
27 June 2012

My week, with Instagram

I think it's always important to remember to be thankful for the little things that happen in life. I can sometimes get so caught up in daily going on's or big issues at work to forget that life isn't just made up of big obvious moments, but filled with all the little moments that actually make your day too. We're a mere 34 days away from Europe now (I actually don't feel like it's real anymore it's so close) and I'm trying to be aware of living days normally leading up to that not just putting all my focus on the departure date and subsequent adventures.  So here is my list of things I am grateful for that make my life so full and rich...

  • Visiting my sister & almost 1 year old niece and being greeted with a high pitch squeal of delight from Delilah and a big sloppy kiss & cuddle.
  • Going to sleep every night and waking up to next to Mr M every day and knowing just how lucky we are to have one another.
  • Drinking my morning coffee every day whilst getting ready for a job I love.
  • Being able to run and walk every day as a healthy person.
  • For being up early enough to watch a sunrise before work everyday.
  • Having a big girls night in with cocktails & so many laughs.
  • For still getting excited when I pull in to the driveway & seeing Mr M's car knowing his inside.
  • Being surrounded in my life by loving and amazing people.
  • And simply - for being alive, for seeking out joie de vivre moments in everything I do.

What are you most grateful for in your life - those little everyday things that sometimes get forgotten. I'd love to hear them.

1. Watching a particularly beautiful sunrise on one of my morning runs this week.
2. A photo montage of Mr M & I took a photo of to send to Mr M as his currently away working.
3. Writing a handwritten letter to one of my best friends who is on a big amazing trip.
4. Drinking a delicious cocktail that was consumed on a very fun girls night in.
5. Being surprised with a love heart in my coffee when trying a new local bar/restaurant in our area.
6. Watching the sunrise .. again (my favourite part of the day!)

You can follow me on Instagram at lifesshinyprettythings


  1. Sometimes, I have to make an effort to limit the number of Instagram posts I do. I just love Instagram.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Yay for the little things... capturing my daily blessings with Instagram definitely helps keep me appreciative! One of my favorite things is coming home to my cuddly pug every day after work!

  3. The little things are so important! I love reading about yours - sweet.

  4. Beautiful pictures as always :) Your list is very inspiring and I have to say that most of the points are the same as mine ;)

  5. Great post! My husband and I have a cruise planned at the end of the year and I have just been dying to go. I am counting down the days but after reading this I realize that I don't need to just live for that cruise. I need to look forward and be thankful for all of the little things that happen between now and then. Kind of hard to do! Thanks for the reminder though!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. Amy how exciting!!! It reallyyyy is so important to not place all the emphasis on the end goal though which is the trip as I've learnt. Morgs & I have been enjoying the journey towards the trip as much as the thought of the trip itself. The excitement, booking things, daydreaming about it, saving for it - and then living life and in daily moments as we go along :) It is SO hard though - and a cruise sounds amazing. x

  6. Hi dear, this is wonderful and inspiring post, I also need to take time to be thankful for all the good things in my life. Loved the bits of Europe that I got to see now, and spending precious time with my family.

  7. Great list Anna! Such little things that we tend to brush aside yet as you list them one by one, they are so important.

    34 days?? Far too close for my liking!!

  8. that cocktail looks incredible! i need to start writing more hand written letters; they are so important to share with those you love.

  9. beautiful pics, so captivating!

    do you want to follow each other (on bloglovin' and gfc)? let me know.
    see you around!

  10. Instagram is so fun right!
    -Art a la Rue

  11. Amazing photos!
    Following you! Stop by sometimes :)
    Two giveaways on my blog :)

  12. Another beautiful Instagram world! I love your Insta snaps. The drinks look absolutely yammy & I must admit super fancy:)And the sunset over the water...what could be more beautiful and romantic?!



    1. Sunrises and Sunsets are some of my favourite things in the whole world - and the best part? They're free!! x

  13. Love your pictures! I'm thankful for my joy and a resilient spirit!

  14. Hello Anna, it´s important to be grateful and I am for my friends and family, my bf and every beautiful day that I can see :) Hope you´re fine and your week is passing by fast.
    xoxo Eve.h

  15. Sounds like a perfect week!xoxo

  16. Since I've had some health issues this year, I'm just grateful for every day and for the little things which I had previously taken for granted. Those sunrises look beautiful. I've been quite taken with the sunsets in NYC lately cause the colors have been so pretty.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Sunsets in NYC? Sounds like my idea of bliss! I love your grateful list though - I think its the little things that we should be most grateful for as those are the things that fill our lives daily x

  17. My first sip of coffee in the morning, a smile shared with a stranger, stepping into the shower at night, hearing my husbands voice on the phone after a long day of work in Chicago... So many things really. Thanks for making me stop to appreciate them!

    Ps. Totally agree with rolala - the sunsets here are incredible, the sky turns shades of pink, purple and lavender that I've never seen back home!

  18. You guys have a beautiful sunset view. I don't think I'm ever up early enough for that.
