
24 May 2011

Getting Older

I have this theory that I will be the exception to the rule when it comes to accepting age as I get older, as I honestly just love birthdays so much. The odd thing is, I can't necessarily point out amazing memories that have shaped the love I do have for them - it's just that I do. 

If I had to pinpoint it though I my guess is that it probably boils down to me loving to have a good time AND organising events. In light of this, I got thinking about all my previous birthdays and the fun & memories I've had or created. I've gone & fished out a photo from each birthday from the past 4 years to share with you.


This was a wine tour I did as a joint birthday with my girlfriend. The theme was sports (did I mention I do love a good dress up) & it really was a day of absolute drinking & mischievous madness!


My 22nd happened to fall exactly 32 days after my major jaw reconstruction surgery I had so I was still swollen & couldn't eat solids but neither that, nor the grey sky could stop me from having fun! Turning 22 was certainly a memorable year and I celebrated it down at the South Perth foreshore with a bbq, booze & close friends.


The memorable 21st!! I had picked the theme "When I grow up" as this was the year after all I would officially be considered an adult. Friends & family had to come in costumes of what they had said they wanted to be when they grew up when they were a kid. Although admittedly my memory is a little hazy (too much champagne & all) I do remember that it was one of the most fun nights ever.
This particular birthday was celebrated at the infamous Metro's freo - aka the big house. Frequented well before we were legal (um uh I know) Metros was notorious for big, boozy nights and really - what else would I have wanted when I was 20?

[ This photo shows me pre jaw surgery as well ]

So here is too all the memories my friends & family have helped me create the past 23 birthdays (snapshot of them above) & here's to many more to come!

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