
5 February 2013

My Happiness List

Welcome to the first post on what will be a fairly regular new thang in this space from now on. My Happiness List, which is going to be a juicy list of just that ... things that are, well, that are making me happy.

Truthfully most things that are now in my life attribute to my happiness. I literally get excited over my favourite song coming on the radio, or the sky putting on a saucy show with beautiful cloud formations. When I wrote at the start of the week on how to get clearer on your priorities it wasn't just to share some advice, it is something I truly honour in my own life which means that with my life, I get to fill it with everything that I want to be in it thus the enthusiasm and emotions that come with that.

With all of this in mind, we'll kick this first of many posts off by sharing what's keeping me grateful and soul defyingly excited about life + share what I am making time for to keep my health & happiness in check.

Perfect morning at the beach

In my opinion, Perth is already perfect on a bad day, but throw in some of it's bangin' weather, clear blue skies and one of it's beautiful beaches and you have yourself one hell of a perfect morning. Oh, and not to mention my handsome fiance'! We were up early on Sunday to hit one of our favourite cafe's 'The Pickled Fig' in South beach before spending a leisurely morning together swimming and relaxing on the sand. It was heaven all wrapped up in to one sunny morning. 

Wedding plans + Pinning up a storm

I have actually been a bit of a naughty bride to be and not given much attention to wedding planning at all. I have been way more concerned with loving being a fiance' and Morgs & I both said we would focus on the wedding once the engagement party was out of the way - which is going to be one massive party! We are well on our way with Engagement party planning so I took the liberty this week to start pinning some more pretty inspiration on my 'Wedding Board' and it has kept me excited about being a bride to be all week!

Picking our wedding party 

Yup. You read it right. Morgs & I sat down and decided on who best to be our go to guys and girls on one helluva important day. I cried, he laughed, I got emotional some more, and then we looked at each other with the BIGGEST smiles knowing full well these were the people we didn't just want, but needed to be next to us on our big day. (it still has me get all emotional even typing now!)

Breakfast Dates + Soul Friends

I have so many treasured souls in my life who I count as blessings almost daily, and one of those souls & I love to catch up for breakfast every couple of weeks to try out places in Perth we've never been before and share what's new and exciting in our lives. There is not a time that I walk away from breakfast with her that I don't feel inspired, uplifted, loved and full of beautiful energy and I was lucky enough to see her on the weekend just gone by. Soul friends are just a different kind of friend (the term soul friend came from another one of mine who is a regular reader of this blog!) & always inspire me to do better and feel better.

Staying Organised this year with Kiki.K

I think it's safe to say your mum knows you oh so well when your first Christmas present is a 2013 diary, but not just any diary, a Kiki.K diary! Not only that she took out the best present that year I was that smitten (not sure if that's a sad or embarrassing thing? -HA!) I do love a good organised life / desk / everything though and I have found reverting back to the 'old way' of keeping everything in a paper diary vs. my phone has helped me stay on top of appointments and life SO much easier. 


Over to you though - I want to hear what is on your own happiness list this week. Maybe you haven't even had a chance to think of what you're most grateful for until today so I'd love it if you shared with us all below and we can start a collective growing list of things that make us H to the appy!

Love, excitement & tonnes of light,

Anna xx

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