
1 August 2012

Mr M my adventurer

As you read this Mr M & I will be high above the ocean - I don't know which one, clearly I'm not 100% on my geography just yet - on our way to the UK, then on to Europe. I had thought it apt however, to begin our travel journey on this blog sharing some more about my fellow adventurer. Although he features so heavily on the blog and has since the beginning, Mr M is still a slight mystery. If I had to just explain him as a person you would hear words like handsome, hilarious and best guy ever - but that is one of two things - although true, it's bias and doesn't give you the idea behind exactly who he is. So here are some cold hard facts, some truths if you will so that over the coming 4 1/2 months if you're new to the blog or a reader from the start, you get to know a little more about the main part of my life...
Mr M (aka Morgs).

  • He is not scared of anything - fact. Not even the dark - like me - I have never seen him in over 7 years be scared of anything. It's his secret super hero power I think.
  • He hates tomatoes - raw tomatoes mind you, he can eat tomato sauce & bruschetta.
  • He loves dogs, and even though he acts like he doesn't like cats he and my 5 year old cat Tarzan are the best of friends ever.
  • His favourite food his Italian, more specifically pizza - Italy won't know what hit it when we get there.
  • He has fabulous taste in fashion and his opinion on how I look and what I should wear matters and is almost always listened to.
  • His an IT whizz - need something done or need to know something about anything electronic, he is your guy.
  • He has an uncanny knack for pulling out the most random facts at the most random times and would be your number 1 pick if you were to say go on 'who wants to be a millionaire' (phone a friend). 
  • He loves red wine and is my favourite person to share a bottle with.
  • He is the life of the party ..all the time and can out dance and out drink most. P.s and by dance, I mean thrash about like a crazy person including spin kicks, windmills and the one footed can can. 
  • His been stabbed - yep. Really. He was young, it was a friends party that got gate crashed and he was the unlucky one that was in the wrong place at the wrong time (war wounds I like to think).
  • His adorable - wait, that's bias but it's still fact.
  • He loves movies. Loves them, and is infamous for his vast movie collection. 
  • He is exceptionally honest, really honest. To the point where if you don't want to know the truth, then don't ask him as he'll always give it to you straight, sometimes too straight.
  • He is hands down one of the funniest people I have ever met. He can make anyone laugh and this is one of my favourite qualities about him.
  • He loves spicy foods. 
So there you have it - hopefully some facts that help you know the guy behind the Mr M name a little better. He has promised he'll contribute to the blog over the next 4 1/2 months so you may just get to see some of the honest and funny side I was talking about after all ...


  1. Mr M sounds like a top bloke. I hope you enjoy your holiday! You have a great blog, I love the quotes I have some of them pinned myself ... Im your newest follower :)

  2. ... and that´s why I wouldn´t be afraid of anything with him ;) You guys must really make a great couple, at least from what I know about you. I like when I guy makes me laugh even if I´m sad or angry at him too. That´s probably the best quality a man can have besided responsibility and other more important ones of course... :D I hope you had a safe flight to UK and I can´t wait to hear (or read) everything about your Europe adventure with your super hero :)
    xx Eve.h

  3. He sounds like an interesting guy, too bad he's taken! Enjoy your trip and keep us updated, pleeease.

  4. Mr M definitely sounds like a great fellow adventurer. I totally identify with several of the facts listed. In particular, I'm with him on the hate for raw tomatoes and the love for dogs :)

  5. Hi sweets! How exciting that you're finally on your way! You must be over the moon. Or really tired at this point. Not quite sure. Probably a combo of the two things, right? Loved getting to know more about Mr M. He sounds like your perfect match. Can't wait to follow along on your journey :) xoxo

  6. Hi dear, This is such a sweet ode to Mr M! he sounds great and seems to be the perfect other half to you! Wishing you well on your exciting adventure!! may it be everything that you dreamed of and more, I hope you have tons of fun and look forward to seeing all the pics and hearing all the interesting travel tales you will have. Have an amazing time!

  7. What an amazing man to be embarking on such a great adventure with - gotta love our Aussie guys! look forward to meeting you both somewhere in the world one day... hope the flight wasn't too bad and have fun exploring London today xx

  8. He sounds amazing. Enjoy each moment! :)

  9. He sounds like a great person to have around. I don't think Patrick would let me do a post like this! One day...

  10. I LOVE MR M! (yes, I just shouted that). The bestest boy for the bestest girl. Love you guys xoxo
