
11 January 2013

Blogs I LOVE

I am currently writing to you curled up on a beautiful sun lounge by the pool in warm & sunny Manila where you'll find me the next 7 days relaxing with my mum. 'But you only just got back from holiday?!' I hear you mutter. I know, I totally know....but... I'm a shocker (plus I love to travel so making that a priority in my life always comes easily!) 

Chilling out here with cups of tea, face masks and afternoon naps though I have been able to absorb myself in all of my favourite crazily inspiring blogs which I absolutely adore. There have been a-LOT of life changes, health changes and spiritual changes the last 2 and a bit years now going on in my life but the last 6 months, these 5 incredible blogs have come in to my life and turned it upside down in every way - mind/body/spirit/soul/inspiration/call-it-whatever-you-like-I-adore-them. They inspire me, light me on fire, excite me, and make me want to be better, feel better, and do better in every way shape & form. 

I thought it time to share this goodness though. Maybe you already read one, or two or three or all of them, or maybe you read none, but whatever the case this round up o'goodness will be sure to spark some inspiration in your life in some shape or way (I hope, nay, I'm sure).

So in no particular order and cutting straight to my wordy point, here are my go to websites for inspiration in all areas of our crazy, wild, beautiful life. 

p.s Most of the sites have a newsletter subscription that will deliver amazing inspiration straight to your inbox and having signed up to them all, I can't recommend it highly enough (plus you will generally get a kick back from it too like an amazing free e-book)...every time I've needed a boost of inspiration or advice I seem to get it right on time and I hope you will too. 

For a fresh dose of healthy living you need to head on over to Curtis & Candices' amazing space. Here they'll share with you amazingly delicious healthy recipes and beautiful inspiring words as they want to help us  'get happy and stay happy' 

If you are looking for an ah-ma-zing website that will chock your days and minds full of inspiring stories of how other kick ass babes have been there, done that, succeeded and want to share their story then this is the site for you. Kate brings the perfect amount of everything to the table with her interviews and I just know you'll find something for you when you stop on by to say hello. 

You'll need a few hours when you first visit Rach's site as if your experience will be anything like mine, then you'll wonder where the past 4 hours went as you 'swear you only just started reading her posts'. There is so much deep deep advice, love, inspiration and soul on her blog it's hard to leave. From teaching you how to find more time to going through her experiences of planning a wedding her site always leaves you wanting more. Rach & and her blog inspacesbetween have also just been named by ProBlogger as one of 15 blogs to watch in 2013! 

After e-meeting Jess for the first time and taking a look around her site you'll wonder how you ever got through your week without a visit to her space before. Jess walks her talk and is always there with the most soulful advice, fantastic healthy recipes and all round goodness in all her posts (not to mention youtube series she takes part in called 'Health Talks'). I think Jess introduces herself much better than I ever could however so allow me to pull some words straight off her site ... " I'm Jessica Ainscough - a writer, holistic health coach, and green-juicin', cancer-kickin' Wellness Warrior". You I said, you'll love her site (& her) to pieces! p.s Everybody asks me where I get my green juice recipes from? Well sign up to her weekly newsletters and you get a free e-book containing over 80 recipes. Fab-u-lous.

Oh Leonie <3 I actually found Leonies' website through Co-inside Wellbeings facebook page (I adore how the universe works) and haven't looked back since. Leonie is a shiny, beautiful, caring soul who just wants to share and give to this world (don't we all?!) but oh my she does it so well. She writes honest, real stories about her own life that you will more than likely find incredibly relative to yours...she also has an incredible life planner for 2013 that I bought and is already making wave lengths in my world. 

You could call Danielle my guiding light from afar and the one who got me on to all the other blogs through my increased love of wellness, inspiration, self love, acceptance and awareness. Danielle is the amazing soul behind 'Fire Starter Sessions' and 'Desire Map'. She was the one who inspired this post and set me on today's path. I highly encourage you buy the books but in the meantime visit her site for loads of advice on living your best life. 


I know there are SO many beautiful, inspiring, soulful, exciting blogs and websites out there that I haven't mentioned here (Danielle LaPorte's for one, but for some reason you can't connect to it from the Phillipines!) but this is just the's your turn! I would love to hear your own favourite blogs or even YOUR blog so I can stop by and get to know you better, just leave the name below in the comments section - I can't wait to (e)meet you!

Love, light & excitement,

Anna xx


  1. Great collection of blogs! Some more to add to the reading list :)

  2. Hi Annie, hope you're well! These sound like excellent sites, I will have to check them out!

  3. Don´t really know any of these, but I´ll sure have a look at Leonie´s page. Hope you´re havinga fabulous time with your mum in Manila :)
    xx Eve.h

    1. You would love Leonies Eve, they're all so beautiful and positive but I think it's lovely you were drawn to Leonies. Hopefully you like it :) xx

  4. I will have to check these sites out!! Thanks! Hope you are having fun on your vaca! Congrats on your engagement!! Love your blog!!

    1. Thanks so much Mree!! Honoured you stopped by and left a message to let me know :) Our vacay was simply amazing. Already planning our next x

  5. Great new blogs to follow! Thanks! How was the trip? It's been snowing here in Amsterdam, so have been dreaming of summer! Xo

    1. I read an article the other day that you can ice skate on the frozen canals in Amsterdam hun!!! Is this true?? Totally have to come back for a Winter if it is. Hope you're well, and the trip was amazing :) xo

  6. I stumbled upon your blog through your instagram account and am so glad I did! I've just started blogging and seem to be on a similar path to you and these lovely blogs you've recommended, it's exactly the reading I want to be doing so thank you. Your blog is beautiful and filled with wonderful and inspiring content :)
    Lou @ The Honesty Path

  7. Great blogs, Miss Anna! I have missed you in dialogue! How have you been? The Wellness Warrior is a blog I've never heard of before, but it looks awesome!


    Erin @
