
23 August 2011

A beautiful soul - it's hard to say goodbye

[ He was & always will be my hero ]
I haven't posted in a number of days so this post is to explain why, to apologise but also I suppose share some of my pain. I thought about writing this post all day and kept thinking no, it wouldn't be right. But then I got to thinking, we share everything happy and exciting but hold back things that are hurtful and sad when in fact sometimes sharing hurtful and sad things can make it feel a little better - you don't have to carry the burden all by yourself anymore.

I was heartbroken Friday afternoon when I received a call to race to the hospital to say goodbye to my Pop. It was sudden and un expected. I got there when he was still lucid and was able to spend some precious hours with him saying goodbye, telling him I loved him and saying what an amazing male role model he'd been in my life. He passed away Saturday morning.

My gorgeous Nana had only passed away less than 2 years ago also very suddenly and unexpectedly so this was a huge blow to me and the whole family. Pop was the rock of our family, who gave SO much to all of us always, and never expected anything back. He gave the best advice of anyone I know and had the most incredible bear hugs that would make you feel like you were safe. He loved the West Coast Eagles and was never shy to give me 'heaps' for supporting Freo Dockers. He was and will forever be remembered as a gentleman in the truest form, and a man of great gratitude & gentleness. He taught our family the importance of love and respect and for that I'll be eternally grateful. He lived a full life that was full of love but it doesn't stop the heartbreak of loosing him and the fact I'll miss him forever.

So there it is, I wanted to share what an amazing, incredible and inspiring man my Pop was and not just keep his legacy to myself.

If your lucky to still have your grandparents, hug them a little tighter next time you see them and listen to their advice a little closer, they're lifes greatest treasures & they will leave a huge gap in your life when they're gone.

Say hello to Nana for me Pop xxxxx


  1. Dear Anna,
    I want to thank you for sharing this.
    I'm not sure how to put into words what I feel after reading this post except to say that I'm grateful that you decided to share.
    Know you and your Pop are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. so sorry for your loss

  3. Hi Anna,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You are so right in the end of your text when you suggest that we should hug our grandparents more:) Unfortunately, I lost my 2 grandpas very early, but my two grandmothers are with us and I love them so much!

    (thank you very much for visiting me:))

    Stories and Sequins

  4. Awww, Anna..
    I'm so sorry.
    I am really close with my grandpa who has been battling some health issues lately. I can definitely feel for you and how hard this experience must be for you. But you're right, you don't have to be alone. You don't have to keep in those things that really hurt, because you've created a safe place for yourself with supportive friends.
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your pop.

  5. this is a truly beautiful and powerful tribute. He would be insanely proud. thanks for another wonderful post. Stop by to see pics from my latest outfit post and my newest accessory obsession. xoxo

    Don't forget to follow on twitter for all the latest fashion gossip from an LA stylist.!/FashBoulevard

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I'm sure he would be proud if he saw your post! I'm glad you decided to share this story, I'll be thinking of you :)


    Fashion Fractions

  7. I'm sorry about your loss, and I just wanted to let you know that I'll keep you in my prayers for your strength

  8. Anna, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. What a truly moving post.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.


  9. Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you.

  10. Oh hun, I know exactly how you feel. I only just lost my grandma last year and I still haven't really gotten over it. The difference with you is that my grandma lived in another country and I never had the chance to frequently say how much I really loved her...and I guess I will never get to. She too was very wise and knowledgeable and so selfless. I just wish I had the chance to give back double what she gave to me. If this makes you feel any better, just remember this you were blessed to have the chance to share so many beautiful memories with your granddad, that some never had so use his wise words to always guide you and console you. My thoughts are with you and the family xox

    Urban art + street fashion addict:

  11. Anna! This is such a touching post and it really teared me up! I never had a chance to see my grandparents from both sides of my parents as they all passed away before I was born. Your pop sounds like such a wonderful gentlemen and I admire someone who spend their life doing good for their families and you're so lucky to have him in your life. I'm sure you will treasure all the memories of him! I'm sending you lots of hugs! xoxoxoo

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. <3 My prayers are with you and your family!

    <3 Kelly

  13. Really just beautifull photo's you have of them..

  14. Am so sorry for your loss - my thoughts are with you. Hold your happy memories close to your heart and try to remember to smile at least once a day - it will get easier eventually x

  15. A million times thank you for all your lovely comments - it honestly helped me get through my week.


  16. Those are amazing pictures that definitely capture the greatness of a wise man. I am sure he was an amazing person and it is always hard to say goodbye. Have a wonderful day.

    XO Hilary

  17. aww my heart hruts. i dint think the first time i visited your blog i was going to tear up. grandparents are so special, especially poppops. i wish mine was around to hug.


  18. My Papa passed away this morning, so I know how you feel.
