
12 April 2013

Inspiring Babe of the week; Nikki from Sunshine for the soul

I had the pleasure of 'e'meeting Nikki a few months ago through the wonderful world of blogging  (and all things social media). We instantly connected and were excited to share our life'isims, inspirations and just generally connect. 

Her energy is infectious, support is uplifting and message super inspiring and so when I wanted to start a new section on the blog interviewing gorgeous souls I knew Nikki was the girl to kick it off with. 

Below, learn her insights on starting a blog, what inspires her and how she wants you to feel when you visit her site, with a delicious recipe thrown in for good measure. Psst - I also asked her some juicy questions on how and why she started a blog for those of you on the verge of starting your own to hopefully kick start your fire. 

p.s This will be a regular feature in this space from now on - I want to bring you inspiring babes who are rocking it hard in life to bring you inspiration in every way shape and form.

p.p.s Have a wonderful weekend I will see you back here on Monday xx


Nikki from Sunshine for the soul 

+ Tell me how you got in to blogging?

I'd love to! I have always loved writing things down like my thoughts, plans, goals and to do lists in journals, notepads, scrap bits of paper floating around, anywhere really. I wanted to create a bigger and brighter space for all of these things but wasn’t quite sure what that would be or look like.

When I started my health coaching studies, I began to get a lot clearer on my passions and vision for the future and I knew a blog would be the perfect outlet for my ‘bigger and brighter space.’

I didn't know how I would get started so I started reading more blogs, books and articles until it got to the point where the voice inside my head said 'ok, it’s time to do this.Start your blog now,’ and so I did. 
I started Sunshine for the Soul late 2012 and it has been growing organically ever since and I hope will continue to do so.

+ Do you have any advice for guys/girls wanting to start a blog?

Yes. DO IT! The sooner you do,the better.

A beautiful line that Sarah Wilson once said about blogging, 'Enter the fray' has always stuck with me. 

It took me a long time to muster the courage to actually launch my blog and put it out there for the world to see because of caring so much what other people would think, for fear of judgment and for thinking to myself 'do people really want to hear or care what I have to say, especially when there are so many other people out there with wonderful blogs?'

That’s when I realised that as much as blogging is for sharing and communicating with other people, first and foremost,it’s for myself. I write for myself, it's a creative outlet, a form of self-therapy and self-expression.

I believe that everyone has his or her own unique gift to share with the world so put it out there. Enter the fray. Once I did, I realised it wasn't so scary after all and wish I had started sooner. You will attract the right people to your blog when it is right for you and for them. If my writing doesn't connect or resonate with certain people, that's ok too. 

I would highly recommend Darren Rowseand Chris Garrett's book, 'ProBlogger: Secrets for how to blog your way to a six figure income.' It is wonderfully informative, effective and simply breaks down the steps you need to take to create and build a profitable blog.  

 + How do you come up with your blog ideas? 

I listen to my heart. I look at the world around me; the things that present themselves to me in day-to-day life that I know other people could benefit or take a lesson from too.

Other times, ideas will come to me when I'm having a conversation with someone and I feel something inside of me spark.

I don't like to force ideas; if I am really struggling to come up with content (which is rare) I don't push it or write something just for the sake of publishing something. When I write it comes from the heart, so therefore authentic and meaningful. When you aren't present in your writing or don't connect with it from within, your readers won't connect with it either.I believe the best posts are the ones that come naturally. 

+ What are 3 things you want your readers to feel when they visit your site?

Inspired, positive and loved. 

At a high level my blog is about health and wellness but on a deeper level I really want to encourage people to seek and embrace the things in life that truly bring a fire to their soul, touch their heart and inspire them to live the happiest, healthiest and most abundant life they can. 

My blog is a creative and safe space full of positivity, love and nourishing things for your mind, body and soul so grab yourself a coconut water, sit back and enjoy!

What inspires you?

SO much! Authenticity – Kindness - Self-love – Selflessness - 'Female-preneurs'

Seeing people not only following their dreams but also chasing them. We only get one shot at this life and I am so inspired and uplifted when I see people seeking opportunities to make their life the very best that they can by going after what rings true for them instead of living in fear and in the 'what ifs,' and 'one day I will...' world.

Having beautiful heart felt conversations with like-minded people who are positive, encouraging and uplifting. When I not only communicate but also connect with another person, I feel my soul come alive and that is such a wonderful and inspiring thing.

 + Describe your perfect day?

I would start the day off with some fun movement, whether that was some strength training, going for a run or doing yoga, as I believe that exercise in the morning sets your entire mood for the day. 

I'd follow that with a relaxed breakfast at one of my favourite cafes whilst enjoying some entrepreneurial reading or writing for my blog, or perhaps a catch up with a friend.
Then onto some coaching sessions with my clients as it is such rewarding work and helping others is the quickest way to make you feel good too.
Time spent outside to soak up the sunshine would be an absolute must as that makes me sublimely happy.
 In the evening I would relax over a nice home cooked meal and glass of red (yes Health coaches still enjoy wine) and spend time with my beautiful man talking about life, dreams and my vision for the future.

So you’re a health coach? Tell us a little about what you do & what clients can expect working with you?

Yes I am and I LOVE it. Working (if I can call it that) with people to support, help and guide them make their life bigger and brighter is so rewarding. I work with people from a holistic approach, which means I look at four key areas in their life: Relationships, career, physical activity and spirituality. I assess these core areas and work with my clients to identify where things may be off balance or not working for them, set agreed goals and action plans.

Many people think that health or being 'healthy' is just about the food they put in their mouth, which does play a large role of course, however, the real crux of health is about how we feed our body, mind and soul. When the above four key areas are in harmony and in balance, the food we eat is secondary.

Are you feeding your body beautiful nutrients or garbage? Are you feeding your mind negative thoughts or uplifting ones? Are you doing things to feed your soul or to shrink it?
These questions are so important.

Clients can expect a coaching program that is tailored to them and their individual needs. 
My clients’ get a coach who is 100% focused and committed to them.  When I am with my clients, I am present; I am there for them.

I work with the individual to address any or all areas of their life that are off balance and holding them back from living a healthy, happy and abundant life. I work towards goals, actions, personal recommendations and so forth.

+  Do you have a yummy healthy recipe for us?

Oh tough choice… but I’ll chose this one because these are so simple to make, use only a few ingredients and are absolutely delicious and nutritious. They make the perfect little treat or I'll often whip up a batch to give to a friend as a gift.



*1 Cup Dry Roasted Almonds
*1 Cup Dates (preferably organic) pitted
*1/3 Cup Raw Organic Cacao powder
*1/3 Cup Coconut Oil – melted
*½ Cup Organic Shredded Coconut Flakes + little extra to roll balls in

Step 1: Soak pitted dates in a bowl of warm water for 15 minutes.
Step 2: Whilst dates are soaking, combine cacao powder, almonds, coconut oil and flakes in a food processor (does not work as well in a blender)
Step 3: Feed dates in one by one for a smooth consistency.
Step 4: Depending on how moist you want to balls you can add a few drops of water
Step 5: Allow mixture to rest for 5-10 minutes and then roll into a ball.
Step 6: Roll mixture into small bite size balls then roll in coconut flakes
Step 7: Allow setting in fridge for 1 – 2 hours before gobbling these little goodies.
Step 8: ENJOY and try not to gobble in one sitting!

Note: Do not consume late at night as cacao is quite high in caffeine and will keep you awake longer than you wish (trust me, I know from personal experience)

Raw cacao is a great source of four neurotransmitters; serotonin, dopamine, anandamine (the bliss chemical) and phenylethylamine, which are associated with feelings of well being and also help to alleviate depression. Not only that, it is the primary source of magnesium which is vital for a healthy functioning heart and is the most deficient mineral in Western civilisation.
What's not to love? 



Images: All taken from her delightful Instagram. Follow her at nicole_perhne

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches PROVE How Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    This means that you actually burn fat by eating Coconut Fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from large medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
