
11 February 2013

Gratitude Journalling

Welcome back gorgeous! Did you take up the challenge from Friday? I hope you're starting your Monday off fresh and ready for a new week full of possibilities. 

Grab a cup of tea though and settle in as I really want to talk to you about Gratitude Journalling. 

I had heard of Gratitude journalling for the first time about a year ago, and immediately loved the idea but felt like I didn't really need to do it, nor had any huge desire to do it as I was already life's biggest fan, I didn't think writing it in a book would help me love it anymore. How beautifully wrong I was however. I started  just over 7 months ago now and I truly don't think I'll ever look back. 

So what is it and how can you get started?

You will need; a journal, a pen, and a willingness to want to commit to it. 

And then, you simply write. 

You write as little or as much as you like about things you are grateful for in your life. The thing I love about gratitude jouarnalling, is it's your thing to commit as little or as much time as you like to it. I love to do it every day, but if you can't comitt to that, just do it when you can. There is a beautiful thing that occurs when you do it though ... whether you feel like it or you don't, or whether you have a 30 minute jam session with you and your thoughts, or 5 minutes rushed just before work, once you're done you really truly are grateful. Grateful for life and all it's beautiful moments and things it offers to you.

It might be for the fresh flowers in the supermarket you get to smell as you do your shopping.
Or maybe for the amazing conversation you had with your girlfriend over dinner.
It could be for photos you have captured that you just recently went through, remembering all the amazing times you've experienced. 

Whatever you are grateful for - put it down. The warm sunshine? Loud music in your car? That text message you got from your boyfriend?  

Once you start finding so much to be grateful for in your life, you will discover that you end up finding so much more to be grateful for, you seek gratitude in all that you do and see and life just becomes more amazing. What you have is enough, and everything else is just an exciting bonus. 

If you've been thinking about starting and haven't yet, then just do it. Or, if you had never heard about it until today but think you'd like to give it a go - start now! There is no time like the present to become more grateful and amp your life up a few shiny notches. 


Over to you ... What are you grateful for today? I would love to hear from you in the comments x


  1. Hi Anna, great idea ;) I think I should think about what I´m grateful for more often these days. Today I´m grateful for good sleep at night and a warm cup of tea for breakfast. Maybe I´ll discover some more during the day :) Have a nice Monday of possible.
    xx Eve.h

  2. You're full of so many great tips & ideas! Tonight, more that ever, I'm so grateful for all the amazing friends I've made in Perth and the things I've experienced since moving here.

    Where else in the world can you go swimming at 7:30pm and it's still 30 degrees out? So grateful for Perth's beautiful coast line! x

  3. What a great idea!!!!!! We should enjoy and be thankful for every second of our lives!!!
    Many kisses

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