
23 July 2012

Pinterest Loves

Life feels surreal at the moment, truly surreal. Mr M & I are now at the countdown of 9 days until our trip of a lifetime, and to give you an idea of how quick that will go, by this Friday - when we officially finish work - we will only be 5 sleeps away. We can't help but guessing what it will be like the night before we fly out, maybe sleepless, we're sure lot's of smiles and excitement and more than likely a few glasses of red wine - although champagne may be on the agenda for me. We have our going away party this weekend and are so looking forward to sharing some of this excitement with our nearest and dearest. I'm actually still trying to quell nerves and just let excitement be my only emotion at the moment but letting go of the fact that I ultimately am adventuring worlds unknown with almost no control over what can happen isn't as easy as it sounds. I'm so lucky however to be doing this adventure with not only my partner but my best friend - Mr M. We really are a great team and I know that through any stresses or frustrations - which are all part of the experience - at least we have each other. In spirit of being this close to our Europe travels, I have naturally been pouring over Europe'esque inspired Pinterest photos and bring them to you today. Wish me luck as I try to sleep for the next 9 days xx

psst - you can follow all my boards & inspirations here

What to Pack. WHATTT the hell do I pack? No seriously. I pretty much have it all under control I don't have a clue where to start, and have even been putting off writing my to do list of what to pack as I'm a little overwhelmed that I can only cram 20kg of clothes for 4 1/2 months in to my backpack. Inspiration like the below is helping tremendously though.

I think another equally important decision I need to make before the weeks out is just what exactly I'll be wearing on the plane. We'll be travelling 19 hours all up (+ an hour stop over in Dubai) so I want to be travelling comfortably but of course I still want to look half decent. I LOVE this whole outfit + handbag ideas come Wednesday when we're boarding that plane at 6am - have I mentioned how excited I am? 

Mr M & I have a plan to watch the sunrise & sunset in 10 different countries - & share it with you all of course! - Pictures like these from Santorini inspire like no other. Our fav thing to do in Perth is to go on breakfast dates together so I picture waking up with the sunset, then sitting in the warm sun eating our brekky talking about just what an amazing experience this really is

Mr M & I call ourselves the back street travelers. We can't wait to ditch maps and just get lost. Give us tiny holes in the walls type restaurants playing traditional music and serving generous servings with the locals ANY day of the week. 

When we were planning our big trip we sat together with a bottle of red wine & wrote out things we knew we couldn't NOT do. Things like ski in Switzerland, do a cooking class in Italy, and of course, kiss under the eiffel tower. Lame? Yes, but something special to us? Absolutely. Here's hoping there's a weird kind of hue like in this photo when we see the mighty piece of infrastructure for the first time eeeeeeee.

Something we're both REALLY looking forward to is walking the 5 towns of Cinque Terre. We know there was a devastating flood not too long ago so know it won't look like it's former glory but are still looking forward to it all the same. 


  1. These are such great tips and you're going to have so much fun! I love the pics and 19 hours is a long travel time so it's good you're planning ahead


    1. Yes its funny, the words came out of my mouth the other day 'oh gosh Im not going to have enough time on the plane' HA..I want to read, but have movies to watch, journalling to do. I hope I can keep myself distracted but I think I have it covered :) xx

  2. omigoodness! i just read about your amazing adventure that you are about to embark on! how exciting! the nights before are going to be restless and sleepless due to excitement for sure!!! im so jealous, but cant wait to hear about it and see pics. will you be blogging or taking the time to soak it all in ?

    im a new follower :)

    fly far blog

    1. Hi Miyan, welcome to the blog!! :) I will be blogging while I'm away but only when I feel like it or have time - which I think will be often. We told family as well that instead of sending tonnes of emails seperatley, they can all come on the blog to see where we are and what we're doing at any given time :) Thanks for following, I'll be sure to stop by your blog :)

  3. Great clothing tips and I´m sure as long as you keep it simple and versatile there won´t be any problem with the 20 kg limit. One thing I would advise for the plane (even though I´ve never flown) is a pair of warm socks. I heard it´s really useful especially when you fly for a long time. 9 days left, that´s really very close and I believe you´re getting nervous. Don´t worry I´m sure you and Mr M will be more than fine and I look forward to all your Europe adventures.
    xo Eve.h

    1. Eve you won't believe this, but a good friend who just got back from a 6 week trip gave us the exact same advice only yesterday!! And we actually bought our socks for the plane ride tonight :) So rest assured your advice is being taken up as well and we'll be clean sock'ing it on the plane (apparently it makes you feel fresh!) xx

  4. Good news: the weather is finally getting better! This week is expected to reach 30 degrees in Amsterdam! As for packing: shirts, jumpers, jackets, shorts, jeans, easy scarves and you'll be fine :). Am excited for you guys! xoxo

    1. YAYYYYYYYY :) This is soooo exciting :) I hope it keeps up. We're in the UK as of next Wednesday for 2 weeks then straight to Amsterdam so I'll hope that it is still warm! xx

  5. Wow, what a trip!! You're so lucky!! ;-))

  6. Another amazing post lovely! Can't wait to keep up with your travels via all your pics! Love the outfit and packing planning, well done! don't forget those harem pants, they are a must have for long plane trips! And so true what you say about forgetting the map and getting lost, the little, traditional places are always the best! ahhh not long now, how exciting :-)

    1. Thanks bella!! You terrible am I .. BUT I HAD FORGOTTEN THEM!!! gah. They were sitting in the top of the cupboard. YOu need to keep these random reminders up pleaseeeee haha xx

  7. great photos! lovely post! Have a wonderful trip!
    Please support my up and coming blog about life and fashion in Los Angeles by following it on Bloglovin ;) I can follow you back if you want ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  8. Great blog. I am now following you via Bloglovin'!

  9. Hi hun, I can't believe that you only have 9 days to go!! So exciting! Will you be blogging about your travels while you are away? I think your choice of travel outfit is absolutely perfect, comfortable and chic as well. Ahh the photos are so dreamy, sometimes I wonder if the people who actually live in these exotic locations find it as beautiful and magical as we do, or is it just simply 'home' to them?

    1. Hi sweets - Iknow its all so soon now - and after getting lots done last night, I almost feel 100% ready. Just have some more washing to do then PACK! eek. I am blogging while we're away, I couldn't not - I'd be lost without my writing .. it's such a great outlet for me. Morgs & I have also said we're going to use the blog as the space that family can visit to find out where we are and what we're doing!! Instead of sending out long emails every few days :) So you'll still be able to get your daily dose, it will just be travel involved now!! eeeeeek xx

  10. Lovely photos! I also have pinterest!


  11. 20kg's in the summer should be eaaaaaasy! I think as long as you have 2 weeks worth of outfits, you should be fine. I'm sure you know all about finding stuff that is versatile.... a lot of afternoons will turn into evenings!

    That flying outfit.....amazing. I used my flying outfit as my traveling outfit between washed alot but guaranteed comfort! x

    1. Ahhh so it turns out it IS easy. I have officially packed and its only 13kg...butttt I am going to go through and do a huge cull as my backpack is chocker block and if I even bought one thing it wouldnt fit eek p.s we just bought vaccuum seal packs today so hopefully that helps a little too haha x

  12. again thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog about the sumemr inspiration.

    I wish you good luck with packing, and hope you 'll enjoy your stay in Europe ;)
    You have to visit Antwerp (Belgium) ;) haha

