2012. You have been my biggest and brightest yet, no doubt about it.
Looking back over the past year has my emotional self well up with happy tears. Most that follow the blog could stand back and say any year that involves 4.5 months of travel (& going on to 6 months of no work) would make for anybodies best year...but that is only part of it.
Sure. The first half of my year was full of organising the final parts to our holiday, scrambling even, to make sure everything was perfect before we embarked on our trip of a lifetime. It was certainly Busy with a capital B. And yup, there were nerves about leaving our comfort zone and challenging our relationship with living in each others pockets 24 hours a day 7 days a week, both of which ended up being why we loved travelling so much. But that's not just all.
There has been so much change and transformative growth both personally and within Morgs & I's relationship. I turned from an 'almost didn't care of what other people thought but still let it affect me' to a 'hey I've got this, I just need to trust and love myself and the rest will sort itself out' kinda gal. My trust within myself got kicked up to a whole new level and 2012 was the year I let my intuition and gut guide a lot of big decisions - & guess what? It worked a treat. I also learnt how truly important it was to base my goals around what I wanted to feel vs what external gain I would achieve from them - & oh baby has that been a life changer.
2012 was the year I started to harness the energy inside me and try to use it for as much good as possible - be that with a positive word, some loving advice or genuinely and enthusiastically showing up and being present in life for myself and for anybody else who I came in to contact with.
It has been a ginormously g-r-e-a-t year with goals, friendships, love, travel and general feel good kick assed'ness internally with growth and understanding
The biggest change of all though was this. I let go. I let go of worrying about rejection and judgement from others and started to be 100% myself. I started living authentically. I stopped second guessing myself. I I ensured I tried whenever possible (nobodies perfect) to live and love with good intentions so by being myself I knew confidently that if anybody had a problem it wasn't me, it was there own fear or misunderstanding.
And you know what happened? I felt more free than I have my whole life. Good things, GREAT things started to come in to my life. New beautiful friendships, amazing job opportunities, beautiful moments of peace and genuine happiness like I'd never experienced.
2012 was the year I had hoped, tried & manifested it to be but what's even more exciting is there is SO much more growth, learning, laughs and goal attainment for 2013.
I truly believe 2013 is going to go off with a Sonic BOOM and I for one and ready to go in to the year feeling aligned, energised, excited and spontaneous.
Below are some of the highlights of my big, beautiful 2012...
p.s here is when I did my look back at my 2011.
Eat.Yoga.Self Discovery trip to Bali
February saw me whisk myself away to spend 7 magical days in a women's retreat in Canguu Bali. I set out on the trip with a goal to 'find' myself, do a lot of yoga, eat good, wholesome food and do a tonne of journalling - all of which I did..a LOT of and came home with a calm and belief in my belly like never before. I know without a doubt that this solo trip was the start of my journey to letting go and working out just what I'm all about and who I want to be. Thank you universe for that one!
You can read all about it:
Bali Trip - Day 1
Bali Trip - Day 2
Bali Trip - Day 3
Bali Trip - Day 4
Bali Trip - Day 5
Bali Trip - Day 6
Rottnest Island with my bestest girlfriends
March I was surprised with a day trip to Rottnest (or 'Rotto' for those of you Perthies that know the slang!) by 4 of my gorgeous girlfriends. This was the first 'wowza the universe DOES have my back' moments as having lived in Perth for over 11 years, I had never taken the short 40 minute ferry to this beautiful little island...I decided to slap it on my '25 things to do before 25' that I hadn't yet shared, and 2 weeks later, I was there as an amazing surprised by the girls pictured above. I had one of the best days of belly laughing, swimming and chatting about life, boys and the universe.
Celebrated 5 years with the love of my life
April was a month full of love as Morgs & I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We had an amazing day - believe it or not we went to Rottnest too, funny how the universe delivers as soon as you ask! - full of laughter, talking, swimming, eating and reflecting over how far we'd come in those 5 years. It was an extra special anniversary for us as we had felt such a huge shift in our relationship towards positive and bigger things.
You can read all about it:
May was an incredibly exciting month for the Blog & I as I got my first write up in a newspaper! When starting lifesshinyprettythings I never thought in a million years things like getting approached by an editor to feature in a newspaper could happen, I was just an unknown Perth girl writing about things I loved after all - but it did and it was beyond exhilarating It was a special moment for me in 2011 and there is more to come from this in 2013 - so stay tuned for that!
You can read all about it:
July was special for me as not only were we on a hugely exciting countdown to our trip of a lifetime, I got to cross off number 3 on my list of 25 things I want to do before 25, which was 'Do something extraordinary for Morgs". I still have a separate post to come for this as I want to do posts for each thing I tick off my list but let's just say it involved lots of surprises hints, spoiling and his favourite things. It was SUCH a fun day and something he says he'll remember forever.
August all the way through December saw us put a big ole' tick against this one. My blog has been consumed the past almost 5 months with travel stories from our adventure so most will be well aware that this has obviously consumed most of our year. There was so much saving, sacrifices and planning to go along with it but it was all more worth it than I can ever express as we got to see things, experience things and share things we could never have deemed possible or imagined in our wildest dreams. The trip truly was in every way, shape and form made of magic and was a once in a lifetime kinda experience (although we hope to do it all over again for the U.S and South America!). It made my 2012 a completely unforgettable year and one I'll reflect on with future generations of my family to come. Moments like watching sunsets I never imagined possible, becoming emotional in amazing flamenco shows in Spain, swimming with dolphins in Dubai, walking the Cinque Terre, eating and drinking our way around Italy, immersing ourselves along the South of France, falling in love all over again in Paris and seeing snow fall for the first time in Switzerland are all things that filled my heart with happiness, gratitude and pure joy.
So there it is. 2012 in all it's big beautiful glory. A year I grew in, learnt in, fell in love with, and started my new journey on living more authentically and purposefully with love and gratitude.
I am literally bursting out of my skin with excitement for 2013 and can't wait to share with you lots more inspiration and bigger things to come.
Thank you, thank you thank YOU from the bottom of my big joyful heart for being part of my little ole blog and sharing in all of lifes excitement and inspiration when it comes to stopping by to say hello, leave a comment or even just quietly read a post. You gorgeous readers are what keep me writing and I want to give you even more bright hope & help with posts in 2013.
2013 we're all coming to you with a Sonic Boom & I can't WAIT and 2012 I will NEVER forget you.
Lots, and lots and LOTS of love,
Anna xx
psst - Another huge thing happened for me in 2012 that I am yet to share on the blog but will be coming this week.
Photo source - found here
psst - Another huge thing happened for me in 2012 that I am yet to share on the blog but will be coming this week.
Photo source - found here
Oh Anna. I got so emotional reading this post. Being able to witness the nurturing and growth of your soul and spirit this year has been such a honour for me. And the other wonderful thing 2012 has given is your gift of inspiration to us, the readers of Life's Shiny Pretty Things. I have loved every single post you have done this year. They bought a smile to my face and joy to my heart. And I've LOVED living vicariously through you & Mr M whilst you travelled through Europe. You did an outstanding job documenting your holiday! I cannot wait to see what amazing, awesome adventures 2013 will bring you. B xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you thank you for being a soul friend and by my side for all of it. It was the most fun, humbling, enjoyable 'thing' to share our holiday with everybody through our own stories and recordings of where we were & what we were loving. Hers to our HUGE 2013. SOOOOO much love xxx
DeleteHi Anna, I envy you so much for doing such great and incredible things and grow so much personally. I mean I envy you in a good way and I wish I could do something like this too because sometimes I feel kind of lost like I missed my direction or something. Your trip to Europe was so awesome to watch and read all about it. I was looking forward to every post that popped up on me. And I would like to thank you for writing this amazing blog and sharing your advice on how to live, be happy and get what you want. Every time I read some of your self confidence advice it helps me push through rough times and exam periods. So, please, keep that ;)
ReplyDeleteWith all my love xx Eve.h
Oh Eve <3 you are one of the sweetest & most positive girls I know on the blogosphere. Your comments throughout 2012 kept me smiling and inspired to keep writing so thank you for constantly supporting this blog & me. One thing I promise you is you haven't missed your direction. It has got to be one of the hardest things to work out in life, but my advice is stop looking and let it come to you. Focus on things and people that make you happy, reallyyyy happy and amplify that in your life and the rest will follow. I have a quote which I think is perfect for you right now that I hope inspires you to believe at any moment you have the power to change your current situation and destiny...
Delete“It’s never to late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same; there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ill be amping up my advice posts in 2013 as I grow & learn too so I hope more than ever they continue to help & inspire you. Thanks again for all your beautiful support Eve. My wish for you for 2013 is that you find a path to go down personally & professionally that brings you more joy & peace than ever before.
With gratitude & love,
Anna xx
Hi Anna, wow, what an amazing year, hope 2013 is even better!
ReplyDeletewish you a fun, fulfilling and fabulous New Year... May it bring you lots of joy, success, love and good luck!
Thank you sweets! Thank you for all your amazing support through 2012 and for constantly dropping by (& leaving comments!!). I hope 2013 is your best, biggest & brightest year yet xx
DeleteWhat an absolutely amazing year! I can't wait to see what 2013 holds for you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
ReplyDelete& I for you!!! Thanks SO much for following the blog and leaving such thoughtful comments. A huge Happy New Year to you and I truly wish all the happiness, health & success for you in 2013 x
DeleteHappy New Year lovely lady! Thank you for sharing the love, inspiration and beauty of Anna! You have brought joy to us all! Happy New Year to you and to that gorgeous Mr. M!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much sweet Sandi. It was soo lovely to 'e-meet' you in 2012 and I look forward to continue to follow each others journeys from across oceans! I hope your Christmas & New Year was filled with your gorgeous kids & grandkids..wishing you lots of love, happiness, excitement & blessed moments in 2013 xx
DeleteI only discovered your blog in the last few months but read back through many of your travel posts and can see the wonderful year you have had! Your beauty and love for life shines through - it is a beautiful quality. Happy happy new year!
ReplyDeleteHi Anna! I have been following your adventures for awhile on Instagram. It's been very inspiring to see your posts because my soon-to-be husband and myself are embarking on a most amazing year as well in 2013, not only is it our 10 year anniversary but we are eloping in South Africa in March and then embarking around the top end of Australia for 6 - 12 months. Besides the huge excitement and anticipation, I also have struggled with feeling like I will be out of my comfort zone and taking so long off work and leaving my friends behind but seeing how you guys went has been really cool!
ReplyDeleteI am just opening up my own blog so I can share my travels in a few months too!
Good luck with your 2013 and I will keep following your adventures :)
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