
13 October 2011

The right hair colour for you

I am so guilty of having bad hair colour in my short 23 year lifetime. In fact, even when I am loving my current hair colour, I always want to switch it up. When I'm Blonde, I think about going back to Brunette, and when I'm Brunette I constantly wonder should I go back light. Labelling me massively indecisive wouldn't be a lie is all I'm saying.

I happen to have a hair appointment tomorrow which got me thinking today surprise surprise - what do I want to do with my hair? It then dawned on me. Why not consult the experts a la the big wide web and do some research on what hair colours actually suit my skin tone? After some thorough investigation, I learnt a tonne and want to share this advice with you as think every girl should know it.

Before we begin though, you have to work out which skin tone you are. Warm or Cool. How do I work out my skin tone? Well I'm glad you asked. It's simple - as I found out today!

How to Choose Your Skin Tone

The quickest way to work out if you're warm or cool, is to take a look at the veins in your arms while in natural light - get out there in the sunshine ladies.

  • If the colour of your veins looks green - then you are warm skin toned.
  • If the colour of your veins looks blue - then you are cool skin toned.
So how does this relate to the colour of your hair? It has a massive impact as I also learnt today.

Cool Skin Tones

Avoid too much Yellow in your hair as your hair and skin will begin to blend. Colours that work for you are:

  • Light Ash Blondes
  • Coffee and Cendre/Fawn mid level Blondes
  • Flat Browns
  • Wine, Mahogony and Burgandy reds
  • Aubergine/eggplant and blue/green dark browns and blacks

Warm Skin Tones

Avoid too much Ash in your hair colour as this can make you appear pale and drawn. These colours can work for you.

  • Honey light Blondes
  • Strawberry and golden mid level blondes
  • Warm Chocolate Browns
  • Ginger or Orange based Reds.
  • Dark Browns with a hint of rust.

I wanted to use mostly celebreties as an example of the hair colours for your skin tone as their photos are SO easy to find, so if you are wanting to do a bit more research, it should be easier for you to find photos of colours you like.


  1. i think finding the perfect hair color is a process. and these tips are fantastic! i think i already found my perfect color, but i am still experimenting. i'm thinking maybe there's another color that would work well for me. :)

    <3, Mimi
    Stages of Beauty Giveaway :)

  2. I'm also in the process of thinking about changing my hair color... I might go dark again, but who knows. I'll just let my hairstylist decide for me. :D

  3. Good advice. I also think that if you want to remain looking natural (go bright pink by all means if that's what you want) you shouldn't go further than two shades away from your natural haircolour. Maybe that's just me though ;-)

  4. I have red hair and I would love to switch it up, but it is completely my identity and I feel like I would automatically regret it. Sad face.

  5. Thanks for the great tips. I've never had my hair professionally dyed but always wanted to jazz up my look a bit. Having black hair and olive tone skin makes it hard to pick a color that looks semi natural and good.


  6. It's true that it's very hard to find the right hair color.
    Thank you for sharing this with us :)

  7. in this dilemma all the time! i actually went and had a look at the colour of my veins :P

  8. Hope you´ll be satisfied when you get home from the hairdresser´s. :) I think you´ll look great with whatever colour. I´m glad I don´t have to dye my hair as I´m a natural redhair. And I´m proud of it ;)

  9. Great post! Thanks for the tips! I have been thinking about changing my's pretty washed out at the moment from all the summer fun in the sun.

    ♥ Shia

  10. big props to you for even dying your hair!! im too chicken!

  11. Oh, how I could have used this post as a teenager. I had so many hair-coloring disasters in my teen years, and once even messed up so badly that my head came out spotted like a leopard. I am so indecisive when it comes to my hair as an adult, too. I even spent 10 years of my teens and 20s as a brassy redhead, before learning about the whole cool skin tone/light skin tone concept (which, of course, prompted me to go natural with ashy highlights)...This really is such an awesome, useful post, Anna! I'm now resisting the urge to dye my hair brown like that last cool-toned color, though. Alas, hair indecision never ends. ;) Have a fabulous weekend! -Jennifer

  12. Really helpful tips!! I'm now in a hair crisis...don't know what to do with's too long, too boring..
    xo, Clochet.

  13. i always have this problem, i get so bored of my hair! right now i have alexa's coloured hair! it needs redying! love your blog :)

  14. I am the exact same way that you are with my hair!! I dyed my hair blonde after wanting it for weeks, and poof--I immediately missed the brown. I chop it all off and all I want are my long locks again. Great post!!
