
1 June 2012

5 Great articles for Mind/Body/Spirit Wellbeing

Another week has come & gone and as I say au revoir to my working days and bonjour to the long weekend I am  not sure whether I want to drink a whole bottle of red and put my dancing shoes on or slip in to my pj's and sleep the weekend away, it really has just been one of those weeks. A week though, might I had, that has possibly been the most exciting and busiest one of my life to date - not counting the week that I finished my degree and walked out of my final ever exam and on a plane to Thailand to party & celebrate my brothers 30th birthday - that was bigger than the hangover part 2. With that being said, I thought this week was as good as any to reflect back on my most favourite articles I've written for Possibly Maybe that I like to share on here every Friday also. I'm still loving to learn and grow Possibly Maybe and am determined as ever to make it the number 1 spot to go to in Australia for finding love, advice or even just some great date ideas. Whilst I determine whether it is a party weekend or more of a relaxing kind of weekend here are the words I've written for you, - and will continue to write for you - with love.  I hope you all have a magical weekend. P.s Click on the hyperlinks to take you to each seperate article.

Change vs Growth - a look at the over used term of 'you've changed' used negatively instead of respecting the fact we're all just human beings trying to find our own path in the world. 

Don't write them off just yet - How many people are you passing up by not being open to all the possibilities and opportunities coming your way (just because they don't fit your list that is a mile long?) It might be time to assess that list. Think about it!

To attract a King you have to be a Queen - you give what you get and you attract what you put out. Are you putting out the right energy and behaviour? Maybe not.

Happiness & you - I never claim to be an expert, but this was my little take on living a happier life.

Don't accept shit behaviour - a tough read for those not willing to admit to themselves they might be accepting said shit behaviour but an important read nonetheless. Your happiness, health and fulfillment are so important to leading an amazing life - it starts with expecting the best kind of behaviour from yourself, and your loved ones. 

Respect - 7 words, so many different meanings but I try to sum it up in this article and invoke some more respectful behaviour. Respect and understanding - We all crave it but do we all live and lead by example?

Have you got a favourite article from the above? Or any other advice I've shared on the blog? Id love to hear your own personal favourite pieces of advice you live by in life or love xx

Photo sources 1, 2, 3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. to attract a king you have to be a queen is definitely a quote to remember! we shouldn't expect the best of others if we don't treat them with the utmost respect.

  3. I like every article you write. They are clever, witty and it´s just a pleasure to read them. :) I usually do it in the morning and I love reading your thoughts while drinking hot tea and having breakfast. It always makes my day, so thank you for that. Keep the great blogging work. ;)
    xoxo Eve.h

  4. That "To attract a King you have to be a Queen" article kicks ass! Loved it. I know SO MANY couples that are exactly as you described. It boils down to the law of attraction - what you put out is what you will attract back into your life. Which is why you live such a beautiful life my beautiful girl xoxo

  5. You are such a great blogger :) mixing work and blogging is tough but you manage to do it perfectly! Also I love the "To attract a King you have to be a Queen" article - best!

  6. Love love love your blog!!! I'm a new follower!! Visit my blog, please, and tell me what do you think! xoxo!
