our full potential. The business structure within our team allows us to dream big, live our life however we want to and help others do the same. Once I decided on my ‘WHY’, the ‘HOW’ came to me… 

I now have both the WHY and the HOW.

Tell me where you draw your own inspiration from? What lights the fire in your belly?
      My Mum!!
      The most hard working, selfless, brave and strong woman on the planet. She is my ‘why’ and she has taught me that giving selflessly with no boundaries is the only way to live. 

      I draw huge inspiration from books and audios. ‘ The Strangest Secret’ By Earl Nightingale is single handedly the 30 minute piece that picked me up from a road of mental and physical burnout at one stage, to putting me firmly on my path to freedom and joy. My wonderful team inspires me more than I can put into words. Being amongst young people who want more for the world and for themselves makes my heart sing.  AHHHHHH (Heart singing)

     + Is there a favourite book (or two!) and video that inspired you in big ways that you would love to share to inspire others?
   The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a MUST READ for everyone no matter what you do or who you are!

      The Go Giver- By Bob Burg. I live by the above two books. 

You inspire me so much to ‘live life by my own design’ but not everybody knows what that means – can you explain to my readers what you mean when we say that? 

 Living a life by your own design means doing WHATEVER you want with WHOEVER you want WHENEVER you want to do it! It means being physically FREE, waking up feeling amazing, and going to bed feeling amazing too. It means earning more so you can GIVE more, with no limitations. It epitomises ABUNDANCE in all aspects. Love, happiness, prosperity, growth, health… It’s being able to design your ideal day, from start to finish. It’s being able to live from a place of love, while dreaming SO BIG that it’s scary, KNOWING that you will live your dreams. It’s a choice. We choose.

  + Being a girl who lives her life by her own design, describe to me your perfect day from start to finish?

My perfect day starts with waking up EARLY feeling amazing, with the first thought that comes into my head one of gratitude. I open up French doors that overlook the ocean and meditate for halfa. I have a yummy cleanse and then I get amongst nature, whether it be a run through a beaten track or a swim in the ocean. 

Then I’ll get comfy on a hammock, or a bean bag on the balcony, inside or outside and read a book or listen to an  audio while drinking a super food smoothie and connecting all the senses. Then my ‘work’ day will begin and the real fun starts. I connect with my team, answer emails, make phone calls, have meetings. Throw some planning exciting events, holidays or trips in there too. 

For lunch I will have some yummy organic food from one of my fav raw food/wholefood cafes in Fremantle or down south. After lunch, it’s more planning, more beautiful conversations including some success stories whether it be to do with health or wealth. At night we have a wicked team meeting/presentation with lots of newbies joining us!  My family is all there too ;)  As I write this I’m on the plane to Broome to spend a super fun week in the sunshine, connecting with people. My ideal day also involves being able to jump on a plane if I want to!

+ What are the 3 tips you can share to help others live their dream life. Where can they get started? 

1)      Decide exactly what it is you want in your life and broadcast it. Vision board it and look at it every single day. Be clear on your ‘why’
2)      Nourish your body at the deepest level. If you get the inside right the outside will fall into place.
3)      Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Always be learning.

+ What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

My Mum has given me plenty. So had my dear late Nanna.  One thing that sticks with me every single day is this… You are never deprived when someone else gains. It makes life that much more glorious to realise that and live it every single day



  1. I just can´t repeat enough how much I admire all people who don´t stop thinking positive ;) I should really learn this from you both :)
    xx Eve.h

  2. You ladies inspire me so much and i'm glad i came across both of you via instagram. My next mission is to come down to Perth and get to meet you both in person. How awesome is it that Peta has quoted one of my faves Jim Rohn in this post (work harder on yourself than you do on your job). I have started implementing this in my life and i find that my focus has changed from 'how much i hate my job' to 'how can i make myself better today?'

    I am still working on what i truly want in my life :)

    xo Stephanie

  3. Eeek! Instant girl crush!!!!! Can't wait to meet her! (please forgive the overuse of exclamation points - I'm just THAT excited!)
