
10 July 2012

Our beautiful earth

Do you ever just stop? To smell the roses, to take a deep breathe of clean air, to say thank you to mother earth for all that she does and all that she is? Me either, which in no way am I proud to say. I know first hand however, just how easy it is to forget how lucky we are to be living and breathing on this big beautiful earth. It's no wonder either - whilst not only trying to pursue our own happiness, we can be hit with daily obstacles, struggles and distractions which consume our lives, all of our minutes in all of our days. But whilst we're battling our own struggles and celebrating our triumphs, mother earth is out there, in all her beautiful glory, day in day out - for us. Living and breathing, providing us with scenery that no movie could ever compete with, oceans that no pools will ever compare to, and moments such as sunrises and sunsets that no money can ever buy. So as you are rushing through your busy day today, stressing about that deadline you might not meet, getting frustrated over the plans that might fall through and flicking through websites without really stopping to absorb, take a second to be grateful for this extraordinary world we live in that provides us with all we really need to live - air, water and time.... to love and live.

I found all of these beautiful photographs from this website ... there are so so many more, so if you'd like to soak up some more beauty then pop on over there.


  1. I love spending time with little kids. They take their time doing things and if you are able to stop and go at their speed, you too will notice all the fasinating things going on.

    So what I'm trying to say is, we're all living at 110km/h but really, we need to focus on going 40km/h (something I learned through mindfulness) :)

    1. What a beautiful thought! Kids really do marvel at life way more. That's why I love hanging out with Delilah - she giggles and laughs at everythingggg at marvels at the simplest of things. I agree though - living at 40km/h might make us all a little more calm :)

  2. I love mother nature. I try to appreciate its beauty everyday in smelling the roses and stopping to pause. Beautiful photos

  3. Wow! We are indeed living in a beautiful planet! Oh my golly, the photos are breathtaking. I do hope people would appreciate nature more and have the initiative to take good care of it.

  4. I appreciate our mother earth in my own way. I love cherry blossoms every spring, warm breeze in Summer, colourful leaves in fall and falling snowlflakes in winter. I just wish people would realize they are only guests here and treat our planet with more respect!
    xoxo Eve.h

    1. I love that you love cherry blossoms as I get to see them all through your blog - they are sooo beautiful. You're so right though Eve. We are merely guests on this planet and need to start treating it with a little more respect xx

  5. What a beautiful post is a big true that we don't appreciate what we have around us, lovely words and pictures specially the waterfall one.

  6. You are so right dear! as always your posts are so inspirational and very true! people have to stop stressing and worrying and once in a while just look around!The world is so, so beautiful!



  7. Beautiful images...somthing to appreciate! Hope you feel better soon. Loads of tea :) xoxo

    1. You're right on the money there lovely - hot water & lemon & cups of tea (with honey) is all that I can seem to stomach recently! xx

  8. Hey there lovely, I actually do stop and take it all in. I don't drive, so I end up walking every where and because we live close to the city I prefer to walk in rather than catch the bus. And just today as I was walking home in the rain and cold, I just felt so happy! I thought to myself, if I drove, I probably wouldn't do this a lot. Just to feel the wind on your face, yes it's freezing but it's just beautiful and refreshing.

    PS Anna, thank you so much for the beautiful comment you left on my blog, I wanted to reach out and give you a hug! If you're ever in Canberra or Sydney again let me know. And if I come up your way I'll be sure to get in touch :)

    1. VANISHA!!! You are amazing. I love that you don't drive - I have been so sick recently but this comment honestly made me stop in awe. I don't think I've ever met anyone who would walk home in the rain and cold and think how lucky they are, what a beautiful soul you have. I would love to be able to do this. I need to work closer to home though - or maybe just move to Canberra! I do love Canberra. I will be looking you up if I am ever that way again, I can see us sharing long chats over warm cups of tea & coffee (with sweets as well!) xx

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! I definitely do take it all in when I'm in a particularly beautiful place. And that's most often in the mountains. The most incredible experience I ever had was driving through the Canadian Rockies for a week. They were so majestic, it was almost too much to take. Their beauty was overwhelming. Thanks for bringing me back there today! :) xoxo

    1. Oh wow you may have just added something to my Bucket list here! Driving through the Canadian Rockies - it sounds so magical and breathtakingly beautiful. It's readers comments like yours that make me realise JUST how big this earth really is and how badly I want to explore ALL of it! xx

  10. What gorgeous words and pictures today! It's so hard to slow and down and appreciate the beauty around us but I do try to find those moments, not every day but as much as possible. I have been blessed to have been to Morraine Lake featured in your second picture, it was breathtakingly gorgeous!

    1. Ahh Cara how jealous I am - but in a nice jealous way haha I can't believe you've actually been to Morraine Lake - I hope to get there one day! :) x

  11. OMG these pics are simply perfect!!!!
    New post on my blog too, check it out and let me know your opinion!

  12. wow! those photos are amazing! great post!

    Please support my up and coming blog about life and fashion in Los Angeles by following it on Bloglovin ;) I can follow you back if you want ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  13. No doubt it's a beautiful place to live in!

  14. These shots are miraculous, aren't they -but you're right, we need to stop and appreciate it and protect our world more
