
25 September 2011

My current crushes

There is nothing like some time away from your city to make you realise how much you love home and everything and everyone that comes along with it. I've just gotten back from a work trip that kept me two weeks away from my cloud  bed, bf, cat, friends (not in that order) - and my little comforts that make Perth my favourite place to be. It's been so nice to get back in to my routine with friends over for boozy days and foody nights, bridge walks, lunch dates and of course couch time with Mr M. Something I didn't think I'd miss as much as I did was my office - It's far from being finished, but turns out I missed having my own work space so here is what I'm currently crushing inspired from new additions to my little office space. I promise to share the completed office once I have finished!

[ New York & London signs that are waiting to be hung up ]

[ 3 wise owls that sit under my window sill ]

[ My finished inspiration board that hosts all things I love currently ]

[ My costume jewellery tree that is the latest addition to the office - it has it's own little table & all ]


  1. Do you have an owl thing too. If so, please tell me you've watched "Offspring" and live through the lives of the Proudmans as I have last season? This comment would be totally random if you don't even know who they are but I just thought given our cosmic connection a la B1 and B2, I might have hit something there!

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    flying the colours of the wind

  2. Haha. I've got an owl thing too! I can't explain why, but I just love them.

  3. Anna

    I love your wise owls they are sooo cute and your inspiration board is amazing.

    Sorry you had to be away from the things you love when you are away and you're right it does makes you appreciate home more.

  4. Completely adoring those owls, they are adorable! I'm seeing owl accessories everywhere - they are so popular all over the globe :) Can't wait to see your completed office!


  5. I am right there with you in terms of craving the comforts of home at the moment. (I've been visiting my husband's family in Canada for the past week, and I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night, wake up in my own time zone the next morning, and work in my own space without a five year old climbing all over me/my computer like a jungle gym.) There really is no place like home, and I must say the little snippets of your private office are looking lovely. I have always been a big fan of inspiration boards, and I can't wait to see your inspired space when it's all done. Have a lovely start to the week, my dear! -Jennifer

  6. whoa, jewelry tree? that's awesome idea. will work on something to left for hangin' when my room gets revamped very soon.



  7. Ahh those little owls are Soooo cute!! I love that you have an inspiration board..what a great idea! Do you have a Pinterest account? I bet you would love it if your dont.

    Annnd of course I am diggin the jewelry tree! Fun post Anna :)

  8. I wanna have those pictures and the jewelry tree! :D

    I gave you an award on my blog, you can check it out here:

  9. Hi Anna, and thank you for the lovely comment and following my little blog. I´m very very pleased you like it. I like the board of inspiration I used to have something similar it´s a great thing to do. I think that it´s nice to show the others your creativity somehow. I look forward to seeing your office complete. xoxo Eve

  10. Lovely pictures!The owls are so cute and I'm loving the jewelry tree!

  11. love your pics and your blog is amazing!!!!
    I'm a new follower of you
    you may follow me back if you want to

  12. Love the owls and your collage is amazing!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm a new follower of you
    you may follow me back if you want to

  13. I love your jewelry stand! I've been trying to figure out the best way to store my jewelry for a while now. Thanks for the great post.

    PS I'm now a follower :)

  14. love! i wish i had space to decorate.

    xx from hong kong :)

  15. omg those owls are adorable!

    great deco love!

    :) everything looks so vintage
    love it!


  16. Love your inspiration board!


  17. i DEFINITELY understand the feeling, however it took me moving around several times to realize how much I just wanted to live in my home town! still working on getting back there!


  18. Love your inspiration board! I've been wanting to make one....

  19. i LOVE those owls - just saw a similar pair at home goods i was so close to getting
