
24 October 2011

A little thank you

Sometimes in life, you might be young or old, you are blessed enough to find the person who is the ying to your yang - or the fizz to your coke as I like to say. My ying goes by the name of Morgan - or morgs, moose, mulgan, ... anyway. I don't want to turn this in to a little love note, the title does after all say its a little thank you so allow me to get to the point. I was incredibly sick the past few days, & I mean s.i.c.k and as he always just seems to do, Morgan (or as I refer to him in blogland, Mr M) stepped in and became Mr Knight in Shining armour. It doesn't matter how loud I moaned, whimpered in pain, left snotty tissues everywhere, got grumpy at him because he was the only person to take anything out on, he was there for me for all of it. That's the thing about Morgan though, he always is. Even when I had major (m.a.j.o.r) corrective jaw surgery he was the one I woke up to holding my hand in intensive care, and was the one who for days, weeks and months after when I couldn't eat properly, talk properly or be a normal human being, let alone great girlfriend - loved me unconditionally.

So even though he knows exactly how grateful I am and how much I love him after four and a half years, and even though Morgan is Morgan so he probably won't even read this it's here to say Thank you for taking care of me when I'm sick - but most of all thank you for being a man of honour, respect, and for loving me with all of my imperfections.

Who are you thankful for in your life?

p.s I never rarely share personal photos but realised today that life is here to be shared and all of my favourite blogs are the ones where they're the most personal so I thought I would share with you in honour of this post some of our favourite shots.


  1. oh it was very touching! I admit that it's important to say thank you even though you know they will never read this haha.
    I'm thankful to my boyfriend who's also always there for me and who has made incredible sacrifices for us!
    Great post I enjoyed reading it and you're very lucky to have Mr M by your side :)

  2. Oh Anna, this is so sweet. I mean not only this post but even Mr M´s taking care of you. I´m grateful to my mom who´s my rock and to my boyfriend who he saw me when I was invisible for everyone else. To your comment on my blog, we have zumba here to I just chose flirt dance because I like feeling like a woman. xoxo Eve

  3. Awww...this was a very sweet note to him. Awesome that you found someone that is so awesome and thanks for sharing. Visiting your blog for the first time and I like the personal touches!

  4. This brought tears to my eyes... how special. Mr. M rocks!

  5. You two are such a cute love birds. This is such a sweet post. xoxo

  6. VERY sweet! My man made it onto my blog today too! Great post~

    - vanessa (the gal)

  7. Aww, you two are so cute!

  8. Wow, you're a lucky girl! Morgan sounds like an absolute sweetheart. :) I'm very sorry to hear you were sick for such a long time, but it made me smile to know you had such a wonderful person taking care of you!

    And I must say that after seeing how gorgeous you are, Morgan is a pretty lucky guy himself! ;)

  9. So sweet :) You two are a gorgeous couple!

  10. I love that you shared this, Anna! Not only are these photos the sweetest (I mean, come on, that last one of you two gave me chills), and not only does it sound like Mr. M was the best nurse possible while you were sick, but it is also so abundantly clear that you two have such a beautiful appreciation for one another. As you know, I am so thankful for my hubby in this way, but it really is impossible to say "thank you" enough for the things our partners bring into our lives. We really are two lucky girls, and I agree with comments above about the fact that Mr. M is one lucky guy too. Have a wonderful start to the week, and I hope you're feeling all better! :) -Jennifer

  11. This post is so sweet, shows you are a beautiful persons :)


  12. This post is lo lovely and so sweet!! It brings you near to your readers...Very cute photos!
    xo, Clochet.

  13. Ohhhhh beautiful! The picture in the pool is so romantic!


  14. Great blog! Love your writing!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  15. So adorable! Brought a tear to my eye! xx

  16. So lovely Anna! The photos of you two are just gorgeous. I'm thankful for my fabulous husband who is my rock no matter what, my mum for being an inspiration and my sister for her wisdom...

  17. How cute - lovely post
    He sounds like a keeper !

  18. Awwww, so sweet!! You two are adorable. Hope you're feeling much better now!

  19. Great post Anna. Loved it! And we love Morgs! Can't wait to photograph you two & capture some of that amazing love you share xoxo

  20. I love this post. I think it's awesome to just say 'thank you' to the ones you love everyonce in a while.
    I'll also be stealing your line "the fizz to my coke." :)

  21. I absolutely love the girl! It's lovely and real-and I'm so glad you have Mr. M, morgs, Morgan to take care of you when you're feeling down!


    Erin @

  22. Super cute!! So sweet to see two people so in love! Would love for you to check out my blog at xx

  23. I am kind of jealous, but I am so very very happy for you too as well. <3 you deserve it girl


  24. fantastic pics!!i'm following you!!if you like mine, do the same!!!!

  25. so cute! And thanks for your sweet email. Sure, I'd love to follow each other. I'll start.

  26. This post is so sweet, I really understand your feelings, I have same ones for my fiancé :) it was nice to see your comment in my blog, andy now on, I'll be your new follower. ;) have a nice week! xoxo

  27. Beautiful post, hose pictures of you two are lovely!
