
6 March 2013

My wellness story + 4 tips to kick start your own wellness journey

I wrote and re wrote this post 3 or 4 times, keeping out where the idea had come from, the personal side to why I'm sharing this particular subject and it just didn't flow freely, at all. I knew what I was trying to say and why, but keeping out the personal side to it didn't feel right. So I scrapped the whole thing, and started again with no inhibition - sharing the personal story before I give you some advice and this is the result; 

My health and wellness journey started just over 3 years ago now, in fact, if we wanted to be really specific, it started for me on February 23rd 2010. You might ask how can I remember such a specific date or maybe more importantly why was it such a specific date, which are both valid questions. The answers to both can be answered with this. 

It was the date of my major corrective jaw surgery. 

I won't re hash everything again, as on the anniversary last year I shared the very personal story right here on the blog which you can read above. 

What I can say is this though; before that date, I didn't take responsibility for my own health; I ate rather unhealthily, didn't feed my mind with positive words or books and wasn't in a place of complete truth or joy. And don't get me wrong. I was happy. There was just sign after sign that something wasn't quite right - developing anxiety & adult acne were just the start. 

After my surgery however, and consequent emotional and physical changes and finally feeling like I was on the outside who I connected with on my insides - things changed. 

I did a complete life overhaul. C.o.m.p.l.e.t.e

I changed my whole diet - out went pastas, breads and rice every day of the week in came smaller portions of meat and big healthy servings of salads and vegetables. Out went skipping breakfasts every day and in came an extra meal that should have been there from the start. Out went fizzy drinks and 7 coffees a day (yes you read that right) and in came 5L of water, green smoothies and only 1-2 coffees.

I changed my whole lifestyle - out went bad and toxic friendships and in came the most loving and supportive tribe of women that is still growing today. Out went negative mind sets, negative words and limiting beliefs and in came positive affirmations, problem solving questions, inspirational books, value and goal setting and intentions. 

I changed my whole routine - out went mind numbing tv watching every night of the week and in came starting and writing this blog, out went no exercising and in came 4-5 1 hour exercise sessions a week, out went the belief I didn't have time for anymore in my life and in came weekly yoga sessions (with my beautiful mum no less). 

And came. The anxiety disappeared, the adult acne just went away, the weight dropped off and stayed off*, it was huge and obvious transformative growth that helped me to start living that truth and joy and love I was searching and yearning for through all those years of self doubt and insecurities. 

It was there the whole time I just needed to fuel it with the right stuff to help it shine. 

This is where my advice kicks in though. Love soaked, purest intention advice. 

We ALL have an incredibly unique set of gifts powerful enough to change our world. You just have to let them out. The world is in fact depending on you to set your gifts free gorgeous, and it's up to you to make that happen. 

I know it can be a little daunting and you will have moments of overwhelm - but just start small. My overhaul didn't happen overnight, hell it didn't even happen within weeks - it has been quite literally a 3 year journey. 

Here are a few little suggestions to help you start your own wellness journey ... 

+ Let go of worrying what other people might think. If you're living authentically and from a place of love (which is what happens when you start to live your truth) that is a beautiful and positive thing. There is nothing negative about it. People aren't going to judge you for being more positive and making some required changes - in fact it's the quickest and best way to work out who should be in your life and who shouldn't. Those that do judge and bring you down need to be cut. Worry less, live more. It's that Simple. 

+ Start small & don't let overwhelm stop you. If there is one thing I can't emphasize enough it is to not try to do it all and change it all at once. Start with one thing and implement it until it's a new habit. Remember it takes 30 days to make or break a habit  so stick at it, everyday. It might mean reading a book you have heard is amazing for 10 minutes before bed each night or cutting down vs stopping all together drinking fizzy drinks. And if you feel like you stuffed up, honour that it's a lesson, not a failure and use the following day as a beautiful gift to start again. 

+ Be grateful. For all that you have experienced in your past that has helped shaped you today, for all that is to come in the future and for every other day in between. Life got a lot sexier and extraordinary for me when I started to become grateful - & I don't mean grateful for just the big stuff. Be grateful for the little stuff - like hot cups of tea, the uplifting word you just heard a parent give their child, hot water, clean water, your breathe. Being grateful even if you can't change all the other stuff puts you in a remarkable position of love - for life and it's blessings. 

+ Practice self love everyday. This is by far and large the most crucial step in your own wellness. Love starts at 'home' which means directly with yourself. Letting go of limiting beliefs like "I can't" It's impossible" "I'm not good enough" "I don't have the time" and instead telling yourself "I'm worthy" "I can" "It's totally possible" "let's do this" "I have time" will slowly change the way you view yourself and ultimately your power and world. Give your body what it needs - sleep, nutrients, water, and your mind what it needs intention, positivity, nourishment - but do this 

Just remember that the fact that you're here, on this earth, breathing, means you have a purpose - the world is waiting for you to share your gifts and shine your light. You don't need to figure it all out instantly, start small, run your race slowly and you'll get there. I promise. 

Go on though - What are you waiting for?

Images: Here & Here


  1. What an inspiring post to read! Im in the process of my life change and I feel better already. Ive burned my bridges with the negative people in my life, and Im eating healthy and exercising. Its great and Im so glad you shared your story here cause its like a sign Im doing the right thing :) thank you! xox

  2. Wow what a journey you have been on, I read your surgery post you are so very brave girl. I see you as the strong and independant woman that you are now but it is true that we all came from somewhere and we all have our past that made us who we are today. I admire your strength and courage to become the person that you want to be. I really need to get off my butt, find my mojo, and believe anything is possible x

  3. Thanks for putting it all out there Anna, hopefully others see that life changes come through determination, patience and persistence and you just keep working away at it everyday. But you do it because you want to, not because someone else told you to. I am so happy for you that your life is providing you with great things xx
    Lou @ The Honesty Path

  4. You amazing, amazing human being xxxxx

  5. Great motivational post! Thanks for sharing!

    Hope you are having a great week!
    World According to Shia

  6. Love this post, it's so honest and inspiring. You worked really hard to get where you are now and it pays off! Love your spirit!

  7. What a beautiful blog! I just saved it to my favorites.

    Keep shining bright - It's inspiring!

  8. An absolutely beautiful and uplifting post Anna!
